Mosques Encouraged to Go Green
Apply for the Adamah Climate Action Fund!
Celebrate the Season of Creation
Extreme Heat Across the Country: How to Protect Your Community
Why Reading Books on Climate Change Is Important for Children
Children, Youth, and Future Generations
National Faith + Climate Forum Unites Over 1,400 Participants to Strengthen Congregations Through Creation Care
That’ll Preach!
Celebrating Earth Day
We Cannot Fast from Clean Air
Introduction: New Intern Eric Márquez
Voting Creation Care as an Act of Faith
The Time is Now for the ‘Election Sermon’
You Are Invited to the 2024 National Climate and Faith Forum
While an Agreement is Reached, Much Work Remains to Mitigate Climate Change
31 US Denominations and Religious Groups Launch ONE HOME ONE FUTURE Campaign for Congregations Nationwide
Trabajar por la justicia climática requiere valentía
Ambrose Carroll of Green The Church, An Interview
One Home One Future
Centering Love
A Black Woman’s Faithful Heart Inspires Action
Trying to Breathe
Our Ocean
Introducing BT Climate Justice Fellow Priscilla Martínez
Preaching, Teaching, and Leading on Climate
Momma Bears For Climate Action
Get Green to Go Green
The Clean Water We All Deserve
Putting our Money Where our Mouth Is
Heed Your Sacred Call to Lead on Climate
Words to Understand Climate and Faith
Faith Can Transform the Climate Movement
One World
2023, The year for climate action!
White House Meeting
A School Bus for Kivalina, AK: The Consequences of Climate Change
How Creation Care Fared at COP27
When the Land Owns Us
Voting as an Act of Faith
Sometimes “Buongiorno!” in the forest supports mental health
Season of Creation
Major Jewish Organizations Form Coalition To Act On Climate Crisis
Environmental Justice: Youth Taking Action
Kentucky Flooding and Climate Change
Environmental Justice: Science and Theology
Clergy Bridging the Gap
Environmental Justice: An Advocate’s Triumph
Juneteenth and Climate Justice
Uniquely Equipped
Breathing with God
Every Day is a Holy Day-By: Martina Manzone
Farming, Climate and Judaism
Privileged to Grieve
In her session at the 2022 American Climate Leadership Summit, Coping with ecoGrief: What It Is, How to Cope, Hannah Malcolm explained that unlike other stressors, there is no closure for the anxiety and grief we have due to the…
Praising God Through Climate Action
This year, for the first time since 1991, Muslims, Jews, Christians, Sikhs, Baha’is, Hindus, Buddhists and Indigenous nations observed holy days in the same month as Earth Day. Many religious people are actively living out their faith through climate action.…
American Climate Leadership Summit 2022 A Must-Watch Faith and Climate List
American Climate Leadership Summit 2022 National Faith and Climate Must-Watch List The National Faith + Climate day of the 2022 American Climate Leadership Summit is over and it was fantastic! And now, each session of the National Faith + Climate…
My Journey with ecoAmerica-Rev. Carol Devine
My relationship with ecoAmerica began when Meighen Speiser contacted me about doing an article on me as a Green Preacher and Green Chalice Minister. That article led to a meeting between the leadership of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)…
Passover Reflection and Climate Action-Rabbi Jennie Rosenn
On Passover we recount the story of our people’s journey out of mitzrayim – narrow places. It is a story of struggle, a story of organizing to take on powerful forces, and a story of liberation. Recently, I’ve been reflecting…
Partner Blog- Climate summit speakers urge churches to act now — and act like a jazz band
United Church of Christ and Blessed Tomorrow offer ways to respond to dire climate report
by Hans Holznagel | Originally published United Church of Christ News on Mar 7, 2022 Find the original post HERE. The world just got its most urgent warning yet about rising temperatures and the suffering they will cause. Earth’s climate…
“Eating Our Way Toward Climate and Racial Justice” Now Available with Karyn Bigelow, Co-Executive Director, Creation Justice Ministries
Recording Now Available: “Eating Our Way Toward Climate and Racial Justice” with Karyn Bigelow, Co-Executive Director, Creation Justice Ministries Watch the full Let’s Talk Climate recording here. Join us for ecoAmerica Webcast series, “Let’s Talk Climate.” ecoAmerica is hosting fast-paced discussions…
Fusion Later- Fusion Now-People coming together for climate solutions
Fusion Later- Fusion Now Fusion: noun, the coming together of two or more distinct elements to form a new entity. The use of fire for energy emerged sometime around 200,000 years ago. Maybe for cooking, for warmth, light, heat, or…
Presbyterians are getting ready to inspire climate change action
Ambassador training will ‘empower and equip you’ Originally posted HERE by Darla Carter | Presbyterian News Service Photo by Tiago Aleixo via Unsplash LOUISVILLE — If you want to become better equipped to educate others about climate change, now is…
Pursuing Environmental Justice on MLK Day- By Rev. Teresa Hord Owens
Pursuing Environmental Justice on MLK Day- Guest Blog The article below was originally posted on Creation Care Alliance of Western NC Website in 2019, we hope that on this day celebrating the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King…
200 Bright Lights for this Season-Announcing Blessed Tomorrow’s Faith Organization Directory
200 Bright Lights for this Season Over 200 organizations are sharing their light in this Season. Find them in the Directory of Faith and Climate Organizations. In my faith tradition we celebrate the entrance of God’s light and renewed presence…
Blessed Are Those Who Also Mourn-Words on Eco Grief
Thanksgiving, Manna, and “Just Enough”: Exodus 16:13-21- Rev. Dr. Leah Schade
Written by Rev. Dr. Leah Schade- First appeared on Eco Preacher Blog on Ideas for reading and preaching Exodus 16:31-21 for a Thanksgiving sermon or reflection. This is part of the EcoPreacher 1-2-3 series to equip pastors and church…
Taking Off the World’s Armor
Taking Off the World’s Armor- Rev. Carol Devine Ephesians 6.10-20 I will never forget my son’s 3rd birthday when he received the first of many sets of batman pajamas. The pjs were gray with the bat symbol emblazoned across his…
Beyond Apology: Bringing Communities Together to Call for Collective Action
California Faith Group Leads Advocacy Against Impacts of Climate and Air Pollution
International Climate Report is Dedicated to an Evangelical Christian
Hear the Call: Climate Action Now
*This blog was original shared by Dayenu, A Jewish Call to Climate Action Dayenu leaders kicked off a month of action, in concert with the celebration of the Jewish new year, with the call of the shofar in Maine, Milwaukee,…
Presbyterian Hunger Program Offers New Resource on Environmental Justice and Dismantling Structural Racism
The Moment Is Now to Take Faithful Action for Climate Solutions
Ready for the Storm: Building Faithful Climate Resilience
Chances are that your faith community has been involved in disaster response, whether as an impacted community or in service to others. But is your faith community preparing for the stronger intensity and frequency of disasters brought on by climate…
Matot-Masei: The Land is Our Mother
Climate Change IS a Concern for Faith Communities in North Carolina
Individual Climate Action Matters: Inspiring Solutions at Scale By Doing Our Part
Individual action matters and builds momentum for systemic change that will address climate change. This was the topic of discussion on our latest Blessed Tomorrow Let’s Talk Climate episode, “Sacred Home: Creating Shelter, Building Resilience, and Living Carbon Neutral”. We…
Blessed Are Those Who Mourn: Congregational Support for Eco-Grief
Join Us: National Faith and Climate Forum at ACLS 2021
Coming out of a year of multiple crises and a decisive election, 2021 is our moment to forge a path forward to a stable climate starting with ambitious American leadership on solutions. The American Climate Leadership Summit (ACLS 2021), celebrating…
Local Action, National Purpose: Five Ways To Take Action Now on Climate
Faith communities around the world are becoming more vocal and visible on climate change, elevating it as a moral issue. We can see this in the faith leaders and faith institutions who signed on to our coalitions’ MomentUs statement, calling…
Tikkun Olam: Called to Restore a Broken World
Blessed Tomorrow Leadership Circle Executive Committee Chair, the Rev. Dr. Jim Antal, gave a powerful post-inauguration sermon recently that we are sharing for your reflection and encouragement. Rooted in his own Christian tradition, Rev. Antal ties biblical stories to the…
Recording Available: Make Me An Instrument of Peace, Bring People Together to Care For Creation
Solving climate change requires us to work together in order to succeed in healing our communities and our planet. But in such a polarized environment, we often don’t know how to bridge the divide. Civil discourse shows us a path…
Blessed Tomorrow Launches Unety Program for Houses of Worship
Providing Access to Financing and Vetted Contractors to Achieve Environmental Commitments Is your house of worship looking to finance critical repairs, upgrades, energy efficiency, or clean energy projects? Blessed Tomorrow knows it’s not always easy to come by advantageous capital…
Recording Available: Faith (and Climate) in the Voting Booth
Should we keep our faith and our politics separate? Is climate change a faith issue? There’s no doubt that faith communities in America will play a critical role in the 2020 elections. Our ability to care for Creation, as well…
Introducing ecoAmerica’s Webcast Series: LET’S TALK CLIMATE
The must-attend, go-to webcast discussion for the most current and best thinking on climate change ecoAmerica is introducing Let’s Talk Climate to provide guidance and support to climate activists as they seek to expand public support and political resolve for equitable and…
Inescapable Lessons Offer Invaluable Opportunities – Earth Day 50th & COVID19
People of Faith Activate for Earth Day’s 50th Anniversary
For many of us, Earth Day is a pleasant memory from elementary school where our class went to pick up garbage from a park or plant trees near the playground. But beginning in 1970, in response to significant environmental challenges…
6 Lessons Coronavirus Can Teach Us About Climate Change
Earth Day 2020 comes at a tumultuous time. COVID-19 has upended our lives. The number of infections keeps soaring world-wide and entire countries are sheltering in place. Out of caution, many are keeping physical distance from each other. But out…
Congratulations to the American Climate Leadership Awards Winners!
Thank you to all who joined us at the American Climate Leadership Awards Virtual Ceremony on March 25! Congratulations to the winner, CALPIRG Students, who worked on eight University of California campuses to win a UC-wide commitment to 100% renewable…
American Climate Leadership Summit 2020 Rescheduled
Toward a Blessed 2020 and Beyond
Faith, Health, and Climate: Finding Connections and Building Bridges
American Psychiatric Association Engages Religious Leaders to Address the Climate Crisis
The Moral Imperative to Improve Planetary Health Through Climate Solutions
While there may be different motivations and pathways, studies and scripture have led us to the same conclusion: faith and health leaders alike recognize the urgent moral imperative to act on climate change. People — our friends, families, and neighbors…
Meet Youth Leaders Of The Climate Movement
Nearly a year ago, we published a blog about the Juliana v. U.S. case, in which Juliana plaintiffs list the climate change impacts that will directly affect the life and health of current and future generations. Today, September 20, 2019,…
Inspiration for this Season of Creation
As we experience this 2019 Season of Creation, we take time to reflect on the world we inhabit and our God-given responsibility to steward it. For your contemplation and inspiration, Blessed Tomorrow has gathered together a collection of brief, creation-centric…
When Politics, Science, and Faith Come Together
This blog is a collaboration between the National League of Cities and Path to Positive: For many world religions, a respect for nature and a desire to care for our planet lies at the heart of their practices and rituals.…
Making the Connection: Climate Change Intensifies Every Issue We Already Prioritize
PCUSA Climate Care Challenge
Our daily experience, confirms that these extreme climate events keep taking place with greater frequency and intensity each year. This is threatening our food and energy security…. Climate change represents an imminent threat to balanced and well-adjusted development in our…
Following the Lamp at Our Feet: Combating Climate Change One Step at a Time
The first Bible verse I ever memorized- aside from the Lord’s Prayer- was Psalm 119:105, “Your word is a lamp to my feet, a light to my path.” I meditate on this passage quite often. My understanding of this verse…
Experts say UCC Matters in Fight Against Climate Change
This partner blog was originally published by United Church News, here. The United Church of Christ General Synod took definitive action on climate justice with three resolutions in late June. It endorsed two proposals currently before Congress – the Green New…
Catholic Energies, IGS Solar, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington Partner on Solar Project in Washington, DC
IGS Solar and Catholic Energies will build the largest solar ground array and pollinator field project approved for construction to-date in the District of Columbia for the benefit of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington (CCADW), the organizations jointly…
What in the World are Carbon Offsets?
Have you heard about carbon offsets? They may be just what you and your congregation are looking for in your journey to zero-emissions! The Blessed Tomorrow Carbon Offset Program helps congregations cancel out their emissions. Many of us are familiar…
Nature that Nurtures
The Nature that Nurtures guide, written by Mary Westervelt with layout and graphics by Lauren Diamond, tells the story of how one church, Trinity Presbyterian Church in Berwyn, PA, a certified Earth Care Congregation, began the process of changing their…
Summit for Change and #ActOnClimate
“Europe Becomes First Carbon-Positive Continent; Australia to Follow” “Sahara Desert Becomes World’s Largest Solar Energy Farm” “Pacific ‘Dead Zone’ Dead No Longer, International Clean-Up Efforts Succeed” “Solar Panel Installation, Repair Brings 1.2 Million Jobs to Former Manufacturing Towns” On June…
Little Village Environmental Justice Organization
During the Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP)’s spring advisory committee meeting, we visited one of our newest grant partners, Little Village Environmental Justice Organization (LVEJO) in Chicago. In this predominantly Mexican-American community, their office is located in the Little Village neighborhood…
New Resource Announcement: The Moving Forward Guide
We desire to live out our faith every day and to serve God and work for good, peace and justice in our communities. Now, our work has an added urgency. Climate change, as we now know, is not just a…
UCC Leader to Climate Leaders: The Church is a Steward of God’s Creation
The General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ took the stage at the American Climate Leadership Summit (ACLS19) on Thursday, calling on people of faith to be stewards of, not minions over, God’s creation. The Rev. John C. Dorhauer,…
A Cookie Sale for Planet Earth
For Earth Sunday, Plymouth Church UCC of Shaker Heights, Ohio decided to undertake an activity to demonstrate how everyone—young or old—could do something to care for God’s creation. After worship, they had a cookie sale for planet earth with the…
Next Generation Visualization
Delivered by Shantha Ready Alonso at the 2019 American Climate Leadership Summit. The Visualization was inspired by this year’s Earth Day Resource theme “Next Generation Rises”. Download the resource here. THE BOXLet’s begin by centering ourselves. If you are comfortable closing your…
Blessed Tomorrow Carbon Offset Program
America’s faith communities care about God’s creation and are ready to act on climate solutions. Especially as Earth Day 2019 approaches, houses of worship are increasingly having conversations about climate within their congregations, and there is a robust trust in…
Resources for Refuge
Houses of worship serve as places of sanctuary for us to meet with God and unburden ourselves from our daily troubles. Around the world, when tragedies like war and natural disasters strike, they serve as places of refuge. Having resources…
#ClimateStrike, Earth Day, and Intergenerational Justice
On March 15, 2019, the youth from over 2000 cities around the world went on strike to protest and raise awareness of the unique threat climate change poses to the younger generations. While many of those who benefitted from the…
How One Congregation Responds to God’s Call for Creation Care
As a downtown church, Hillsborough Presbyterian Church has very little green space to work with. Their Earth Care Team, however, is dedicated to maximizing the use and natural beauty of every inch! First certified in 2013 as a PC(USA) Earth…
Trusted Messengers, Trusted Messages
Of the over 327 million people residing in the United States of America, roughly 1 in 4 people — or just over 80.5 million — identify as evangelical Christians. More than half of this group rejects the notion that the…
Presbytery of the Yukon and Caring for God’s Creation
I just returned a few weeks ago from a wonderful visit with Presbyterians in Alaska. The Presbytery of Yukon stretches from Anchorage all the way north and encompasses four language groups. We met in Palmer, AK (the potato capital for…
Turning Climate Panic Into Progress: Your Talking Points
If Americans are hearing anything about climate change, it is likely the bad news. Our planet and its oceans are warming faster than predicted, causing billion-dollar weather disasters, a myriad of health impacts, climate refugees and more, with little time…
Climate Attitudes Differ in Rural, Suburban, and Urban Living
Climate change impacts all Americans, but presents itself differently in every corner of the U.S., ranging from hurricanes to droughts, superstorms and Nor’easters. To inspire more Americans to engage on the issue, we need to meet them where they live…
Share Your Commitment to Care for God’s Creation and Ask Others To Join You
Social media can be a powerful means to engage your community. It’s a great way to inspire others, celebrate successes, promote upcoming events, and share your care of creation message and activities to address climate change. If your organization already…
New Hope for Action: Key Republican Climate Attitudes Shift
As we transition into 2019 and welcome a new Congress, there is renewed hope for climate action. While partisan gridlock remains the greatest impediment to bold climate solutions, there is a shift in partisan attitudes in favor of progress in…
A Time to Wait and a Time to Act: COP24 and the Season of Advent
My children will both go back to school today after three and a half days off for snow-related cancellations and delays. During this time, there was sled run building, movie watching, hot chocolate drinking, fort creating, reading, knitting and anticipation.…
What’s the Presbyterian Hunger Program doing at the UN global climate summit?
LOUISVILLE — More than 28,000 people have gathered in Katowice, Poland for the 24th United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change “Conference of the Parties” (COP), and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is there. Andrew Kang Bartlett, Associate for National Hunger Concerns for the Presbyterian…
Climate Priorities for the New U.S. Congress
Last month’s election results sent a clear message: Americans consider climate change a top priority, and they want elected office holders to act. As the 116th Congress prepares to be sworn into office next month, many Americans are rightly questioning…
Climate, Water, and Justice
In the Gospel reading for the second Sunday of Advent, Christians are confronted by the figure of Zechariah, who became mute when he was informed that his elderly wife was to give birth to a son. When Zechariah gets his…
Climate Change is Making Headlines: How to Talk About it
Starting meaningful conversations about climate change with our friends, neighbors, colleagues, and policymakers has been a challenge in the past. How do you bring up the topic? How do you have a productive discussion? Recent headlines about reports from the…
Serving Up Climate Conversations for Thanksgiving
Climate change is a Jewish emergency you should be talking about
This post originally appeared on October 26 in The Times of Israel. At a conference last week, a Jewish leader asked my spouse, “Is your wife still working on climate change?” My spouse answered, “Of course.” The Jewish leader responded,…
72% of Americans Say Climate Solutions Should be a Higher Priority
Last month, the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released their special report outlining the consequence of a changing climate, and the measures necessary to avert the most dangerous scenarios. The report is a collaborative effort of 91 authors, more…
Announcing The Blessed Tomorrow Carbon Offset Program
America’s faith communities want to care for God’s creation and are ready to act on climate solutions. They are increasingly having conversations about climate within their congregations, and there is a robust trust in faith leaders as a source for…
October is traditionally celebrated as children’s health month. This is a time to bring attention to health issues unique to children as they grow, and work to improve the environments they’re growing in, to make them safer and healthier. It takes…
Climate Change: The Evidence and Consequence for the African American Community
“The era of procrastination, of half measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays is coming to its close.” Winston Churchill, 1936 The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, (IPCC), projects a possible global temperature rise of up to six degrees by…
Climate Report Depression and Effective Climate Therapy
For many, the release of a new report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change may have been cause to seek what I call climate therapy—anything that might brace one’s spirits in the face of climate realities that are known…
Urgency of Action
The earth is the LORD’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it; (Psalm 24:1) “The world in which we live is a rich tapestry of intersecting, linking elements. The ecosystems, the flora and…
Climate as a Voting Issue, Part 2: October American Climate Perspectives Survey
A Majority of Americans Would Vote For A Climate Candidate. With elections just around the corner, and recent news coverage about politicians talking about climate change, Americans are beginning to think about the candidates and issues they will have the opportunity to…
Climate Change Report Lays Out Consequences
At the Presbyterian Hunger Program, this time of the year usually finds our attentions turned towards World Food Day and Food Week of Action. This year however, we also find ourselves focused on the report from the United Nations’ scientific panel on…
Voting and Climate Change: Talking Points
The midterm elections are just around the corner, and many Americans are beginning to have political discussions with their friends and families, colleagues, and communities. Amongst a myriad of voting concerns is climate change. And, even though it might not be…
World Communion Sunday and the Eco-Challenge
Bonjour! Salaam! Habari, bwana! Habari, bibi! Annyong! Buenos días! Malo e tau ma’u ‘a e ‘aho’ ni! Those are words of greeting and invitation. That is how you say “Hello” in French, Arabic, Swahili, Korean, Spanish, and Tongan. For years…
Climate as a Voting Issue, Part 1: September American Climate Perspectives Survey
This election season has been filled with reports showing the widening partisan divide in America. Opinion gaps are growing on topics such as poor and disadvantaged communities, the size of government, corporations, military, immigration or other key social issues. Climate…
Green Chalice Invites You to Take the Eco-Challenge!
Are you looking for a way to continue the work you start in the Season of Creation? Join the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in their Green Chalice 21-Day Eco-Challenge 2018 – Register now! In his book Switch: How to…
Closing the ‘Ambition Gap’
Last month, United Methodists from across our church gathered in St. Paul, Minnesota to strategize about how we might close our own “ambition gap” between what we say (our official United Methodist Church positions) and what we do in response…
Children under Environmental Threat from Administration
As my daughters begin school this week, I find myself in a state of agonized worry. It is not about how both will fare as a result of switching schools. It is not about whether they will make friends or…
Faith, Climate Action, and the Season of Creation: September 1 – October 4
If you are a faith leader, please talk to your congregation about the link between your faith and climate change. If you are a Christian leader please participate in the upcoming Season of Creation. If you’re wondering why, read on.…
Are Americans Connecting Severe Weather to Climate Change?
Download full report Throughout the country, Americans are noticing something different about the weather. The seasons feel warmer, wildfires seem worse, and floods and hurricanes are more severe. But when they turn on the news or pick up their newspapers,…
The Earth is our Mosque
A few weeks ago, award-winning filmmaker Mawish Raza and I made the unlikely journey to Houston in the middle of July to make a film about climate change and the Muslim community. Everyone knows that Houston is hot and humid,…
Serve. Guard. Protect.
The very first command addressed to humanity in the entire Bible is to “be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion . . .” (Gen 1:28). This always felt very authoritarian. No room for…
Extreme Weather and Climate Change: Talking Points
Whether Americans are looking out their windows or turning on the local news, we are increasingly confronted by severe weather events — unprecedented droughts, storms, floods, and heatwaves are being seen and felt nationwide and around the world. The impact…
Developing Climate Virtue
Last Wednesday I threw away a paper towel tube. I could have recycled it, but recycling would have taken extra effort, so I didn’t. Recycling is a habit, and in me it is a habit half-formed. If I had recycled…
Climate Change Can Bring Us Together: 5 Simple Rules for Climate Advocacy
Everywhere we turn it seems we bump up against something political. The news we watch, the athletes we support and even the restaurants where we eat are all increasingly viewed through the lens of partisan politics. Climate change has been…
The Earth is the Lord’s: New Policy on Preaching and Teaching about Climate Change from the 2018 Presbyterian Church in the USA General Assembly
Last month in St. Louis, the Presbyterian Church (USA) General Assembly passed another new policy on engaging with issues of climate change – through preaching, embodying, advocating, and proclaiming eco-justice. The Presbytery of Monmouth overtures the 223rd General Assembly (2018)…
Three Takeaways on ecoAmerica’s Nuclear Power Survey
Within the climate community, one of the greatest areas of debate is the role of nuclear energy in the mix of climate solutions. Nuclear power already accounts for nearly 20% of America’s power supply, and there are growing voices of…
Poor People’s Campaign Brings Attention to Climate Justice
The 2017 General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Indianapolis, IN adopted a resolution to support The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival which has grown out of the unfinished work of the Rev. Dr.…
Climate Change Mitigation and Advocacy in 2018 and Beyond
Download Summary On May 2, Blessed Tomorrow and Auburn Seminary co-hosted the 2018 National Climate and Faith Leadership Forum, a gathering of nearly 50 faith leaders exploring how to increase climate change mitigation and advocacy activities across the country. Participants…
2018 June American Climate Perspectives: Mid-Year Summary
Americans’ attitudes on climate are changing, and the change is in a positive direction. To better understand how these views are evolving, and what that may mean, ecoAmerica has pulled together the most recent public opinion survey data from some…
Now Available: June Talking Points
Download Talking Points The discourse around a warming world often gets hung up on politics, but what Americans really care about — and want to hear about— are the challenges and opportunities that climate change has for their families and…
Modeling Climate Stewardship Through Our Own Practices and Presence
Years ago, I was walking up to my office in The United Methodist Building where we were hosting a prayer service celebrating Earth Day. As I approached, I noticed small yellow signs poking out of the grass. As I drew…
A Closer Look: the Influence of Health and Faith on Climate
Are Americans looking to leaders outside of the political arena for guidance on climate change? ecoAmerica and Lake Research Partners set out to find this answer in the May 2018 American Climate Perspective Survey (ACPS). The ACPS found that there…
Climate Change and Food Security
By 2030, over one hundred million people could be pushed into extreme hunger due to climate change according to the World Bank. When climate change is discussed, conversation is often around rising sea levels and changes in weather patterns. However,…
Now Available: April Talking Points
A clean energy future is within our grasp. We can have locally-made energy from the wind and the sun that ensures our air is clean and our water is healthy. Communities across America are learning that smart investments in clean…
Climate Change is a Rising Policy Priority, Particularly for Millennials
Over the past decade, Americans have placed climate change at the bottom of the list of public policy priorities. But, according to Pew’s January 2018 Public Policy Priorities survey, climate change is on the rise. Pew found that close to…
Now Available: February Talking Points
Throughout American history, people of faith have been at the forefront in addressing injustice. They have transformed hearts, minds, and the course of our country. Today, religious communities are called to a new moral challenge — climate change. If we…
The Green Strands of Our Spiritual DNA
As anyone who has ever watched a genealogy television show such as Finding Your Roots knows, our ancestry may not always be what we initially assume it to be. We grew up hearing that we possess this or that ethnic…
A Path to Positive on Climate in 2018
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season…
Climate Talking Points: A New Monthly Series from ecoAmerica
As a country, we’ve been approaching climate from different angles and with different goals. But all of us do it for the same reasons; to protect our families, friends, colleagues, and communities. So, it’s time to talk about climate in…
MLK: An Inspiration for Faith Leaders to Stand for Environmental Justice
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) was ahead of curve in the late 60s when he protested the unhealthy living conditions people of color experienced in inner cities like Chicago. Now, Americans of all backgrounds are faced with climate…
Changing Congregational Behavior to Help Our Planet
Human behavior affects the world in many ways. We cultivate the land, build communities, and consume resources to sustain our needs and lifestyles. There is new evidence that all people will be required to change the way they live, work,…
Climate Stewardship: Rounding Up Blessed Tomorrow Tips from 2017
After Paris, faith groups throughout the United States pledged to reduce carbon emissions and announced support of organizations and initiatives that shared their goal for a carbon-free America. Blessed Tomorrow encourages faith leaders to advocate for the progression of climate…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of Dec 23 – 29
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. This roundup highlights achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from and for people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Weeks of Dec 11 – 22
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from us at Blessed Tomorrow! Below are some top stories from the last two weeks. Hot off the presses: Our Recommendations Report from the American Climate Leadership Summit, which has great ideas for faith leaders…
American Climate Leadership: 2017 Recommendations from Faith Leaders
This past year saw faith leaders achieve many successes in taking up the mantle on climate and catalyzing progress on climate advocacy and action. At ecoAmerica’s 2017 American Climate Leadership Summit (ACLS 2017), many of these influential leaders shared news…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of Dec 2 – 8
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. This roundup highlights achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from and for people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you…
Faith Groups Respond to U.S. Climate Migration in Real-Time
Climate migration is one of the many climate effects that experts said was already happening around the world and soon America itself would begin to see refugees migrate from islands and coastal states to escape the severe weather. Indeed, since…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of Nov 25 – Dec 1
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. This roundup highlights achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from and for people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of Nov 18 – 24
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. This roundup highlights achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from and for people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you…
5 Things to Talk About When Inspiring Fellow Faith Leaders to Lead on Climate Change
We know that men and women of the clergy are a group whose voice is powerful and can move people within their congregations and communities to action. But did you also know that faith leaders can tap into that same…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of Nov 11 – 17
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. This roundup highlights achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from and for people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you…
Leaders Take Up the ‘Faith Mantle’ for Climate Action
Stepping away from the science of climate change can bring to light the many issues embedded in our society’s infrastructure. Revealing these problems is one of the many things that leaders accomplished at the 2017 American Climate Leadership Summit (ACLS). Although…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of Nov 4 – 10
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. This roundup highlights achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from and for people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you…
Interfaith Leaders Join United Methodist Church for ‘Climate Talks’ at COP23
The United Methodist Church (UMC) has joined in on 23rd Conference of the Parties (COP23) as a way to provide a moral grounding while multi-sector leaders from all over the world discuss climate change, its impacts, and put ideas into…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of Oct 28 – Nov 3
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. This roundup highlights achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from and for people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you…
Let’s Lead: Guidance to Help Faith Communities Lead on Climate
As of late, there are many congregations across the United States that are taking on the responsibility to care for creation. Among them are a handful of churches whose governing bodies have active partnerships with ecoAmerica and have been selected…
ACLS Faith Leader Query: Shantha Ready Alonso Speaks on Climate
In preparation for the 2017 American Climate Leadership Summit (October 25 & 26), ecoAmerica reached out to leaders of faith who are devoted to this year’s objective, Taking Up the Mantle. Blessed Tomorrow leader, Shantha Ready Alonso gladly responded to our questions about…
Faith Leaders ‘Take a Knee’ for Creation Care and Rise to Prayer for EPA
Today, in front of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Federal Triangle building in Washington, DC, religious leaders have taken a knee as a symbol of devotion to caring for God’s creation and in protest against the inactivity of the Environmental Protection…
ACLS Faith Leader Query: Rev. Sotello V. Long Speaks on Climate
At ecoAmerica’s 2017 American Climate Leadership Summit (ACLS), several faith leaders are scheduled to speak on tactics for climate leadership and provide inspiration on the Taking Up the Mantle motif. Among them is the Reverend Sotello V. Long, a leader of the…
ACLS Faith Leader Query: Rev. Gerald Durley Speaks on Climate
The Rev. Dr. Gerald Durley has joined the roster of over 350 leaders that are Taking Up the Mantle by participating in ecoAmerica’s 2017 American Climate Leadership Summit. Recently, ecoAmerica gave ACLS speakers the opportunity to answer important questions about the state…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of Oct 14 – 20
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. This roundup highlights achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from and for people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you…
Catholic Institutions Leading on Climate Solutions
At Monday’s U.N. World Food Day Ceremony, Pope Francis received a standing ovation after calling on the world’s governments to take action on the interconnected issues of climate, hunger, and migration. “It is clear that wars and climatic change are a…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of Oct 7 – 13
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. This roundup highlights achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from and for people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you…
American Climate Leadership Summit: Guidance from Preceding Faith Leaders Leads to ‘Taking Up the Mantle’
In a few weeks, ecoAmerica will host the 2017 American Climate Leadership Summit. The summit promises to provide opportunities for multisector communication on climate, as it draws leaders from state and local government, corporations, universities, and other organizations. Historically, the…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of Sep 30 – Oct 6
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. This roundup highlights achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from and for people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you…
Puerto Rico: Responding to a Climate Emergency According to God’s Word
Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico in September and 50% of the territory remains without electricity and access to basic supplies and food. Some have criticized the federal response to this climate-related disaster as “slow and “inadequate,” and it is important to ask ourselves, how does…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of Sept 23 – 29
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. This roundup highlights achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from and for people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you…
A Word to the Church from the Episcopal Church’s House of Bishops
A Word to the Church from The Episcopal Church’s House of Bishops Gathered in Fairbanks, Alaska, September 21-26, 2017 The bishops of The Episcopal Church came to Alaska to listen to the earth and its peoples as an act of…
Ways We Can Combat Climate Change
You’ve heard it said, “Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.” When Mark Twain—who may have been quoting Charles Dudley Warner—popularized that saying in the 19th century, everyone just laughed. People thought there was nothing humans could…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of Sept 16 – 22
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. This roundup highlights achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from and for people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you…
Climate Week NYC: Building a Safer Planet Through Interfaith Action
Many faith leaders and organizations have taken on the challenge of creating initiatives to improve our planet. Among them are Blessed Tomorrow partners like the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and United Church of Christ. Although these religious bodies bring…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of Sept 9 – 15
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. This roundup highlights achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from and for people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you…
Congregation Wellness: Maintaining Mental Health During and After A Disaster
Throughout the country, news of Harvey, Irma and Jose has stirred concern. For those who have lived through the traumatic events of Harvey and are currently experiencing Irma’s reign, there may even be some panic, stress or sadness. This is…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of Sept 2 – Sep 8
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. This roundup highlights achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from and for people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you…
Why Faith Groups Should Strive To Ease the Burden Brought On By Hurricane Harvey
In the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, displaced Texas and Louisiana residents are seeking refuge. Many have found comfort behind the doors of churches, synagogues, mosques, and temples. The hospitality of these religious centers has started a worldwide conversation about the…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of Aug 26 – Sept 1
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. This roundup highlights achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from and for people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you…
Six Interfaith Creation Care Prayers
Creation care is more than an act of faith. It is a challenge to be pursued. Just like all of life’s challenges, our prayers can awaken our call to action, enhance our ability to follow through and improve our chances…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of August 18 – 25
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. This roundup highlights achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from and for people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you…
After Paris: Five Global Interfaith Climate Leaders To Inspire Americans
The voice of the faith community was the sound heard around the world when a few countries decided not to make climate a priority. It was the same case for America when the President pulled away from the Paris Climate…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of August 11-18
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. This roundup highlights achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from and for people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you…
Before Disaster Strikes
“Violating the integrity of our relationship with creation is sinful. Our failure to serve as faithful caretakers of creation has local and global consequences. Our inability to share the abundance that God has entrusted to us has given rise to…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of August 4-11
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. This roundup highlights achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from and for people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you…
Five Reasons To Screen Al Gore’s ‘Inconvenient Sequel’ With Your Congregation
It’s been ten years since Al Gore first told the world the “Inconvenient Truth,” about what’s happening to God’s Earth. People of faith took note of the issue and over the years, aided in spreading the inconvenient reality. Even with…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of July 28 – Aug 4
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. This roundup highlights achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from and for people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of July 21 – 28
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. This roundup highlights achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from and for people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you…
Al Gore Invites Faith Leaders to Openly Discuss the ‘Inconvenient’ Reality of Climate Change
Climate change is one the most relevant political arguments in today’s landscape. As a political topic, climate change is now so complex that it is being considered a threat to national security. With America’s uncertain climate policy during a time…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of July 14 – 21
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. This roundup highlights achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from and for people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you…
God’s Ecosystem: Everything is Connected
The ecosystem is a holier design than we know. God created us to remain in connection to each other and to the other living things that inhabit the Earth. It is grander than what decades of environmental research have uncovered.…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of July 7 – July 14
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. This roundup highlights achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from and for people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you…
Beyond the Pulpit: Initiating Community-Based Advocacy
Many faith leaders have stood before congregations who are knowledgeable about the changing environment and how human behavior impacts it. This may be partly thanks to the creation care rhetoric that you feed to your congregation. But did you know…
United Church of Christ Declares a New Moral Era
The Rev. Dr. Jim Antal leads the 360 UCC churches in Massachusetts and is a national spokesperson on climate change for the UCC. He is a member of the Blessed Tomorrow Advisory Council. The day after President Trump pulled out…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of June 30 – July 7
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. This roundup highlights achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from and for people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you…
Climate Awareness: From the Pulpit to the Community
The pulpit is the source of information and guidance for millions of people throughout the United States. In fact, about 189 million inhabitants faithfully follow a religion. With more than half of the population looking to their religious leader for…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of June 23 – June 30
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. This roundup highlights achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from and for people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you…
Renewable Energy: Faith Leaders Must Encourage More State and Local Governments to Make a Pledge
Everything that humans need to survive on this planet is already here. But certain natural resources are safer for the Earth. Some resources burnout and cannot be replenished. Others are sustainable or renewable resources. What if these renewable resources were…
Climate Day LA: Partnership Is The Key To Faith-Driven Climate Solutions
Just as faith leadership is ineffective without followers, advocacy is ineffective without partners. It takes people from different sectors to get the results that are needed for climate solutions. This is one of the reasons why Climate Resolve, ecoAmerica, FORM,…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of June 16 – 23
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. This roundup highlights achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from and for people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you…
6 Ways To Reduce The Carbon Footprint In Your Place of Worship
Many of the things humans do, accumulate, or discard emit carbon. By definition, a carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouses gases, particularly carbon dioxide, that is emitted into the atmosphere. Carbon emissions come by way of transportation, manufacturing, landfills,…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of June 9 – 16
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. This roundup highlights achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from and for people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you…
God’s Earth Impacted by Climate Change
Our Earth is a wondrous place, but it has been deeply affected by our actions as humans. Now, it is our responsibility to restore its beauty and strength. But to really help the Earth recover, we must all understand how…
Faith and Climate News: June 2-June 9
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. This roundup highlights achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from and for people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you…
Paris Accord: These Churches Want the U.S. Back on Track with Climate Solutions
The long-awaited decision from President Donald Trump on the Climate Change Paris Accord was one that many climate leaders do not approve of. In the faith community, a similar response arose, but rather than simply opposing Trump’s choice, these organizations…
Faith and Climate News: May 26-June 2
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. This roundup highlights achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from and for people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you…
Evangelical Millennials Are Leading in Climate Change Advocacy
Historically, evangelicals in America tended to land on the conservative side of social issues. Millennials are taking a different view. Recognizing that something is happening to the plant life and other living creatures that share the Earth with humans, millennials,…
Paris Climate Change Agreement: Caring for the Divine Creation by Encouraging Government Accountability
Faith leaders can be key influencers in the climate change debate. While the fate of America’s stance on climate change still hangs in the balance, leaders from over 20 interfaith organizations have united to motivate President Trump to preserve American…
Current ‘State of the Air’ Calls for Urgent Action from Faith Communities, and Government
Air is believed to be the “fertilizing wind,” and the “ruah” of human life in monotheistic faiths. The Holy Quran 015:022 states that these winds are created by the higher power, not the power of man, therefore, it can be…
Stories for the Week of April 28 – May 5
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. We highlight achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from to people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you to implement…
“Lazarus, Come Out!” A Christian Response to the Climate Crisis
Rev. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas serves as Missioner for Creation Care for both the Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts and Mass. Conference, United Church of Christ. In this recent Lenten sermon, she offers a timeless and timely message about moving beyond interia and towards…
How Climate Change is Impacting Your Congregation’s Mental Health
When Americans consider the health impacts of climate change, they often cite physical consequences. As ecoAmerica’s new report shows, however, Americans are suffering the psychological consequences of climate change at an increasing rate. As a faith leader, you are greatly…
Easter Sunday is the Super Bowl of Climate Communications
Holy Week marks the final days of Lent, crowned by Easter Sunday to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus from his tomb. Luke 24 attests that “he is not here; he has risen,” — a moment in time that stands as…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of March 31 – 6
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. We highlight achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from to people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you to implement…
How Jewish Climate Leadership Can Dig Deeper on Passover
When Jacob, the son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham, traveled with his large family to Egypt, he did so to flee a famine that devastated his home in Beersheba. You've probably heard this story before, and the preceding accounts…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of March 24 – 30
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. We highlight achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from to people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you to implement…
Is There Space for Faith in the People’s Climate March?
On Sept. 21, 2014, then UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon invited world leaders to discuss climate solutions needed to fix “one of the greatest moral issues of our time” — a phrase borrowed from Pope Francis. The world was over a…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of March 16 – 23
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. We highlight achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from to people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you to implement…
Faith Climate Action Week Aims to Preserve Our Climate Laws
Blessed Tomorrow is proud to name Interfaith Power and Light (IPL) among our many inspiring partners. Since 2000, IPL has assisted thousands of faith communities to address climate change through acts of better stewardship. Founded by Blessed Tomorrow leader Rev.…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of March 10 – 15
Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. We highlight achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from to people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you to implement…
The Power of Language in Climate Solutions
Language has the ability to guide cultures, advance leadership, or crumble societies, but words themselves are not inherently valuable. Their merit rests in the concepts that support them, which are subject to change depending on the time or setting of…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of March 3 – 9
Every Friday, we release our favorite faith and climate stories from the week. We highlight achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communicating to people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you to implement in your faith…
Local Climate Leadership Starts at the Pulpit
Your church, mosque, or synagogue may be small and far from Washington D.C., but it just became a vital component in climate solutions. As the tug of war between Trump and the climate rages on in our nation’s capital, faith communities…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of February 24 – March 2
Every Friday, we release our favorite faith and climate stories from the week. We highlight achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communicating to people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you to implement in your faith…
Faith Leaders Join Scientists to Model Inequality in Climate Communications
For most Americans, scientific data is abstract, complicated, and generally unconvincing in its plea for climate solutions. While most skilled communicators would agree that effective climate messages avoid arguing over science, should we throw the baby out with the bathwater…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of February 17-23
Every Friday, we release our favorite faith and climate stories from the week. We highlight achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communicating to people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you to implement in your faith…
The “Culture Change” Enabling Faith Communities to Capitalize on America’s Solar Boom
2016 was a great year for solar power as America celebrated its one-millionth-panel installation. Ranging from simple home systems to massive commercial farms powering cities, the solar boom in America is alive and well. Renewable energy has grown steadily in…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of February 10 – 16
Every Friday, we release our favorite faith and climate stories from the week. We highlight achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communicating to people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you to implement in your faith…
People of Faith Don’t Need to Choose Between National Security and Caring for Refugees
Trump’s executive order to ban refugees and immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries deepened the debate over U.S. national security and the refugee crisis. Many Americans felt torn between their responsibility to protect their country and caring for those unable to…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of February 3 – 9
Every Friday, we release our favorite faith and climate stories from the week. We highlight achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communicating to people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you to implement in your faith…
Everything You Need to Know About Our New Climate Guide for Faith Leaders
Blessed Tomorrow's new report, Let's Talk Climate: Communication Guidance for Faith Leaders is finally here! Main authors Kirra Krygsman, ecoAmerica’s Research Manager, and Meighen Speiser, ecoAmerica's Chief Engagement Officer; along with contributors Shantha Ready Alonso, Creation Justice Ministries; Kara Ball,…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of January 27 – February 2
Every Friday, we release our favorite faith and climate stories from the week. We highlight achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communicating to people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you to implement in your faith…
Conservative Americans Discover Climate Solutions in the Garden of Eden
Climate communicating will undoubtedly face new obstacles under the Trump administration, and the first couple of weeks have only been a taste of what is in store. On the morning of Trump's inauguration, information regarding climate change disappeared from the…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of January 20-26
Every Friday, we release our favorite faith and climate stories from the week. We highlight achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communicating to people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you to implement in your faith…
Helping Americans Find Their Moral Ground on Climate Change
If you google the term “climate change,” you’re likely to amass a vast array of studies, op-ed pieces and articles on the scientific, economic, and political factors in assessing the situation. There are compelling arguments in these categories, most of…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of January 13-19
Every Friday, we release our favorite faith and climate stories from the week. We highlight achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communicating to people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you to implement in your faith…
A Prayer for Climate Reconciliation
In 1908, the inaugural Octave of Christian Unity was formed to nurture international Christian community building. By the 1930's the event had transformed into a Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, offering a more inclusive invitation for Protestant congregations to…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of January 7-12
Every Friday, we release our favorite faith and climate stories from the week. We highlight achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communicating to people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you to implement in your faith…
How Martin Luther King Jr. Changed The Way We Think About Climate Justice
Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. did more than point out social injustices – he dug at their root cause while mapping the extent of their growth. In recounting his father's legacy, Martin Luther King III explained how his father had…
Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of December 31 – January 6
Every Friday, we release our favorite faith and climate stories from the week. We highlight achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communicating to people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you to implement in your faith…
From Exile to Oneness: The Bahá’í Faith Talks Climate in a Divided World
Following the execution of his teacher Siyyid ‘Ali Mohammad (Bab) in 1844, Bahá'u'lláh was exiled from his home in the Persian Empire to live out his remaining years in the neighboring Ottoman Empire. Bahá'u'lláh’s claim to Abrahamic heritage had proven…
Does Size Matter In Creation Care Leadership?
When we think of creation care leaders in the climate movement, we imagine Pope Francis orating before the U.S. House of Representatives, The Islamic Society of North America divesting from fossil fuels at COP22, or the African Methodist Episcopal Church…
Why 2016 Was Better Than You Think For Climate Leaders
It's been a long year for climate advocacy. The road to solutions has been a winding path with turns we did not anticipate. Some good, some bad, but ultimately forward. This is the inevitable nature of the American spirit, to…
American Leaders to Trump: U.S. Must Look Forward, Not Backward on Climate Change
President-elect Donald Trump has pledged to reverse much of the progress our nation has made on climate. His recent appointment of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, a fierce critic of the Environmental Protection Agency, to be the EPA’s administrator is…
4 Steps To Jewish and Christian Climate Collaboration This Holiday Season
This year, Hanukkah and Christmas Eve are scheduled to begin on the same date (Dec. 24th) — with Hanukkah continuing through New Year's Day. It's always nice when religious holidays overlap to remind us of the congruity between traditions and…
We Need To Talk About America’s Moral Diversity
If the 2016 elections taught us anything, it's that America is more morally diverse than we had initially imagined (and that's putting it lightly). Despite 64 percent of Americans claiming to be worried about climate change, we elected a President…
We Gathered America’s Most Influential Climate Leaders: Here’s What We Found
For almost 20 years, the Milken Institute School of Public Health has provided a platform for cutting edge solutions to the world's most pressing health issues. With climate change impacting the welfare of all Americans, it seemed only suiting to…
What A Deadly Chicago Heatwave Taught Us About Community-Building Climate Resilience
Chicago is a vibrant city, electrified by its beautifully diverse population of almost three million residents. Its rich history is palpable with institutions and families spanning generations in this lakeside metropolis – one you've probably visited on vacation, for work,…
Innovative Climate Media Makes Room For Faith
Climate communications are an ever evolving myriad of mediums and expressions. From major productions like the new film Before the Flood to distribution tools on social media, the way we talk about climate is changing not only in language but also…
Climate Progress: Why Moving Faster Than Nature Can Be a Good Thing
While at the beach last August, I read Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring. While my husband wasn’t sure that this qualified as vacation reading, I enjoyed a number of her other works there (especially The Sea Around Us), and hadn’t yet…
Loving Our Neighbors, Loving God’s Creation
In today’s highly polarized world, and especially in this emotionally charged political season, it’s easy to break into separate camps, to lump people as “us” and “them.” As a Christian, I believe that all people are created in God’s image.…
The Historical Value(s) Of A Faith Facility’s Solar Panels
A faith facility is more than a place for congregational worship. Whether it’s a single room in Virginia or a megachurch in California, religious sanctuaries are an outward expression of a community’s faith, values, and purpose. But how that’s been…
Can Renewable Energy Break America’s Silence On Climate Change?
You might not recall the last time a presidential candidate was asked about climate change during a general election debate. That’s because in eight years of political sparring matches the issue has only received 82 seconds of debate time, prior…
10 Takeaways From ecoAmerica’s 2016 American Climate Leadership Summit
America is at a crossroads in forging climate solutions. The rise of evidence through impacts, our push toward renewable energies, and multi-national agreements have propelled the fight for climate to new heights. Coalesced leadership across sectors is proof that the…
Of Climatology: Climate Communicating In A Post-Truth America
We know that climate change is happening; we know that humans are causing it, and we know that we must find solutions quickly. These indisputable facts have somehow become disputable in a post-truth America as climate skepticism rises faster than…
Remembering Zusha On Yom Kippur: Climate Leadership In The Jewish High Holidays
September 25th, 2016 marks the one-year anniversary of Blessed Tomorrow’s Coming Together in Faith on Climate. Aligned with Pope Francis’ historic visit to the U.S., faith leaders from across the United States convened at Washington National Cathedral to coalesce their…
Brian McLaren’s New Book Encourages Climate Leadership To Stand With Love
Alarmed. Worried. Disturbed. That’s how many of us have felt during this election cycle. Through the primaries to the general election, we’ve heard candidates saying things that bring shock and dismay. Some have fanned into flame old unextinguished embers of…
5 Things Faith Leaders Should Know About America’s Complex Climate Opinions
Many Americans consider faith leaders to be their most influential guides in navigating social and political issues. As we near November's presidential election(s), the broad and complex network of ideologies, political affiliations, and social associations have expanded existing categories to…
Eid al-Adha Heats Up As Muslims Endure The Changing Climate Of Hajj
Early next week (depending upon the Hijri calendar), Muslims around the world will celebrate Eid al-Adha (Festival of the Sacrifice) to honor the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son. Not to be confused with Eid al-Fitr which…
The Moral Case To Curb Methane Waste And Pollution
Religious communities are actively engaged in many activities to care for and do justice for God’s creation. One of the less-known efforts has been a sustained push by many religious leaders to cut methane waste and pollution. Methane is a…
How The Season of Creation Is Uniting Global Christians In Climate Action
The Season of Creation is once again upon us! On September 1st, faith communities around the world will join in a collective recognition of God’s sacred creation. From its beginning as an Eastern Orthodox celebration initiated by Patriarch Dimitri in…
Why This Autumn Will Be A Hot Time for Climate Solutions
As I write this, the world just had its hottest month in recorded history. Here in Washington D.C, where July is normally our hottest month of the year, we had our sixth hottest July on record. Our unusually hot days…
The Climate Complacency Of Taylor Swift In An Age Of Value-Based Identity Politics
Taylor Swift will solve climate change. That’s not true, but statistically, that line is 97% more likely to show up in your newsfeed than other climate content considering its mention of the pop singer. A similar disparity in Google searches…
The Religious Liberty of Creation Care: A Constitutional Right
From its inception, the U.S. Constitution has expounded virtues of pluralistic liberty and religious freedom under the First Amendment, but how does that apply to faith institutions mandated to care for God’s creation? Isaiah Berlin famously explored the nuances of…
United Church of Christ and Disciples of Christ Empower Young People To “Believe” In God’s Creation
From July 26th to July 30th, the United Church of Christ and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) co-hosted the National Youth Event at Walt Disney World in Florida. The quadrennial conference gathered 4,000 young leaders to convene on…
Houses Of Worship Bring Climate Values To U.S. House of Representatives
“This election is about climate change, the greatest environmental crisis facing our planet,” shared former presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders during his speech at the Democratic National Convention. His claim was unanimously praised by both Bernie or Bust and I’m With…
Does America Need Its Own Green Climate Fund?
As I wrote in a blog last month, the faith-based stewardship covenant and work of Tangier Island watermen and their families, inspired the landowners I worked with in Bedford County, Pennsylvania to take their own stewardship covenant. Their example inspired…
Faithful Latino Voters Empower Legislative Climate Leaders
Chispa, a League of Conservation Voters program, recently tallied the final score on climate voting records for U.S. senators and house representatives. The report was disheartening, with the national average of positive congressional climate votes locked at 41% (senate) and…
African Methodist Episcopal Church Adopts Climate Change Resolution
The African Methodist Episcopal Church, the oldest independent Protestant denomination founded by Black people in the world and Blessed Tomorrow's partner organization, has passed a Climate Change Resolution. During the 50th quadrennial AME General Conference held in Philadelphia, PA, July…
Changing the Perception of Climate Change: The Intersection of Faith and Social Justice
In 2006, the TED Talks series premiered online, spurring one the most gripping idea sharing forums the world had seen since Vidal v. Buckley. Vastly less controversial than the ABC primetime debate, the now ten-year-old program churns out speeches from…
Faith Leaders Converge at ‘Ground Zero’ of America’s First Climate Refugees
By now, most Americans have seen the images of Syrian refugees fleeing their homes by boat, children in tow, to brave the choppy Mediterranean waters that claim the lives of thousands each year. Just as refugees in regions like Syria…
Your Congregation Cares Too Much About Climate Change To Do Anything About It
We learned last year that Americans are more afraid of terrorism than threats that have a greater statistical risk of harming them such as car accidents, falling furniture, heart disease or lightning strikes. But that’s the point of terrorism, to…
How Connecting with Core Values Builds Strong Climate Solutions
Last week, my husband and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary. This marker prompted fond memories of when Jim and I met. At the time, I was living and working in the mountains of rural western Pennsylvania, directing Western Pennsylvania…
A Look Back On One Year With Laudato Si
On September 23rd, 2015, we stood at the window of ecoAmerica's office in the heart of our nation's capital overlooking St. Matthew's Cathedral in Washington, D.C. waiting for Pope Francis' motorcade to arrive. A diverse community of Blessed Tomorrow leaders…
Muslims Remember Climate Refugees for Ramadan
In 610 CE, atop Mecca’s Mount Nur, Angel Jibril (Gabriel) commanded Prophet Muhammad (SAW) with one word: Iqra (recite or read). The event which became known as Laylat al-Qadr (the Night of Power), sparked the beginning of a prophecy that…
How Interfaith Leadership is Replacing Climate Neutrality
Climate change is the great equalizer of faiths. Similar to a subway car lined with people from all walks of life, our changing climate strips away differences, leaving only a single moral call to act. Much like Howard Zinn famously…
Empowering Climate Leadership in Faith Communities of Color
Pastor Curry’s finely pressed cleric's robe contrasted the Bronx basement of Fordham United Methodist Church as he admired the facility's new energy-efficient boiler system. Those that have endured a New York winter recognize how important a quality heating unit can…
How Faith Leaders Can Help Americans Collectively Visualize Climate Change
Try to envision climate change. What does it look like and how does it make you feel? If you’re like most Americans, climate change is still an abstraction, something happening in “other places, to other people, at some point in…
Will the Solar “Contagion” Effect Get Youth Back in Church?
Last week, the U.S. climate movement reached an unprecedented milestone, marking its one millionth solar installation — an accomplishment that took forty years to achieve but will take only 2 years to surpass. In the wake of a unified global climate agreement,…
The Opportunity of Climate Change: How Faith Leaders Can Tell Its Story
A good story can transform the world. Since the beginning of civilization, stories have shaped the human experience, highlighting deeper meaning in the world around us through expressions of faith and tradition. Scriptural narrative acts as a conduit for moral…
Why Faith Leaders Are Divesting From Fossil Fuels (and You Should, Too)
Six months ago, at our Coming Together in Faith on Climate event, Blessed Tomorrow leaders Rev. Otis Moss and Brian Mclaren stood on the stage of Washington's National Cathedral to encourage a crowd of climate leaders to adopt five key…
Is Your Congregation’s Divestment Movement Using Collaborative Language?
"What happens when the whole church works toward justice?" asked Rev. Dr. Amy Butler, Senior Minister of Riverside Church in New York City, in her recent Patheos article. Dissecting the various components of church operations, Rev. Butler investigates how different…
To Give Life to the Paris Climate Agreement, Connect on Personal Values
As 150 governments including 40 heads of state are expected to join together in a signing ceremony at the United Nations this Friday for the Paris climate accord, I was privileged to spend time this weekend with a number of…
Find Out How To Engage On Climate For Passover Haggadah
Passover begins this Friday and Jewish communities around the world will host a Sedar to start the week long holiday. Interfaith Power & Light, Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA), and Religious Action Center (RAC) have created a Haggadah (Sedar…
Sign for Climate Change Campaign Encourages World Leaders To Follow Through
Called the 'peace sign of our time,' the now familiar 'C' is being brandished around the world, encouraging leaders to sign the UNFCCC Paris Agreement this Earth Day. I know what you're thinking: 'Didn't they already sign it?' Not really.…
A Catechism of Creation Breaks Binary View Of Religion and Science
[originally published 4/15/16] When asked, most Christians are capable of recounting at least some aspects of the Book of Genesis. While these descriptions will vary in detail depending on the person asked, positioning the sacred text and its two creation…
Faith Leaders Follow Through On Paris Agreement
As COP21 Paris closed this past December with a historic agreement between nations, its non-legally-binding measures conjuring feelings of uncertainty. Who would be accountable for 195 countries to hold rising global temperatures below 2 degrees Celsius? How would they achieve…
Can Faith Leaders Help Obama Secure Green Climate Fund?
Last year, President Obama sought to make good on his promise to allocate U.S. capital toward the Green Climate Fund. Congress rejected the initial proposition of $500 million, but President Obama eventually secured some funding for the international resources charged…
Climate Leadership Training In The Wake Of Hurricane Katrina
Longlasting climate leadership is dependent on fostering new energy, a point our partners at Greenfaith are taking seriously. They understand the impactful role leaders play in forging new climate solutions and work tirelessly to develop new burgeoning talent. They also…
Blessed Tomorrow’s Kara Ball Scheduled To Speak At Ecumenical Advocacy Days
Ecumenical Advocacy Days describes itself as 'a movement of the ecumenical Christian community, and its recognized partners and allies, grounded in biblical witness and our shared traditions of justice, peace and the integrity of creation.' April 15th-18th, Christian leaders from…
Join the Nationwide Climate Prayer for Faith Climate Action Week
On April 5th, a Global Day of Prayer for Climate Action occurred, with people of faith connecting on their shared value to care for God's creation. Similarly, Interfaith Power and Light is asking all people of faith to join a…
Catholic Climate Covenant Files Amicus Brief for God’s Creation
"We face a moral imperative to protect the earth and all its inhabitants from a climate crisis of our own making," read an amicus brief filed by 30 Catholic and faith-based institutions with the federal appeals court in support of…
Faith Leaders Encourage All To ‘Keep It In The Ground’
You've probably heard the phrase, 'keep it in the ground', but you've probably never heard it amplified in such a resounding chorus as you will on April 24th, 2016. Just two days after Earth Day (April 22), faith leaders, activists,…
5 Steps to Complete UCC’s Creation Care Challenge
The United Church of Christ is asking people of faith to take the Creation Care Challenge this Earth Day. Rev. Brooks Berndt explains in a short video that, "Jesus said the number one commandment is to love God with our…
Faith Leaders ‘Put Their Oars in the Water’ to Pull Hard on Climate Change
“Participation in religion seems to make people more likely to suppress self-interest in favor of group norms,” according to a new study by British Columbia social psychologist and author Ara Norenzayan. As Sojourners reports, Norenzayan's findings indicate that faith is often…
How Do I Write a Sermon for Faith Climate Action Week?
Every week, you plan your sermon, khutbah, homily, or derasha, designed to guide your congregation on the moral issues that matter most. Ranging in form, your powerful message helps navigate the nuances of living piously through God's divine love and…
3 Steps to Engage At-Risk Communities on Climate Change
Why aren't the latest climate reports being read? For the most part, people don't understand what they and secondly, they do not go far enough in explaining what to do about climate change. While many officials may explain the science,…
40 Days of Lent and 40 Climate Initiatives You May Lead On
Lent is over but the impact of climate initiatives during this time will live on. In honor of the carbon fast taken on by thousands of people of faith, has highlighted 40 congregations and faith leaders that have recently…
Why Christian and Jewish Creation Care Needs More Than the Book of Genesis
For Christians and Jews, the Book of Genesis remains a salient portrayal of creation, in turn, providing a rubric for humankind's interaction with the natural world. Citing Genesis 1:28, some Abrahamic traditions find a designation of the role we are…
Good Friday, Easter Sunday, and the End of Lent
Today is good Friday, commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ in Christian traditions around the world. In two days, Christians will honor Easter Sunday, honoring the resurrection of Jesus Christ, marking the end of Lent. The two holidays cap the…
Order Your Faith Climate Action Week Kit Today
Last week, we introduced you to the tremendous Interfaith Power and Light, Faith Climate Action Week, scheduled for April 15 -24. The national event is scheduled to be huge and the long time faith and climate advocacy organization has created…
At a Loss for Words: Why Exclusive Climate Language Must Change
This past week, the U.S. Defense Department reworked its definition of 'climate change.' For better or worse, the shift in language is part of an ongoing struggle to navigate the conversation of climate discourse, in turn, mapping how we manage…
U.S. Climate Concern Reaches New High
Concern over climate change has reached a new high this year with 65% of Americans expressing a “great deal” or “fair amount” of worry, according to the latest Gallup Poll. Attributed in large part to changing weather patterns, Americans are…
Get on the Bus in Chicago!
On April 21st (the day before Earth Day), people of faith, public health workers, clean energy advocates, and students will board a bus bound for Illinois' state capital, Springfield. Six buses will depart from various locations in Chicago, Illinois, including…
Can Climate Change Strengthen Young People’s Faith?
Growing up in Manhattan, Rosina Pohlmann was disturbed by the impact that climate change was having on her city – on God's creation. Greif stricken, she began preaching to her congregation from Luke 12:13-21, organizing events at her church…
Faith Climate Action Week Goes ‘Beyond Paris’
It's that time of year again – when our Partner organization, Interfaith Power and Light hosts Faith Climate Action Week, April 15-24. The nine-day national initiative surrounding Earth Day (April 22) connects, inspires and motivates climate action within faith communities…
Faithful Acts Make A Difference
The faith community has rallied together with small businesses, concerned citizens, and local, state, and federal legislators to stop offshore drilling along the U.S.’ southeast coast. Today, those efforts bore fruit when President Obama announced that the Interior Department will…
How Can Faith Leaders Make the Climate Conversation More Inclusive?
Non-white minorities are often left out of climate conversations. There are several reasons for this, as this article points out: minorities often do not self-identify as environmentalists, and at some point policy-makers and researchers believed that minorities do not prioritize…
How the Tri-Faith Initiative is Leading the Way
In America’s heartland, a church, a synagogue, and a mosque are coming together to build a true interfaith campus – the first of its kind in the world – and the most environmentally sustainable church, also the first of its…
Catholic Leaders Won’t Let Laudato Si Pass Them By
Columban Fr. Sean McDonagh completed a three-city tour discussing his new book, On Care for Our Common Home, which explored the immense wonderment and beauty of Pope Francis' Encyclical, Laudato Si. Traveling to various Catholic parish on the East Coast,…
Unearthing the Numinous is Faith and Climate History
Last week, Blessed Tomorrow Program Director, Kara Ball penned a powerful response to the misconception that climate change is a new issue for people of faith. Highlighting decades of advocacy for creation, Ball outlined the many ways in which faith…
How Are Faith Leaders Turning COP21 Promises Into Action?
There were mixed emotions after the Paris agreement with many people of faith trying to determine what exactly an 'agreement' meant for the climate. It was, however, the largest showing of world leaders ever with delegates working day and night…
What’s Carbon Pricing and Why Should Faith Leaders Care About It?
Carbon emissions resulting from the burning of fossil fuels is still the largest contributor to climate change around the world. Implementing fair carbon pricing will ensure that fossil fuel companies are held responsible for the impact they have on the…
Catholic Climate Ambassadors Discuss Laudato Si in New York
Over the weekend (March 5th), Blessed Tomorrow's partner, Catholic Climate Covenant, joined six Catholic climate ambassadors at Paul Smith's College to discuss the "Climate Change as a Moral Issue," and other teaching gleaned from the Pope Francis' Encyclical Laudato Si.…
North Carolina IPL Hosts Katharine Hayhoe to Discuss the Future of Energy in Charlotte
Katharine Hayhoe remains a prominent voice in the climate and creation care conversation. Her prolific work as a climate scientist enables her to not only lead on solutions but to educate people about climate change in a way that is…
Global Day of Prayer for Climate Action
April 5, 2016, will be a Day of Prayer for Climate Action designed to bring Christian communities together in their collective effort to find climate solutions around the world. Many of Blessed Tomorrow's partners and leadership circle will be participating…
Why Faith Leaders Are Not ‘Joining the Environmental Movement’
Pope Inspires Clergy to Join Environmental Movement came to my inbox recently as one in a list of articles on faith leadership on climate and environmental issues. I agree with the article that Pope Francis’ leadership on climate, creation care,…
New York Ignores Supreme Court Stall, Moves Forward on Climate Leadership
New York has increased its use of renewables faster than many states in the U.S., efforts which have launched the eastern region to the top of climate contributions following COP21. Cutting dependency on fossil fuels and adopting renewable energy practices…
Jewish and Catholic Leaders Meet to Discuss Shared Climate Values
Jewish and Catholic leaders convened last week to highlight their shared values on caring for creation. While the meeting was to discuss the various ways the two religious bodies were similar, it maintained a celebration of their uniqueness. In some…
Faith Leaders Initiate Gorundbreaking Ecumencial Creation Care Collaboration
In many ways, climate change has become the great unifier of faiths. Bridging gaps and rekindling old friendships, this paramount moral issue has fostered ecumenical collaborations enabling faith leaders to guide America toward long-lasting climate resolutions. Breaking new ground, Rev.…
Mary Evelyn Tucker is a Continual Source of Inspiring Climate Leadership
Mary Evelyn Tucker directs the Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale University and has been a valued leader at Blessed Tomorrow for many years. Her prolific work as a climate leader, author, and educator has offered groundbreaking initiatives in…
Theologians, Ethicists, Economists and Scientists Convene to Discuss Laudato Si
2015 was a big year for climate solutions but have you ever wondered how the various successes of climate action are connected. Look no further because The University of Dayton is hosting, Everything is Connected: Teaching Pope Francis' "Integral Ecology"…
Largest Study to Date Confirms Climate Denial is Strictly Political
It seems like every week a new study on climate opinions is published. These are, for the most part, very helpful in planning a climate communication strategies that are both sound and impactful, allowing leaders to craft a message that…
4 Interactive Maps That Are Making Climate Change Less Abstract
The world of online climate communication is increasingly visual. Images and video demonstrate the urgency of acting on climate change in ways that writing simply cannot. A reality that has motivated organizations such as Climate Outreach to launch a new…
Cardinal Turkson Uses Effective Communication Skills to Highlight Climate Friendly Economy
'Ongoing creation and incarnation' were the words used to describe a Catholic understanding of the earth at this year's conference, "Catholics, Capitalism and Climate" at Molloy College on Long Island, New York. Cardinal Turkson, arguably one the most significant contributors…
What Can a ‘Theology of the Cross’ Teach Us About Creation Care?
For Christians, Jesus' crucifixion on the cross is central to the teachings of the New Testament (1 Corinthians 2:2), the life of Christ, and, without equivocation, free will. As Rev. John Riggle, Lutheran Pastor at Evangelical Lutheran Church in America…
5 Faith and Climate Communication Tools You Need to Know
Climate communications in faith communities have become one of the most important aspects of climate outreach in America. Faith guides people of faith to care for creation, but some narratives resonate better than others when promoting climate solutions. Climate Outreach,…
The Supreme Court Pauses Obama’s Clean Energy Plan, Now What?
Last week, the Supreme Court put a halt on President Obama's Clean Power Plan, relegating its future to the state courts. Unprecedented and unfortunate, this move further demonstrates why people of faith must get involved. Surely, a matter of legal…
Evangelical Republican Wants Fossil Fuel Donors Out of the GOP
"We didn't come out of the stone age because we ran out of stones," shared Paul Douglas, a Republican and evangelical Christian, meteorologist during an interview this past week at St. John's University. Douglas continued, "We've all benefited from fossil…
Why We Need to Highlight Climate Change for Black History Month
Our partner organization Sojourners is at the forefront of highlighting how climate change impacts African American communities in America. In a recent piece penned by Rev. Jesse Bottoms, Vice President of the National Baptist Convention USA, Sojourners highlights the high…
A Muslim Call to Climate Action
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) stated, “the earth is green and beautiful, and Allah has appointed you his stewards over it.” (Hadith – Muslim) The 1.6 billion Muslims around the world draw on the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to assist in…
A Lenten Message of Creation Care From Pope Francis
Pope Francis released a message for Lent this past week, reminding Catholics of the work of mercy: "God’s mercy transforms human hearts; it enables us, through the experience of a faithful love, to become merciful in turn," continuing, "In an…
Leadership Begets Leadership at St. John’s Creation Care Conference
Pope Francis' Encyclical, Laudato Si sparked a great discussion on the climate in America, and the conversation continued in Queens, New York at this year's Ninth Biennial Vincentian Chair of Social Justice Conference. The event which hosted 240 attendees of…
Why Republicans Should Listen to Evangelicals on Climate Change
Ted Cruz just won the Iowa Caucus, and while his appeal to Evangelical Christian communities may have been a contributing factor to his success, it could be the very thing that loses him votes in the general election. Evangelicals across…
Lenten Carbon Fast Fosters Interfaith Solidarity
Christian Lent begins next week on February 10th and will last until Easter Sunday, March 27th, 2016. Through Biblical exegesis, Christians find guidance for the Lenten holiday in the Synoptic Gospels, motivating them to abandon particular behaviors for 40 days.…
Coming Together in Faith on Climate Videos: Sustenance for Our 2016 Climate Journey
On September 24-25, 2015, Blessed Tomorrow, with our partners Convergence, Washington National Cathedral, Auburn Seminary, Faith in Public Life, and Interfaith Power and Light DC, brought together Christian, Jewish, Muslim and other national leaders to an extraordinary event called Coming…
Chicago’s Archdiocese Announces New Energy Reduction Plan
Chicago is home to towering Cathedrals, visible from miles away when unobstructed, and while the city is known for these majestic testaments to God, they use a tremendous amount of energy to maintain functionality. Luckily that's about to change as…
Pope Francis and Leonard DiCaprio Just Became Climate Buddies
Two outspoken voices on climate change in the past year have been Pope Francis and Revenant actor, Leonardo DiCaprio, and this week, the two finally met. Traveling to the Vatican, the actor turned climate leader who has garnered audiences from…
Why Climate Change is a Race Issue
The drastic changes happening to our planet are not a direct result of race issues in America, but the impact of those changes on particular segments of society is related to our construction of race. Speaking on Michigan's recent water…
Post-Paris: The Real Work Begins for Faith Leaders
A less reported aspect of the Paris Agreement was the involvement of faith leaders from around the world, which added a moral backdrop to the lively discussions. Now, a few months after the historic agreement was reached. Faith leaders pay…
Climate High Ground: How Religious Leaders Are Shifting the Discussion
Just over a year ago, the discourse surrounding climate change was political. Appropriated by pundits, climate change has been used to create divisiveness between Americans, but according to a series of recent reports, religious leaders are restructuring the climate discussion.…
Climate Change is a Civil Rights Issue for This Faith Leader
When Rev. Dr. Gerald Durley first marched for civil rights in America with Dr. King, he probably never imagined he'd be doing something similar for the climate in 2016. Rev. Durley and along with many other Blessed Tomorrow leaders view…
This Year, Tu BiSh’vat is About More Than Planting a Tree
This weekend, we celebrate Tu BiSh'vat, the Jewish New Year of the tree, an agricultural tradition held for millennia to honor the sacredness of G-d's creation. Jewish communities across America will gather to celebrate the holiday with community members and…
Faith Leaders Curb Food Waste Across America
The EPA reports that the average American throws away just over 1200 calories in food per day, contributing to issues of hunger and climate change. EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy has developed many strategies to combat this unnecessary waste, turning recently…
Framing Climate Values in the Six Americas
In recent years, the discourse surrounding climate change has transitioned away from a political issue, and into a moral concern that faith leaders are taking head on. In Yale's new report, Faith, Morality and the Environment: Portraits of Global Warming’s…
Why Polar Bears and Protests Don’t Work in Climate Communications
You probably didn't realize that you clicked on this blog largely because of the image, but it's true, you did. Imagery has come to define our era of online interactions. Social media and blogs almost always have an accompanying visual…
Will Faith Guide Conservative Republicans to Climate Action?
Major media outlets propagate a polarized narrative when it comes to climate leaders and conservatives, and while the GOP has been slow to join climate solutions, a growing number are starting to see the light. Republicans, the House majority leaders,…
Nulling Climate Denial in President Obama’s State of the Union Address
President Obama shared in his State of Union Address that acting on climate change is not only the consensus of most world leaders but that ignoring the inevitable shift in technology and business would weaken the American economy. The President's…
Will Evangelical Christians Be the New Climate Leaders of 2016?
When Pope Francis released his groundbreaking Encyclical, Laudato Si, the impact it would have on the Catholic community was to be expected. As it turns out, Catholics aren't the only people of faith gleaning climate motivation from the papal edict.…
Faith Leaders Account for One-Half of Sierra Club Event Attendance
The Sierra Club is welcoming a new group to their fold. The list of faith leaders, including Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Buddhists Hindus, and many more, now account for nearly one-half of Sierra Club's event attendance. The number of faith leaders…
5 Faith Traditions Speak on Climate
You've studied the scriptures of your faith tradition, and you understand quite well the moral imperative to care for creation. What about your fellow climate caretakers in faith traditions not your own? What are they taught about creation and how…
The Climate is Changing and So Are Opinions About What To Do
The Monmouth University Poll released a report on climate opinions this week, findings that uncovered a shift in climate concern among Americans. Seventy percent of Americans agree that the climate is changing, a drastic uptick in concern for the climate…
Richard Cizik Finds Climate Faith in Leadership
Richard Cizik, President of the New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good, has worked for decades on issues of climate and broader creation care initiatives. It comes at no surprise that he made his way to Paris this past month…
How Are Social Media ‘Echo Chambers’ Influencing Climate Views in Faith Communities?
Social media is a powerful tool. There is a good chance that you found this blog through one of the many platforms that host the instantaneous sharing of information. Platforms such as Twitter and Facebook have become part of our…
How Did the ‘Francis Effect’ You? Papal Climate Action Goes Multi-annual
2015 was a big year for religion but then again, what year isn't huge for faith. Many leaders stuck out as climate advocates, but none had quite the reach or trajectory as Pope Francis. As is apparent by the Papacy…
If Genesis is Not Static, Why Are Some of Our Creation Care Initiatives?
The beginning of every new year is subtle reminder of the various origin stories in scriptures through religious traditions. In the Book of Genesis, Christians are shown the manifestation of God's creation, one in which form is conceived, light and…
ecoAmerica’s 11 Biggest Milestones of 2015
2015 was an incredible year for the climate movement, with leaders in every sector speaking out and demanding climate action. ecoAmerica (Blessed Tomorrow's parent company) continued to empower those leaders through summits, programs, and research designed to reinforce effective…
Does Your Climate Strategy Have a Human Element?
The earth will survive climate change. Our planet has spun through various degrees of ecological transition, with cold and warm periods altering its landscape. The current (human induced) change, however, is happening faster than ever before, and while the planet…
A Climate Quiz for Your Congregation
The Pew Research Center created a climate change quiz and unlike test from our childhood; this questionnaire required an unusual prerequisite – one for which little studying is required. The three question exam does not test an individual's knowledge of…
4 Climate Achievements of 2015 and 4 Climate Initiatives for 2016!
Allah, who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and is firmly established on the throne. He covers the night as a veil over the day, each seeking the other in swift succession. He created the sun, the…
Hosea’s Prophetic Poetry of the Hebrew Bible in an Age of Climate Change
In 8th century BCE, Hosea, a minor Prophet of the Hebrew Bible, offered poetic insights on the nature of human existence and its role in God's creation. Walter Brueggemann, a Sojourners contributing editor and professor emeritus at Columbia Theological Seminary…
African American Communities Need Faith Leaders to ‘Do the Right Thing’ in Climate Action
Climate change has altered the way we work, play and thrive in God's creation. Still, no other community in America has been impacted by the harmful effects of climate change more than the African American population. Accounting for only 13…
Why People of Faith Must Say, ‘NO’ to Nuclear Power as a Climate ‘Solution’
Houston, we've got a problem. And if the former chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is calling the bluff of the nuclear industry, we know it's a big one. The recent climate talks in Paris have heightened discussions about how…
What Do the Experts Think About the Paris Agreement? Katharine Hayhoe Offers Insight
The COP21 Paris agreement has garnered plenty of praise (and a little doubt) from the global community. Was it ambitious enough? Will it redirect the course of climate change? With a deal of this magnitude, designed to carry us through…
Saving Christmas With The Gospel of Luke On A Hot December Day
December has proven to be a hot one, and while this warming is largely attributed to El Nino, climate change is heightening the severity of its impact. This Christmas may not offer the usual snowfall and sweater weather we…
Is Climate Action a Leap of Faith for Americans?
A fire swept across the Jemez Mountains range four years ago, a blaze viewable from the home of Lutheran lay theologian and climate advocate, Larry Rasmussen. Destroying just over 150,000 acres of land, the climate-induced rampage was, perhaps, the most…
7 Creation Care and Climate Leaders Who Inspired Me In 2015
One night a few weeks ago, my husband Jim and I browsed some of the many “best of rock groups” lists online, just for fun. As expected, The Beatles and Elvis Presley were among those featured prominently; but some surprises…
We’ve Reached An Agreement In Paris, Now What? 6 Steps Every Faith Leader Must Take
In a historic, albeit, unexpected show of support, nearly 200 delegates reached an agreement to collectively reduce carbon emissions in Paris this weekend. Most notably, the COP21 Paris agreement demonstrated an unprecedented level of concern and inclusion of developing…
ecoAmerica in Paris Day 6: Aimee Christensen Is Changing the Way We Do Business
It’s the day after the huge event Aimee Christensen helped organize — “Climate and Capital” on the sidelines of COP21, to inform and encourage investment in climate solutions — but she is not showing any signs of slowing down. She hops from…
ecoAmerica in Paris Day 5: Can Hip-Hop & Faith Build Climate Support In Paris’ Low Income Areas?
Outside of the Paris “beltway,” (Boulevard Périphérique), far from the climate talks and the palaces and villas where side meetings and donor discussions are taking place, are suburbs that are home to many of Paris’s immigrants, including Muslim families from…
ecoAmerica in Paris day 4: The Power of Storytelling In The Faith And Climate Dialogue
John Hill is using communications skills honed over 23 years of work in Washington, D.C., every day this week in Paris at COP21. As Assistant General Secretary for Advocacy and Organizing at the United Methodist Church’s (UMC) Board of Church…
ecoAmerica in Paris Day 3: Is Kosovo The Answer To Turning The Tide On Coal Production?
Noah Kittner, a Ph.D. candidate in Energy and Resources at U Cal Berkeley, ran cross country as a high school student in Raleigh, North Carolina. He may have learned a thing or two about endurance back then that helps him…
ecoAmericans in Paris Day 2: Latino Climate Leaders Convene in Paris for #COP21
The grand postmodern hall in the “Order of the Architects of the Isle of France,” a stately building near the Gare de l'Est train station in Paris is for once abuzz with a language other than French. Paris has welcomed…
ecoAmericans in Paris Day 1: COP21 Climate and Health Talks With John M. Balbus
At the last COP meeting in Copenhagen in 2009, there was only one side event focused on health and climate. This year at COP21 in Paris there has been several each day, with hundreds of thousands of people attending. More…
Reclaiming Jihad for Creation- Christians Join Muslims in Climate Fast
For many Americans, the word 'Jihad' unfortunately carries with it a particular connotation that conjures memory of terror and violence. And that's completely wrong. During the time of Prophet Mohammad (SAW), the Arabic word, 'Jihad' commonly meant an internal struggle…
How Are You Communicating on Climate With Your Congregation? Let’s Talk Climate.
Every week, faith leaders across America stand before their respective assemblages to morally guide their diverse congregations on social issues. Creating a singular message that will appeal to the varied audiences may prove complex, particularly when addressing climate change, a…
Waking Up To Climate Change: A Spiritual Rebirth
'Spirituality' has been described by every sage and prophet from Indian mystics to Jesus as the process of 'waking up.' For many, a personal investigation of the heart allows us to illuminate the social woes that confront our communities. Much…
Does the Climate Debate Need Faith? Scientists Think So.
It may come as a surprise for some to hear a famed climate scientist declare, "…more science is not the answer to global action." That is, however, exactly what Texas Tech Professor, Kathrine Hayhoe shared in her article for Scientific…
COP21 Finally Arrives and Climate Leaders Are Ready!
Paris is finally here! COP21 begins today as over 190 world leaders gather to negotiate the fate of our climate. Feels weird writing that our climate is up for negotiation but that is the unfortunate reality of the situation. Though,…
71% of Americans Want Climate Solutions From COP21
Discussions surrounding the likelihood of success at this year's climate talks in Paris have varied depending on what news source you frequent. Regardless of the actual outcome, the progress we have made is monumental. The three largest contributors of carbon…
Will Eco-Theology Mend Our Rupture With God?
How does faith impact the climate discussion? As Dennis Patrick O’Hara, director of the Elliott Allen Institute for Theology and Ecology, shared, faith gives people a particular sense of power on an issue that can seem overwhelming. For many Americans,…
Is Your Temple the Living Word of God?
In Ephesians 2:21, Christians are taught, "In whom the whole structure, joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord." What does this temple look like, and how does it represent the way in which followers of Jesus practice…
Will Your Thanksgiving ‘Food Print’ Represent Your Love of God’s Creation?
This week, millions of Americans will come together with family and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving, a time for love, sharing and, of course, food. The holiday season, however, should also be a time to recommitment ourselves to creation care. This…
Indigenous Peoples Are Counting On UNFCCC
It has been just over a week since the attacks on Paris, and the world has changed. While my heart goes out to all those impacted by terrorism from Beirut to Baghdad, it is imperative to steady our course toward…
Is Science Enough to Garner Climate Support?
Scientists have been warning people for decades that climate change is a serious and pervasive threat to the prosperity of humankind. And while climate efforts of the past few decades are not to be forgotten, they simply have not been…
Jamaica Bay Hindus Transform Religious Ceremonies for the Climate
As people of faith, our rites and rituals are sacred aspects of connecting to the divine. From Russian Orthodox bells carrying prayers to the heavens to Buddhist burning incense, these forms of praxis act as a conduit between us and…
Why Are These Christians Hiking to Paris?
The cold winds of November aren't enough to stop Christians from marching to Paris for climate change awareness. Then again religious theorists would argue that a pilgrimage is intended to be just that, arduous for the sake of transformation. It…
God’s Glory Rediscovered Through The Eyes Of Appalachian Bishops
The Appalachian mountains have been revered by Americans for centuries. They are, without equivocation, a national treasure, which is why Kentucky and West Virgina Catholic Bishops have been speaking out on the degradation of these sacred hills for decades. As…
You’ve Felt It, I’ve Felt It – ‘The Francis Effect’ is Finally Quantifiable
Since Pope Francis was elected to the Papacy in 2013, Catholics have been moved by his words, actions and compassion for the environment. From his groundbreaking Encyclical, Laudato Si, to his recent visit to the U.S. (which I was lucky…
Let’s Talk Climate Report Releases Next Week (And Scientists Could’t Be Happier)
How do we communicate on climate change effectively? This question is an ever-present conundrum for scientists around the world. Climatologist Kevin Stark detailed the difficulty scientists encounter while conveying the urgency of climate change, sharing, "How do we talk…
Expanding World-Views, Thomas Berry And A False Dichotomy in Issues of Social Justice
A static belief is a dead position. A salient example being Dominican Sr. Patricia Siemen, who, after advocating for the construction of low-income housing in the 1980s that would devastate Florida wildlands, expanded her worldview, pushing her to look deep…
How to Talk About Climate Change at the Thanksgiving Dinner Table
One of my favorite parts of Thanksgiving is spending time with my family, especially extended family members whom I don’t get to see often enough. Our time together includes the usual Thanksgiving traditions – eating specially prepared food (I’m bringing…
‘Green Values’ Guide New Jersey Episcopal Church to Greenfaith Certification
The Green Team at St. Bernard’s Episcopal Church in New Jersey received a Greenfaith Certification after a tremendous accomplishment of transforming their faith facility. Greenfaith's Rev. Fletcher Harper (Blessed Tomorrow leader), shared, "St. Bernard's is now one of some 70…
Thank You President Obama for Shutting Down KeyStoneXL!
Moments before ecoAmerica founder, Bob Perkowitz took the stage at Climate Day LA, the news came in that President Obama had rejected the Keystone XL transnational pipeline. The crowd of some 500 people, leaders from various sectors of business, health,…
Texas Gets a Week of Baptists Creation Care, and They Couldn’t Be Happier
You may remember Plainview, Texas from the National Geographic television series, 'Years of Living Dangerously,' in which famed climate scientist, Katharine Hayhoe expounded the many ways in which this once robust region had fallen victim to the impacts of climate…
‘Science Alone Cannot Save the Planet,’ But Faith Can
"Science alone cannot save the planet," shared Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I, the Orthodox Christian leader who spiritually guides 300 million people around the world. The 'Green Patriarch' met with the Archbishop of Canterbury in England this past week,…
Catholic Cardinals Come to America for a Week of Encyclical Related Climate Events
Everyone involved in raising climate awareness (and many that aren't) know about Pope Francis Encyclical, Laudato Si. It's powerful message of eco-justice under the umbrella of Catholic theology empowered not just 1.4 billion Catholics worldwide to make a change for…
Do You ‘Desire’ A Healthy Planet? Climate Reflections On The Miracles of Jesus
The miracles of Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels call for a recognition of maladies. In Luke 4:18, Jesus required the 'longing' or 'desire' for change, which in turn called the recipient of a miracle to recognize the issue at hand.…
Dalai Lama Shares 4 Demands To Ensure COP21 Is ‘Guided By Moral Dimensions’
His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama, has remained outspoken on the issue of climate change, expressing concern over its impact on the Tibetian Plateau, or 'roof of the world.' This week, His Holiness urged strong climate leadership in Paris with…
From One Latino Faith Leader to Another: Climate Change Has A ‘Spiritual Dimension’
Blessed Tomorrow leader and President of National Latino Evangelical Coalition, Rev. Gabriel Salguero, was deeply moved by Pope Francis' visit to the U.S. In an open letter to the leader of the Catholic Church, Salguero expressed why his Evangelical Christian…
4 Challenges We Still Face On 50th Anniversary of First Warning To A U.S. President On Climate Change
November 5th, 2015 marks the 50th anniversary of the first warning issued to a U.S. President regarding climate change. In the five decades since this historical event, we've learned a lot about the impact of fossils fuels on our atmosphere,…
Catholic Bishops Offer COP21 Delegates ’10 Calls’ to Climate Action
Catholic Bishops from 5 continents have appealed to COP21 delegates to take legally binding action that will reduce the impact of climate change on the poorest regions. Citing Pope Francis' Encyclical Laudato Si, the nine signatories, six of which were…