Let’s Talk Climate Report Releases Next Week (And Scientists Could’t Be Happier)


How do we communicate on climate change effectively? 

This question is an ever-present conundrum for scientists around the world. Climatologist Kevin Stark detailed the difficulty scientists encounter while conveying the urgency of climate change, sharing, "How do we talk about climate change so that people care even while they worry about making the rent? How do scientists communicate the threat of an abruptly warming planet to the public?"

At ecoAmerica, our mission is to develop communication strategies that transcend the often rigid borders of communicating on climate to various communities. Through research committees, focus groups, and polling, we determine the most impactful methods to communicate on climate change by maintaining a focus that is immediately relevant to all audiences.

Communicating on Climate in Faith Communities Has Never Been More Important 

Building on the momentum of religious leaders such as Pope Francis, His Holiness The Dalai Lama, and Rev. Jim Wallis, to name a few, people of faith are taking immediate action on climate change. Outreach of this nature, however, requires far more than being a good communicator. Which is why we have developed a new report: Let's Talk Climate: Messages to Motivate Americans, outlining the latest strategies for communicating on climate to your faith community.

Join us on November 20 for a free webinar and to receive your copy of, Let's Talk Climate: Messages to Motivate Americans.

Lastly, share the report with your friends and community on social media using the hashtag: #LetsTalkClimate

Scientists Explore Better Ways to Tell The Global Warming Story

By Kevin Stark | Northwestern University 

Throngs of demonstrators frustrated with government inaction on climate change filled the streets of Manhattan in September. They wore cardboard cutouts life preservers that said “preserve our communities.” They carried a giant sunflower, nearly the width of a city street. Colorful signs, young and old, a cross-section of America. 

And there was Yonig Goldsmith wearing a white robe like a prophet, but carrying a graph like a climate scientist. That is what he is.

“The scientists—there were not that many—but we all stood with signs that were posters of different plots [on graphs] showing what is happening,” Goldsmith said.

What role should science play in climate change advocacy?

This fall, Goldsmith and other scientists at the Comer Abrupt Climate Change Conference in southwestern Wisconsin grappled with this question. The conference is hosted by the Comer Family Foundation, which supports widespread climate research, and it brought together top climate scientists working from Antarctica to Greenland and everywhere in between.

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