
Resources, guides, and special topic videos make climate understandable and actionable

Climate Action Guides | Let’s Talk Climate | Events and Webinars | Moving Forward Guide | Awards and Replication Guides

  • Children & Youth Mental Health In Our Changing Climate: A Guide for Faith Leaders

    As the backbone of our local communities, congregations are on the frontlines of care.  And, as our changing climate causes more frequent and severe weather events, the physical and mental health impacts are following, weighing heavily on communities and congregations. También disponible en Español.

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  • Introduction to Climate Justice

    Climate justice acknowledges that climate change harms Black, indigenous, people of color, low-income and rural communities, women, children, people with disabilities, and marginalized communities first and worst.

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  • Our Ocean: Changing Climate, Shifting Tides

    The ocean is part of God’s creation and is central to stabilizing the earth’s climate. We are called to enjoy, protect and care for the…

  • Climate, Food, and Faith

    Eating lots of plant-based, nutrient-rich foods supports personal health and is the best way to prevent chronic illness and disease. Not only is this good…

  • Climate and Faith

    Foundational to many faith traditions is the belief that we are to care for the earth and all that is in it because it is…

  • Restoring Nature = Restoring Ourselves

    If we restore thriving nature, we all live healthier, more fulfilling lives while addressing climate change. From backyards to parks and forests…

  • Climate Solutions Advocacy with Policy Makers

    Moving policy makers to tackle climate change can be a rewarding task. Your voice can make a difference. When officials hear from their constituents, especially…

  • Climate Solutions for Your Home and Neighborhood

    Climate change is a big problem that affects everyone, so how can you and your family make a difference? It turns out there are lots…

  • Climate Solutions for Your Workplace or Congregation

    Our climate is changing, but if we all move to more climate friendly choices we can help restore healthier people, prosperous communities, and a thriving…

  • Climate Solutions for Your Community

    We have all been hearing about climate change and know we need to do something, but what? Communities around America are …

  • Moving Forward Guide

    Our Moving Forward: A Guide to Climate Action For Your Congregation and Community provides you with information and resources to reduce energy use, to build…

  • How Faith Communities Fuel Social Movements

    Faith communities have often been at the epicenter of social change throughout history. With a number of visible social movements taking place today, this study…

  • Blessed Tomorrow Carbon Offset Program

    Blessed Tomorrow Carbon Offset Program powered by Cool Effect provides a simple and powerful way for houses of worship to offset annual carbon emissions.

  • American Climate Values 2014 Supplement: Faith and Climate Highlights

    This report dives deeper into the results of American Climate Values 2014: Psychographic and Demographic Insights to understand the climate attitudes of Americans who describe their faith…

  • Climate Talking Points

    These new, monthly talking points are designed to help you have meaningful and effective conversations about climate! Each month, we will choose a theme, provide…

  • National Climate and Faith Leadership Forum 2018

    On May 2, 2018, Blessed Tomorrow and Auburn Seminary co-hosted a gathering of nearly 50 faith leaders to explore how to increase climate change mitigation…

  • American Climate Leadership Summit 2017

    On October 25 and 26, ecoAmerica brought together 300 diverse national leaders from across sectors and society to the National Press Club in Washington, DC….

  • Let’s Talk Faith and Climate: Communication Guidance for Faith Leaders

    Research-tested, values-based messaging that’s proven to resonate with people of faith, along with tips on how to deepen engagement and position climate action as a…

  • Let’s Lead On Climate

    Hear from local community, health, and faith leaders across the U.S. who are successfully engaging their constituents in programs and initiatives that promote climate leadership,…

  • Let’s Talk Climate: Messages to Motivate Latino Americans

    This guide combines qualitative and quantitative research to offer culturally relevant words, phrases, and narratives for successfully engaging fellow…

  • 15 Steps to Create Effective Climate Communications

    An update to our original Communicating on Climate: 13 Steps and Guiding Principles, this guide outlines a specific, easy-to-follow process for crafting and delivering successful…

  • Mental Health and Our Changing Climate: Impacts, Inequities, Responses

    This report chronicles the impacts of climate change on Americans’ mental health and psychological well-being and provides guidance and resources to act and advocate.

  • Leader Spotlight: Katharine Hayhoe

    Climate scientist and ecoAmerica Leadership Council member Katharine Hayhoe’s efforts to communicate the realities of a changing climate have earned her a spot as one…

  • A Summary: Coming Together in Faith on Climate

    On September 24-25, 2015, Blessed Tomorrow, with our partners Convergence, Washington National Cathedral, Auburn Seminary, Faith in Public Life and …

  • Faith Leaders Making Their Love Visible Through Climate Solutions

    The week before last, I was blessed to join hundreds of faith leaders who gathered in Washington D.C. for Coming Together in Faith on Climate. Co-sponsoring the event with ConvergenceWashington National CathedralAuburn

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  • Honoring Faith Traditions and Shared Values

    Tony helped the Catholic Archdiocese of Cincinnati form a network of climate change leaders from over 70 of their 214 parishes.

  • A Solar Springboard to Green Ministry

    Florida Avenue Baptist Church became one of the first African-American churches in the nation to install solar.

  • Starting with Scripture, Inspiring with Solutions

    Dr. Joel Hunter has inspired his members by focusing on scripture, staying positive, and providing simple ways for them to address climate change.

  • Walking the Walk and the Moral Imperative to Lead

    Rabbi Warren Stone has helped his congregation become a national leader in climate change.

  • Make the Path to Positive Commitment

    Through the Path to Positive commitment, your congregation can make a public promise to inspire people to care about climate change and take simple steps…

  • Cultivating Cool Congregations & Communities

    Cool Congregations, a program created by Sarah Webb and two of her friends, has touched over 250 faith communities in more than 10 other states.