Thank You President Obama for Shutting Down KeyStoneXL!

Moments before ecoAmerica founder, Bob Perkowitz took the stage at Climate Day LA, the news came in that President Obama had rejected the Keystone XL transnational pipeline. The crowd of some 500 people, leaders from various sectors of business, health, higher education, and faith, erupted with applause and cheer.

President Obama spoke in front of the White House on Friday explaining that, "after extensive public outreach, and consultation with other Cabinet agencies, the State Department has decided that the Keystone XL pipeline would not serve the national interests of the United States." We couldn't agree more with the President and while gratitude is most certainly due to our Commander in Cheif, we would like first to thank you. Yes, that's right you. 

Without the relentless efforts of faith leaders, this historic display of climate leadership could not have been possible. Through letter writing campaigns, speaking to your congregations about the impact of initiatives such as Keystone XL, 'public outreach' which helped inform President Obama on this decision could not have been possible. 

The fight is far from over, but let's take a moment to congratulate our fellow climate leaders and think of ways to continue this path to a positive future. 

President Obama rejects Keystone XL pipeline

Brian Roewe | National Catholic Reporter

President Barack Obama rejected Friday the construction of the Keystone XL transnational pipeline, in part on grounds that approving the politically contentious project would have undercut U.S. leadership on the world stage in addressing climate change.

The proposed Keystone XL pipeline sought to move daily as many as 830,000 barrels of Canadian crude oil from Alberta tar sands fields to refineries in the Gulf of Mexico. The project would have stretched 1,100 miles, crossing the U.S.-Canadian border in Montana before linking with already-constructed Keystone pipelines. Unlike the southern leg, the northern leg, due to crossing an international border, required a presidential permit.

The president made the announcement before noon in Washington, flanked at the White House by Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry. He said Kerry had informed him Friday morning that "after extensive public outreach, and consultation with other Cabinet agencies, the State Department has decided that the Keystone XL pipeline would not serve the national interests of the United States."

"I agree with that decision," Obama said.

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