The United Methodist Church Holds Creation Care Conference in Georgia!
For the eighth consecutive year, The United Methodist of Georgia are organizing their conference, "Environmental Resurrection: Let Justice Roll Down Like Waters," scheduled April 24-26. From environmental justice, to more sustainable behavior changes, the conference attempts to press the moral mandate of creation care.
Viewing creation care as integral to all religious traditions, the conference holds interfaith proceeding that welcome all backgrounds, as well as, young people with their concurrent Youth Climate Convergence, scheduled April 25.
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Creation Care as God’s Mandate
By Global Board of Church and Society of The United Methodist Church
For some United Methodists, taking care of God’s creation is a biblical mandate.
“God's first word to Adam was to till and keep the earth,” pointed out the Rev. Josh Amerson, associate pastor at Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church in Atlanta. “We humans have done exceedingly well at the tilling, but until recently the keeping has been overlooked.”
While Glenn Memorial is focusing on sustainability through practices like composting and recycling, Amerson said the congregation is eager to engage with environmental justice issues that will impact communities around the world.