Young Evangelicals Turn to Gospel for Climate Conversion

Thirty young Evangelicals recently made the long journey to Kenya, Africa to experience the drastic impact of climate change on farmers in the region. In an attempt to push climate talks beyond politics, the group has developed videos and online documents that explain not only how climate change is impacting poor people around the world, but how the gospel implores us to make a difference.

Global climate disasters are a result of what Showtime referred to as, 'Years of Living Dangerously,' a assesment that illuminates how our behavior in America is having a negative impact on poor communities abroad. In transitioning our daily conduct to more sustainable practices, we may save the lives of so many people around the world.

Make a change today, for a Blessed Tomorrow!

Young Evangelicals Celebrate Release of Climate Conversation Videos

By World Renew

“We have to have creation and its care at the center of our gospel to the poor, or we’re living a lie.”

That quote is from a new video and study guide on climate change that has broad application in faith circles—and not one that Americans expect from mainstream Protestants. The resource was launched yesterday, April 6, 2015, on the Climate Conversation website.

"Climate Conversation: Kenya" is a new resource from Grand-Rapids based World Renew and the Christian Reformed Office of Social Justice. The series of four short videos and companion discussion guide combines on-the-ground footage and interviews from Kenya with study materials to help faith-based groups and individuals get past climate politics and ideology. 

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