Blessed Tomorrow’s Kara Ball Scheduled To Speak At Ecumenical Advocacy Days

Ecumenical Advocacy Days describes itself as 'a movement of the ecumenical Christian community, and its recognized partners and allies, grounded in biblical witness and our shared traditions of justice, peace and the integrity of creation.' April 15th-18th, Christian leaders from various denominations will convene to discuss current social issues that impact people of faith, through theological reflection, prayer, and advocacy. 

This year, The Ecumenical Advocacy Conference will focus on the increasingly important issue of climate change to uncover and develop ways forward on a subject that extends far beyond the church walls. Among those speaking will be Blessed Tomorrow's program director, Kara Ball, scheduled to take the floor on Saturday, April 16th at 3:30 p.m. accompanied by John Hill, General Board of Church and Society, United Methodist Church. 

The panel entitled Global Climate Justice: Ensuring The Wealthiest Countries Are Doing Their Share, will address steps forward after COP21 in Paris during which 190+ countries sign a record-breaking agreement on climate change. Topics will include The Green Climate Fund, Climate Justice and paths forward for faith leaders to enact real change considering the parameters of the COP21 agreement. If you are in the D.C. area, you won't want to miss this event! 

Ecumenical Advocacy Days: Lift Every Voice! – Racism, Class & Power

In a major U.S. election year when lives, votes and the global economy are at stake, followers of Christ ask, “Who has a voice?” The response is, “Everyone!”

But in our neighborhoods, cities, and around the world, the voices of too many people are silenced. For generations in this country, social, economic, corporate and political powers have colluded to reduce and eliminate access to voting. Historically, systemic injustice has been carried out through poll taxes, unreasonable and egregious voter requirements and violent opposition to calls for justice and change. Today, we are experiencing injustice through not only an attempt for voter suppression, but police brutality, detention and mass incarceration. In the U.S. and around the world, communities whose health, water, air and land are threatened by corporate greed, voices for justice are often curbed through extreme violence, intimidation and murder.

In this country, communities of color are under siege: named and unnamed black lives are killed each year by police; immigrants are detained and scapegoated; and public displays of discontent and calls for solidarity have too often been met with disregard, suppression or violence. Around the world, decisions that affect the well-being of lives and the entire global economy – one based on continued growth despite the limits to earth’s natural resources and capacity to absorb such growth – are often made in closed boardrooms and in great secrecy.

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