Cardinal Turkson Uses Effective Communication Skills to Highlight Climate Friendly Economy

'Ongoing creation and incarnation' were the words used to describe a Catholic understanding of the earth at this year's conference, "Catholics, Capitalism and Climate" at Molloy College on Long Island, New York. Cardinal Turkson, arguably one the most significant contributors to Pope Francis' Encyclical, Laudato Si, told the audience that this notion must overcome our current “domination and devastation.” Quoting directly from the Papal Edict, the Ghanaian Cardinal mused on various aspects of the declaration. 

Speaking on issues of technology, theology, human dignity, and overall solidarity in our move toward a more sustainable economy, Turkson focused his points directly on the U.S. Reading his remarks, I realized that Turkson is much more than a capable writer and theologian, he is an all-around excellent climate leader with communication skills that exemplify inclusive language, identify major issue in climate change, and offers practical solutions.

Check out his full speech below to see what I mean. 

Cardinal Turkson speaks on environment, Laudato Si’

Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio)  Mankind is called to participate in “ongoing creation and ongoing incarnation” rather than in the “domination and devastation” of our planet.  That’s the message at the heart of a talk given Wednesday in the U.S. by Cardinal Peter Turkson, President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.
Cardinal Turkson was addressing a conference entitled "Catholics, Capitalism and Climate" at Molloy College on Long Island, New York focusing on Pope Francis' historic encyclical letter, "Laudato Si': On Care for our Common Home." 
The Cardinal did not shy away from topics concerning the United States like capitalism and legal challenges to the implementation of the Clean Power Plan to reduce emissions from power plants: “Let me only comment that greenhouse gas pollution already affects every man, woman, and child on the planet now, and more so in future generations. Law, as Thomas Aquinas said long ago, must always be oriented to the common good.” 
“Today, irresponsible financial and commercial practices are the offenses that we now tolerate, because of the interests in the profits and lifestyle of excessive consumerism that they promote.” By contrast, “a healthy economy with free and fair markets climaxes in the role of business as a vocation to care for our common home.” Cardinal Turkson ends with a note of hope: the Encyclical affirms that “All is not lost. Human beings, while capable of the worst, are also capable of rising above themselves, choosing again what is good, and making a new start” 
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