Interfaith Power and Light Held DC Conference to Care for Creation
This past week, DC was inundated with Blessed Tomorrow partners for an Interfaith Power and Light conference on caring for God’s creation. The attendees included Matthew Sleeth of Blessed Earth, who is an acting leader for Blessed Tomorrow. Along with leaders such as Mitch Hescox from Evangelical Environmental Network, the group discussed ways in which they are moving forward in their attempt to care for God’s creation.
The focus of this year’s event was to press state legislators to protect the EPA’s Clean Air Act and other EPA safeguards. IPL members spent most of their time charging the hill (so to speak), meeting with state senators, encouraging them to care for God’s creation.
Hats off to IPL for hosting an amazing confernce!
National IPL Conference in DC – Education and Action
By Allis Druffel for Interfaith Power and Light
In April, representatives of 36 affiliates of Interfaith Power & Light from around the country gathered in Washington, DC to share best practices, learn about pressing energy and climate issues, and to advocate to their state legislators.
The conference began with an interfaith prayer and ritual, grounding the next three days on the basis for why IPL exists – to put into practice the commn religious goal of caring for and protecting all of creation.