Now Available: February Talking Points

Throughout American history, people of faith have been at the forefront in addressing injustice. They have transformed hearts, minds, and the course of our country. Today, religious communities are called to a new moral challenge — climate change.

If we can inspire and empower people of faith to lead on climate, we can reach every city and county in the nation with a new climate message, and new reasons to support solutions. We know that Americans are not very motivated when we speak about climate change using environmental jargon. And, why would a pastor talk about polar ice extent and RPS when he or she can be far more effective preaching about the moral imperative to care for our brothers and sisters, caring for creation, and walking gently on God’s earth?

For the sake of our neighbors and for all of God’s creation, faith communities can provide a prophetic voice and powerful examples to inspire others to join them in leaving the legacy of a healthier, safer world for future generations.

These talking points provide a starting point. Tailor them to accommodate the values and beliefs of your faith tradition or that of your audience.

1. Creation is a reflection of the glory of God. We are grateful for the gifts we’ve been
given, and must fulfill our God-given responsibility to be good stewards of God’s
creation, which includes all of us who live within it.

2. We have always stood for justice and helping our neighbors. Whether it be civil
rights, poverty, children or creation, our basic sense of right and wrong guides us to
protect people and our shared home.

3. Climate change is a spiritual challenge. Some may see climate change as a political,
economic, or scientific issue, but we recognize it, first and foremost, as an ethical issue.
Leading on climate is part of how we live our faith.

4. We have a responsibility to care for the least of us. The poorest amongst us bear
the greatest burden and risk of climate change. We witness this firsthand as we restore
communities in the wake of unprecedented storms, droughts, and disasters.

5. We are called to respond to what we see around us. We are moral messengers for
the common good, and must translate our compassion into action.

6. When we lead on climate, we strengthen our congregation and our
Climate solutions create fellowship, inspire our youth, enrich our faith,
and reduce our costs, freeing up money for mission.

7. We can make a difference in our hopes, our place of worship, and for people all
over the world.
The actions we take serve as witness to our commitment and our
power to instill hope and provides a powerful example of how to drive positive change.

8. We can pass down a safer, healthier, more vibrant world to our children. One of
our most important missions is to protect the home of future generations.


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