Another Triumph for God’s Creation: President Obama Vetoes Keystone XL
The Keystone XL bill 'has earned my veto,' President Obama explained in his veto message on Tuesday. After six years of battle, the TransCanada Corp pipeline that would have transported 830,000 barrels a day of mostly Canadian oil sands crude to Nebraska en route to refineries and ports along the U.S. Gulf, has finally come to an end.
…Or has it?
The Republican party that championed the bill is only four votes shy of overturning President Obama's veto, meaning that we who care for God's creation must remain active and attentive! Explore Blessed Tomorrow for ways to care for God's creation by keeping your congregation active.
Obama Vetoes Keystone XL Pipeline, Leaving it in Limbo
BY Jeff Mason AND Timothy Gardner for Reuters
President Barack Obama on Tuesday, as promised, swiftly vetoed a Republican bill approving the Keystone XL oil pipeline, leaving the long-debated project in limbo for another indefinite period.
The U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, after receiving Obama's veto message, immediately countered by announcing the Republican-led chamber would attempt to override it by March 3.
That is unlikely. Despite their majority, Republicans are four votes short of being able to overturn Obama's veto.
They have vowed to attach language approving the pipeline to a spending bill or other legislation later in the year that the president would find difficult to veto.