Stewardship Needs a Leader This Earth Day

April 22nd marks the 45th consecutive celebration of Earth Day. Once championed by the subset of 1960s counterculture, Earth Day has transformed into a global movement in which millions look for ways to care to for God's creation. Moreover, it is a time when climate leaders are able to speak with a clear, uninterrupted voice.

In an armistice-like reprieve from the political infighting that surrounds climate change, Earth Day is a moment for collective reflection that enables us to look forward. While our solutions to the problem of climate change may differ, our drive remains steadfast: care for creation.

Alas, we need leaders to help guide us into a new frontier of American prosperity. To do this, consider hosting a creation care event with your congregation with this guide from Blessed Tomorrow, or find further assistance in Earth Day Network's, Leadership Guide.

Leadership Guide to Earth Day

From Earth Day Network

Make a Difference. Be the Difference

The decisions we make influences every aspect of our world. This Earth Day, be a part of the movement to make our world leaders listen as we rally for the biggest threat to us all: climate change. Stop thinking about getting involved and be proactive by planning an event for Earth Day 2015!

Get excited! Only a few weeks away from celebrating Earth Day 2015 and here’s your Leadership Guide.  We’ve spent the time putting together ideas, community activities, and event guidelines so you can get right to work planning for a memorable event.

Find something that works for you and your community. Every green act is one more step towards a more sustainable world, so remember that every activity and event that you create contributes to the Earth Day Network’s Billion Acts of Green global initiative! We need your help in reaching 1.5 billion acts by Earth Day. Once you figure out your plan, let us know and we’ll help you spread the word. The bigger the story we can tell on Earth Day this year, the larger impact we will have to climate change conferences in Paris, 2020, and beyond.

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