
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Apply for the Adamah Climate Action Fund!

    So much feels out of our control, like rising temperatures. According to NASA, the summer of 2023 was the hottest on record for our planet and just recently (July 22, 2024) the globe reached the hottest daily temperature ever measured (and may even have been surpassed by the time this is published)…

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  • If Science Is Not the Way to Communicate On Climate Change, What Is?

    If Science Is Not the Way to Communicate On Climate Change, What Is?

    How would you describe climate change to someone if you were limited to the length of an elevator ride? That's the question posed by Climate Crocks to Blessed Tomorrow Leader, Katharine Hayhoe, a Climate Scientist at Texas Tech University. Hayhoe, an Evangelical Christian and climate science educator contends that science is the last place you want to begin…

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  • Episcopal Church is Approaching Creation Care From All Angles

    Episcopal Church is Approaching Creation Care From All Angles

    The Episcopal Church has received two-years of funding for creation ministries in Tennessee. The $48,000 stipend is part of an environmental stewardship fellowship awarded from the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society, an internal Episcopal mechanism that advocates solutions to a variety of pressing issues, including domestic poverty, environmental protection and global justice. Their current project…

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  • Will Solar Panel Legislation Hurt Indiana Churches?

    Will Solar Panel Legislation Hurt Indiana Churches?

    Solar energy legislation might not seem like a big deal for faith communities, but for parishes such as Cumberland First Baptist Church and Englewood Christian Church, solar panel legislation will determine the success of they're existing creation care campaigns. Over the past few years, solar energy has become a positive force for climate action in American…

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  • What Makes a Moral Leader?

    What Makes a Moral Leader?

    At Blessed Tomorrow, we view climate change as an ethical issue that requires moral leadership. While moral leadership has historically come from a wide range of people (politicians, teachers, etc…), faith leaders have overwhelmingly led the way. From Martin Luther King, Jr. to Mahatma Gandhi, religious leaders have embraced a sacred duty to guide people on…

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  • Creation Care Works in Congruence With God’s Plan, Not Against It

    Creation Care Works in Congruence With God’s Plan, Not Against It

    Faith-based objections to climate change realities are often grounded in a theological understanding of humankind's inability to manipulate the world. As climate denying senator, James Inhofe suggests, 'some people are so arrogant to think that they are so powerful that they can change climate.' However, according to Max Aplin's article, Christians Should Take Warnings of…

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  • Eco-Therapy Helps Religious Leaders Address Mental Illness

    Eco-Therapy Helps Religious Leaders Address Mental Illness

    Any faith leader can tell you that addressing mental illness is a difficult aspect of their leadership. While opinions on how to medically treat mental illness may vary, one thing is certain; climate change doesn't help! EcoAmerica's Report, Beyond Storms & Droughts: The Psychological Impacts of Climate Change, displays the various ways in which our changing climate…

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  • Building a Path-to-Positive Change for Tu B’Shevat

    Building a Path-to-Positive Change for Tu B’Shevat

    The Jewish festival, Tu B’Shevat, is just around the corner and you know what that means — time to celebrate trees! Tu B’Shevat is a new year celebration for trees, marking the end of their harvest cycle and the beginning of a new transitional phase. Many Jewish communities in the United States observe the festival…

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  • Sojourner’s Jim Wallis Seeks Repentance Through Divestment

    Sojourner’s Jim Wallis Seeks Repentance Through Divestment

    The call has gone out for faith communities to divest from fossil fuels; and while many religious institutions have taken the call-to-action seriously, Rev. Jim Wallis has taken it personally. For 2015, the president of Sojourners, a founding partner of Blessed Tomorrow, has decided to divest his retirement funds from fossil fuel companies. Self admittedly, his actions…

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  • EPA Chief Visits Vatican to Discuss Moral Implications of Climate Change

    EPA Chief Visits Vatican to Discuss Moral Implications of Climate Change

    Head of the Environmental Protection Agency, Gina McCarthy, is scheduled to meet with Pope Francis this Friday to discuss the 'moral issue' of climate change; a concern she shares with President Obama who recently ventured to India for climate talks. While in India, President Obama called on religious leaders to advocate for climate action and religious…

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  • The Tree Outside is a Direct Link to Genesis

    The Tree Outside is a Direct Link to Genesis

    Teaching creation care to your congregation can start to feel cumbersome, at times. You've done the leg work, uncovered scriptural teachings that command our stewardship of His creation, but what now? The Field Guide To Faith & Nature, has produced, How to Use Your Church Facilities to Teach Creation Care; a how-to-guide for integrating your worship facilities into stewardship…

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  • Rethinking Genesis: How Human Humility Will Save the Climate

    Rethinking Genesis: How Human Humility Will Save the Climate

    The Book of Genesis depicts God's ordering the world out of chaos; forming all that we see today. Man-made climate change is, in many ways, digressing that glorious act and returning us to the chaos from which we came. While Genesis has been used on both sides of the augment over climate change, humankind's arrogance has brought…

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