
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Apply for the Adamah Climate Action Fund!

    So much feels out of our control, like rising temperatures. According to NASA, the summer of 2023 was the hottest on record for our planet and just recently (July 22, 2024) the globe reached the hottest daily temperature ever measured (and may even have been surpassed by the time this is published)…

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  • Faith On the Hill Influences Congressional Climate Votes

    Faith On the Hill Influences Congressional Climate Votes

    The 114th congressional body is the most religiously diverse committee to ever occupy the House of Representatives. With the first Buddhist, Hindu and self identifying "None" being welcomed into the fold — understanding how religious beliefs influence congressional attitudes on climate change has never been more imperative. Instead of viewing religion as divisive schism, Interfaith…

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  • Religious People of Color Take on Climate Change in Mississippi

    Religious People of Color Take on Climate Change in Mississippi

    Desert News asked the question: Why do religious people of color care so much about climate change? Simply put, they have to. The answer to this question is actually two-fold, but let's first take a look at the data, to better orient our perspective. "Compared with 50 percent of all Americans, 73 percent of Hispanic Catholics and…

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  • LDS Church Unveils Massive Online Creation Care Library

    LDS Church Unveils Massive Online Creation Care Library

    The Mormon Church may not be stealing news headlines when it comes to climate change, but that doesn't mean they haven't been active in the creation care movement. Over the past three years, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has compiled an online library of resources to engage people on climate change and…

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  • Mary Evelyn Tucker Discusses Her Decades of Creation Care Research

    Mary Evelyn Tucker Discusses Her Decades of Creation Care Research

    Yale University's, Take Five Series, sat down with Blessed Tomorrow leader, Mary Evelyn Tucker, to discuss her thoughts on creation care in academia as a professor of Religion and Ecology. Tucker, along with her husband, Brian Thomas Swimme have been working in the field for decades, producing extensive research and even an Emmy-Award winning film entitled, Journey…

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  • Pontiff’s Tough Love Encourages Climate Action

    Pontiff’s Tough Love Encourages Climate Action

    Pope Francis' recent visit to the Philippines is another caveat to his impending climate encyclical, scheduled for release this Spring. Calling the current generation "a culture of waste," Pope Francis is clearly not mixing his words. Taking things up a notch, the progressive Pope has clarified his opinion on the matter to a clear message, urging everyone to act immediately.…

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  • Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Teachings On Love Extend to Climate Leadership

    Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Teachings On Love Extend to Climate Leadership

    Martin Luther King Jr. was a champion of social justice who often relied on his Baptist theology to motivate millions through arguably one the most difficult times in American history.  Once again, America is faced with trials that test our ability as a nation to overcome the social injustices that plague our vibrant society. From…

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  • Evangelical Pastor Pens Open Letter Urging Congress to Care for Creation

    Evangelical Pastor Pens Open Letter Urging Congress to Care for Creation

    Evangelical pastor, Brian McLaren and Rev. Cameron Trimble, recently published, An Open Letter to the Republican Congress; in which they contend: "We…care for the earth because like you, we are not scientists, which means we are obligated to listen to scientists, 97 percent of whom agree that climate change is real, and a real threat to our children and grandchildren.…

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  • Retired Grandmother Goes ‘Beyond the Bin’ at Cincinnati Parish

    Retired Grandmother Goes ‘Beyond the Bin’ at Cincinnati Parish

    At Blessed Tomorrow, we emphasis the importance of faith leaders, leading by example; and 74 year-old Deanna Spatz, coordinator of Beyond the Bin, is a shining example of such efforts. With the assistance of St. Anthony Parish, Spatz has instituted a recycling program that focuses on repurposing materials that would normally find their way into the landfill. According…

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  • Would Jesus Pay a Carbon Tax?

    Would Jesus Pay a Carbon Tax?

    Recent news has been abuzz with talks of a carbon tax for the US, such as the Washington Post article, Oil's Swoon Creates the Opening for a Carbon Tax. Largely, this has been a reaction to falling oil prices – raising the question: should we be expected to pay a slightly higher cost for purchasing goods from some of…

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  • UN Secretary Names Climate Change as Top Priority for 2015

    UN Secretary Names Climate Change as Top Priority for 2015

    UN Secretary General, Ban Ki- Moon, named climate change a top priority for 2015. His Thursday speech to the general assembly unveiled his, Sustainable Development plan, that outlines his list of objectives for the next 12 months. Referring to 2015 as a 'historic opportunity,' the Secretary General ranked UN priorities as being: Climate change Displacement of people People in…

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  • 30 Million People Displaced by Climate Change Makes Creation Care a Moral Issue

    30 Million People Displaced by Climate Change Makes Creation Care a Moral Issue

    The evidence of humankind's contribution to climate change is irrefutable; the effects of which are happening quicker than we had anticipated. In 2012, over 30 million people were displaced as a result of climate change. As Moti Rieber penned in his opinion piece, Stop Denying Climate Change, ‘This is not the indeterminate future – this is now.' …

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