
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Apply for the Adamah Climate Action Fund!

    So much feels out of our control, like rising temperatures. According to NASA, the summer of 2023 was the hottest on record for our planet and just recently (July 22, 2024) the globe reached the hottest daily temperature ever measured (and may even have been surpassed by the time this is published)…

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  • Another Triumph for God’s Creation: President Obama Vetoes Keystone XL

    Another Triumph for God’s Creation: President Obama Vetoes Keystone XL

    The Keystone XL bill 'has earned my veto,' President Obama explained in his veto message on Tuesday. After six years of battle, the TransCanada Corp pipeline that would have transported 830,000 barrels a day of mostly Canadian oil sands crude to Nebraska en route to refineries and ports along the U.S. Gulf, has finally come to an end. …Or…

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  • Climate Change vs Global Warming: Are You Using the Correct Term?

    Climate Change vs Global Warming: Are You Using the Correct Term?

    Climate Communication can be dicey water as the discourse summons political affiliation, scientific distrust and self interest from deniers. One semantic misstep and a climate communicator is liable to windup in the hot seat. Making it imperative for climate leaders to choose their words wisely. It has been said before, but it bares repeating: people do not react well to…

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  • Blessed Tomorrow Leader, Jonathan Merritt, Encourages Us to Rock a Reusable Bag

    Blessed Tomorrow Leader, Jonathan Merritt, Encourages Us to Rock a Reusable Bag

    Prolific Writer and Blessed Tomorrow Leader, Jonathan Merritt, has an endless catalog of profound proclamations on the cultural relevance of faith in today's society. Apart from the release of his recent book, Jesus is Better Than You Imagined, Merritt offers tips and leadership on caring for God's creation, an integral aspect of his Christian faith. Clip one…

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  • This Lent, Why Not a Carbon Fast?

    This Lent, Why Not a Carbon Fast?

    This Wednesday marked the beginning of the season of Lent in the Christian tradition. As you may know, Lent, which lasts for 40 days until Easter Sunday on April 5th, is a time of reflection and discipline when many Christians give up something and/or take on new challenges in their personal and spiritual lives, such…

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  • Effective Climate Communication: Christian Stewardship Shines as Dominion Theology Fades

    Effective Climate Communication: Christian Stewardship Shines as Dominion Theology Fades

    Christian views on the environment have manifest in many ways since Gutenberg's advent of the printing press, which allowed laypeople to perform personal exegesis. As more insights on the scriptures developed, so did our understanding of humankind's relationship to God's creation. Theologically based environmentalism has historically been 'summarized in two words: dominion and stewardship,' according to…

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  • Carbon Fasting for Lent: Another Way Catholic Leaders Care for Creation

    Carbon Fasting for Lent: Another Way Catholic Leaders Care for Creation

    Lent is upon us and many Catholics are approaching this religious time of repentance in a new way. Catholics around the world are carbon fasting for Lent by reducing their use of carbon emitting products, namely fossil fuels, or fasting for climate awareness. Filipino climate commissioner Yeb Sano shares: "The power behind fasting lies in…

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  • Why is Creation Care So Important to Catholic Theology?

    Why is Creation Care So Important to Catholic Theology?

    For many Christians, Catholic or not, the Earth is a physical manifestation of God's love. While all maintain His presence in their heart, many see the beauty of His grace in every landscape, trickling stream, and bird that gently soars through the air. Pope Francis maintains this as the underpinning of his rhetoric, but what compels him the most…

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  • New Study Insist We Leave Science Out of Climate Talks

    New Study Insist We Leave Science Out of Climate Talks

    We have all been there, demonstrating to someone the scientific evidence that climate change is real and man-made, just as their eyes glaze over in discontent. According to a study published in the journal, Nature Climate Change, leading with scientific evidence is a misstep. Ana-Maria Bliuc, a professor at Australia's Monash University contends, "Strategies for building support for…

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  • Find Ways to Reduce Fossil Fuel Dependency for Global Divestment Day

    Find Ways to Reduce Fossil Fuel Dependency for Global Divestment Day

    A conservative estimate of emissions resulting from the burning fossil fuels is around 6%, according to the EPA. That’s not including the production necessary to manufacture those energies. While leaders across America have made tremendous headway in encouraging top officials to place heavier restrictions on the burning of fossil fuels, legislation simply is not moving…

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  • Are You Prepared for the Valentine’s Weekend National Preach-In On Global Warming?

    Are You Prepared for the Valentine’s Weekend National Preach-In On Global Warming?

    This weekend marks the 5th annual Preach-In On Global Warming, hosted by our partner, Interfaith Power and Light. With events happening across the country, this year’s Preach-In is bound to be stupendous. Already, the organization has drafted over 70,000 postcards encouraging senators and EPA officials to adopt and support legislation that will further regulate American…

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  • Can Faith Leaders Really Make a Difference in UNFCCC?

    Can Faith Leaders Really Make a Difference in UNFCCC?

    Journalist from around the world gathered to witness the historic event of COP20 in Lima this past fall. Their reaction to the proceeding was largely pessimistic, claiming that the political mechanisms in place were too esoteric and antiquated for true action to be made. It's been a few months, however, and perhaps these claims require further reflection.…

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