
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Apply for the Adamah Climate Action Fund!

    So much feels out of our control, like rising temperatures. According to NASA, the summer of 2023 was the hottest on record for our planet and just recently (July 22, 2024) the globe reached the hottest daily temperature ever measured (and may even have been surpassed by the time this is published)…

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  • UN Officials and Pope Francis Cross Pollinate Climate Ideas for Moral Leadership

    UN Officials and Pope Francis Cross Pollinate Climate Ideas for Moral Leadership

    Ban Ki-Moon delivered his keynote speech yesterday to a proverbial who's-who of religious leaders at the Vatican hosted conference on climate change. In preparation for Pope Francis' climate encyclical, scheduled to release in the next month or so, UN officials and interfaith leaders gathered to discuss its content. Focusing heavily on coal production, one of the largest contributors…

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  • A Call for Christian Conservation in the Book of Genesis

    A Call for Christian Conservation in the Book of Genesis

    In the Book of Genesis, God created the world, forming water, land, and humans. In making His creation, God imposed limitation on the formed world, and while some consider creation to be static, His development of a creation is a continual progression of humankind’s will. This means that the Earth (His creation) is subject to…

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  • Religious Teachings Are the Moral Underpinning of Climate Action

    Religious Teachings Are the Moral Underpinning of Climate Action

    There are many reasons to care about climate change, from economic prosperity to the overall health of humanity. As displayed by the organization, Health Care Without Harm, there is a foundational moral imperative to care for our neighbor that requires the guidance of faith leaders. This ethical mandate to care for our brothers and sisters is a…

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  • Learn to Debunk Climate Myths With These 6 Climate Facts

    Learn to Debunk Climate Myths With These 6 Climate Facts

    From senatorial snowballs to energy company campaigns, discussions of climate change are often the breading ground for ill-informed opinions that alter the actions of everyday Americans. While climate discussions are imperative to the overall issue, it is important that we receive the correct information regarding climate change. Instead of ignoring these misconceptions about climate change,…

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  • A Moral Imperative to Lead on Climate – 2015 MomentUs Leadership Summit

    A Moral Imperative to Lead on Climate – 2015 MomentUs Leadership Summit

    On Tuesday, Pope Francis sent out a call to care for creation as a matter of caring for all of humanity (via Twitter!). His Papal Encyclical on the environment, due out this summer, is expected to include a call for moral leadership on climate change. Leaders from across faith traditions have begun discussions on how to…

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  • Earth Day Prompts Faith Leaders to Address Our Responsibility to Care for Creation

    Earth Day Prompts Faith Leaders to Address Our Responsibility to Care for Creation

    The 45th annual Earth Day is upon us, prompting President Obama to speak about climate change during his weekly address, sharing, ‘It is about protecting our God given natural wonders.’  But, to do this, we need faith leaders to speak up. Katharine Hayhoe, recently stated in an interview with Iowa Public Radio, "The number one…

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  • What May Non-Catholics Glean From Pope Francis’ Climate Encyclical?

    What May Non-Catholics Glean From Pope Francis’ Climate Encyclical?

    Blessed Tomorrow Leader, Mary Evelyn Tucker, co-founder of  Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology, recently offered some advice for Non-Catholics who wish to engage the Pope’s Climate Encyclical. While the exact parameters of the doctrine are still unclear, the nature of the document will likely speak to values held by all people of faith, not…

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  • Interfaith Power and Light Held DC Conference to Care for Creation

    Interfaith Power and Light Held DC Conference to Care for Creation

    This past week, DC was inundated with Blessed Tomorrow partners for an Interfaith Power and Light conference on caring for God’s creation. The attendees included Matthew Sleeth of Blessed Earth, who is an acting leader for Blessed Tomorrow. Along with leaders such as Mitch Hescox from Evangelical Environmental Network, the group discussed ways in which…

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  • Vatican Announces Climate Change Conference With United Nations

    Vatican Announces Climate Change Conference With United Nations

    Just when you thought 2015 climate action couldn't get any better, the Vatican announced plans to host a climate change conference on April 28, 2015. With the Pope's Climate Encyclical anticipated to release in the coming months, he has organized a global effort to discuss the moral implications of climate change, with the help of UN Chief, Ban…

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  • ‘God is Waiting On You’ to Steward His Creation

    ‘God is Waiting On You’ to Steward His Creation

    Nature is a manifestation of God's love. It is His greatest doing in our vast universe, giving us a momentary glimpse into the magnitude that is His powerful being. And, while Earth Day is a moment to reflect on this awesome power, it is more importantly, a time to care for the greatest of all creation: humans. As Rev. Dr.…

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  • Katharine Hayhoe Reframes Christian ‘Belief’ in Climate Change

    Katharine Hayhoe Reframes Christian ‘Belief’ in Climate Change

    Climate communications often revolve around the question, 'Do you believe in climate change?' To which, Evangelical, climate scientist, Katharine Hayhoe responds, "Do you believe in gravity?" During her recent speech at the "Religion and the Roots of Climate Change Denial" panel, Hayhoe examined why climate change should not be presented as a 'belief.' In using the…

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