
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Apply for the Adamah Climate Action Fund!

    So much feels out of our control, like rising temperatures. According to NASA, the summer of 2023 was the hottest on record for our planet and just recently (July 22, 2024) the globe reached the hottest daily temperature ever measured (and may even have been surpassed by the time this is published)…

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  • From One Latino Faith Leader to Another: Climate Change Has A ‘Spiritual Dimension’

    From One Latino Faith Leader to Another: Climate Change Has A ‘Spiritual Dimension’

    Blessed Tomorrow leader and President of National Latino Evangelical Coalition, Rev. Gabriel Salguero, was deeply moved by Pope Francis' visit to the U.S. In an open letter to the leader of the Catholic Church, Salguero expressed why his Evangelical Christian faith and Latino heritage align so greatly with Pope Francis' emphasis on environmental justice. Hard…

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  • 4 Challenges We Still Face On 50th Anniversary of First Warning To A U.S. President On Climate Change

    4 Challenges We Still Face On 50th Anniversary of First Warning To A U.S. President On Climate Change

    November 5th, 2015 marks the 50th anniversary of the first warning issued to a U.S. President regarding climate change. In the five decades since this historical event, we've learned a lot about the impact of fossils fuels on our atmosphere, but the climate hasn't been the only thing to experience a change.  Climate communications have…

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  • Catholic Bishops Offer COP21 Delegates ’10 Calls’ to Climate Action

    Catholic Bishops Offer COP21 Delegates ’10 Calls’ to Climate Action

    Catholic Bishops from 5 continents have appealed to COP21 delegates to take legally binding action that will reduce the impact of climate change on the poorest regions. Citing Pope Francis' Encyclical Laudato Si, the nine signatories, six of which were presidents of continental bishops’ conferences, are calling 195 COP member nations to enact ten measures,…

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  • Baptist Preacher Recounts Decades of Climate Action While Looking Toward the Future

    Baptist Preacher Recounts Decades of Climate Action While Looking Toward the Future

    "Caring for the planet, God's creation and people is a moral, ethical and spiritual issue primarily," shared Rev. Tom Carr while recounting his start in environmental protection in 1986. Compelled to care for God's creation, Rev. Carr founded Eco-Justice Network, a coalition of over 300 religious leaders who made it their primary duty to advocate…

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  • Your View on Religion and Science is Wrong, and That’s a Good Thing

    Your View on Religion and Science is Wrong, and That’s a Good Thing

    A study released by the Pew Research Foundation uncovered that fifty-nine percent of religiously affiliated Americans 'see' a conflict between religion (that is not their own) and science. As Sojourners highlighted, this perceived schism is largely inaccurate, or, at the very least, oversimplified. When the same religiously affiliated participants were asked how their personal faith…

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  • Young Evangelicals Call on NAE to ‘Renounce Habits of Consumption’

    Young Evangelicals Call on NAE to ‘Renounce Habits of Consumption’

    Last month, Blessed Tomorrow welcomed Young Evangelicals for Climate Action at Coming Together in Faith on Climate. National Organizer and Spokesperson, Rachael Lamb shared her insights and progress in the Evangelical community during a robust discussion with a myriad of faithful attendees.  Rachael and her team are at it again, this time drafting a new…

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  • Pluralism, Interfaith Works, and Why the Climate is Counting on Your Involvement

    Pluralism, Interfaith Works, and Why the Climate is Counting on Your Involvement

    Climate science is universal. It remains an undeniable and immediate issue while our individual faith traditions differ. If climate change requires religious guidance to incite moral action, how do we determine a positive path to climate solution in a pluralist society? Whether you refer to our current state as pluralistic or interfaith, the reality is…

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  • Jane Goodall Discovers Climate Hope in Pope Francis

    Jane Goodall Discovers Climate Hope in Pope Francis

    World-renowned primatologist, anthropologist and a United Nations Ambassador of Peace, Jane Goodall shared, "[Pope Francis] is absolutely amazing and he gives me more hope than almost anybody else alive at this time today." Praising his call to care for creation, 81-year-old Goodall expressed her climate hope in Pope Francis while attending The Parliament of World's…

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  • Faith Leaders Joined Across America for Climate Action Demonstration

    Faith Leaders Joined Across America for Climate Action Demonstration

    Building on the momentum of last year's, The People's Climate March, Wednesday's, People’s Climate Movement’s National Day of Action, garnered support from 170 communities in 47 states. Among the participants were our partner organization, Interfaith Power and Light, pictured below. With a slightly different approach, "this year’s focus was on the localization of climate change…

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  • Indiana Church Generates Progressive Energy for Low-Income Communities

    Indiana Church Generates Progressive Energy for Low-Income Communities

    The Rev. Curtis Whittaker shared, "If a nonprofit or church is doing good work, they should be able to install solar panels and sell energy coming in to use the profits to continue their good work." Staying true the name above the entrance of his church, "Progressive Community Church," Rev. Whittaker has joined with our…

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  • What is Possible When People of Faith Work Together? Don’t Miss This Historic Event!

    What is Possible When People of Faith Work Together? Don’t Miss This Historic Event!

    Yesterday, Parliment of the World's Religions began in Salt Lake City, Utah. For those unfamiliar with the proceedings, the global dialogue of faiths first transpired in Chicago, Illinois in 1893, and has been occurring in one form or another ever since. The gathering serves as a stage for faith leaders of all traditions to come…

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