
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Apply for the Adamah Climate Action Fund!

    So much feels out of our control, like rising temperatures. According to NASA, the summer of 2023 was the hottest on record for our planet and just recently (July 22, 2024) the globe reached the hottest daily temperature ever measured (and may even have been surpassed by the time this is published)…

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  • You’ve Felt It, I’ve Felt It – ‘The Francis Effect’ is Finally Quantifiable

    You’ve Felt It, I’ve Felt It – ‘The Francis Effect’ is Finally Quantifiable

    Since Pope Francis was elected to the Papacy in 2013, Catholics have been moved by his words, actions and compassion for the environment. From his groundbreaking Encyclical, Laudato Si, to his recent visit to the U.S. (which I was lucky enough to witness), Americans have been buzzing with what many are referring to as 'The…

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  • Let’s Talk Climate Report Releases Next Week (And Scientists Could’t Be Happier)

    Let’s Talk Climate Report Releases Next Week (And Scientists Could’t Be Happier)

      How do we communicate on climate change effectively?  This question is an ever-present conundrum for scientists around the world. Climatologist Kevin Stark detailed the difficulty scientists encounter while conveying the urgency of climate change, sharing, "How do we talk about climate change so that people care even while they worry about making the rent?…

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  • Expanding World-Views, Thomas Berry And A False Dichotomy in Issues of Social Justice

    Expanding World-Views, Thomas Berry And A False Dichotomy in Issues of Social Justice

    A static belief is a dead position. A salient example being Dominican Sr. Patricia Siemen, who, after advocating for the construction of low-income housing in the 1980s that would devastate Florida wildlands, expanded her worldview, pushing her to look deep into her faith. For Sr. Siemen (and many others), the false dichotomy between, 'human justice…

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  • How to Talk About Climate Change at the Thanksgiving Dinner Table

    How to Talk About Climate Change at the Thanksgiving Dinner Table

    One of my favorite parts of Thanksgiving is spending time with my family, especially extended family members whom I don’t get to see often enough. Our time together includes the usual Thanksgiving traditions – eating specially prepared food (I’m bringing my signature apple pie this year), watching football, and taking a walk between the main…

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  • ‘Green Values’ Guide New Jersey Episcopal Church to Greenfaith Certification

    ‘Green Values’ Guide New Jersey Episcopal Church to Greenfaith Certification

    The Green Team at St. Bernard’s Episcopal Church in New Jersey received a Greenfaith Certification after a tremendous accomplishment of transforming their faith facility. Greenfaith's Rev. Fletcher Harper (Blessed Tomorrow leader), shared, "St. Bernard's is now one of some 70 faith-based organizations to have completed the program and experienced the transformation that comes from sharing…

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  • Thank You President Obama for Shutting Down KeyStoneXL!

    Thank You President Obama for Shutting Down KeyStoneXL!

    Moments before ecoAmerica founder, Bob Perkowitz took the stage at Climate Day LA, the news came in that President Obama had rejected the Keystone XL transnational pipeline. The crowd of some 500 people, leaders from various sectors of business, health, higher education, and faith, erupted with applause and cheer. President Obama spoke in front of…

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  • Texas Gets a Week of Baptists Creation Care, and They Couldn’t Be Happier

    Texas Gets a Week of Baptists Creation Care, and They Couldn’t Be Happier

    You may remember Plainview, Texas from the National Geographic television series, 'Years of Living Dangerously,' in which famed climate scientist, Katharine Hayhoe expounded the many ways in which this once robust region had fallen victim to the impacts of climate change. While the area may be devastated by droughts, a glimmer of creation care hope…

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  • ‘Science Alone Cannot Save the Planet,’ But Faith Can

    ‘Science Alone Cannot Save the Planet,’ But Faith Can

    "Science alone cannot save the planet," shared  Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I, the Orthodox Christian leader who spiritually guides 300 million people around the world. The 'Green Patriarch' met with the Archbishop of Canterbury in England this past week, where the two leaders discussed the pertinent issue of climate change. The meeting, which welcomed…

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  • Catholic Cardinals Come to America for a Week of Encyclical Related Climate Events

    Catholic Cardinals Come to America for a Week of Encyclical Related Climate Events

    Everyone involved in raising climate awareness (and many that aren't) know about Pope Francis Encyclical, Laudato Si. It's powerful message of eco-justice under the umbrella of Catholic theology empowered not just 1.4 billion Catholics worldwide to make a change for God Creation, but inspired of the largest shifts in public opinion on climate change since…

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  • Do You ‘Desire’ A Healthy Planet? Climate Reflections On The Miracles of Jesus

    Do You ‘Desire’ A Healthy Planet? Climate Reflections On The Miracles of Jesus

    The miracles of Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels call for a recognition of maladies. In Luke 4:18, Jesus required the 'longing' or 'desire' for change, which in turn called the recipient of a miracle to recognize the issue at hand. Patriarch Bathalemewal asserts: "What is of paramount importance in Christ’s ministry of miracles is not…

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  • Dalai Lama Shares 4 Demands To Ensure COP21 Is ‘Guided By Moral Dimensions’

    Dalai Lama Shares 4 Demands To Ensure COP21 Is ‘Guided By Moral Dimensions’

    His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama, has remained outspoken on the issue of climate change, expressing concern over its impact on the Tibetian Plateau, or 'roof of the world.' This week, His Holiness urged strong climate leadership in Paris with the "Buddhist Climate Change Statement to World Leaders," a document signed by 15 Buddhist leaders,…

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