
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Apply for the Adamah Climate Action Fund!

    So much feels out of our control, like rising temperatures. According to NASA, the summer of 2023 was the hottest on record for our planet and just recently (July 22, 2024) the globe reached the hottest daily temperature ever measured (and may even have been surpassed by the time this is published)…

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  • Does the Climate Debate Need Faith? Scientists Think So.

    Does the Climate Debate Need Faith? Scientists Think So.

    It may come as a surprise for some to hear a famed climate scientist declare, "…more science is not the answer to global action." That is, however, exactly what Texas Tech Professor, Kathrine Hayhoe shared in her article for Scientific America. Over 50 years ago, scientists first provided evidence that the climate is changing, and…

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  • COP21 Finally Arrives and Climate Leaders Are Ready!

    COP21 Finally Arrives and Climate Leaders Are Ready!

    Paris is finally here! COP21 begins today as over 190 world leaders gather to negotiate the fate of our climate. Feels weird writing that our climate is up for negotiation but that is the unfortunate reality of the situation. Though, not everything about the talks are unfortunate. We are lucky enough to have amazing leaders…

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  • 71% of Americans Want Climate Solutions From COP21

    71% of Americans Want Climate Solutions From COP21

    Discussions surrounding the likelihood of success at this year's climate talks in Paris have varied depending on what news source you frequent. Regardless of the actual outcome, the progress we have made is monumental. The three largest contributors of carbon emissions, China, U.S., and India have joined the discussion by committing to reductions, generating an…

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  • Will Eco-Theology Mend Our Rupture With God?

    Will Eco-Theology Mend Our Rupture With God?

    How does faith impact the climate discussion? As Dennis Patrick O’Hara, director of the Elliott Allen Institute for Theology and Ecology, shared, faith gives people a particular sense of power on an issue that can seem overwhelming. For many Americans, climate change is a baffling phenomenon that transcend the parameters of our ability.  As we…

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  • Is Your Temple the Living Word of God?

    Is Your Temple the Living Word of God?

    In Ephesians 2:21, Christians are taught, "In whom the whole structure,  joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord." What does this temple look like, and how does it represent the way in which followers of Jesus practice their faith? Every Sunday, Christians around the world gather in their respective houses of worships…

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  • Will Your Thanksgiving ‘Food Print’ Represent Your Love of God’s Creation?

    Will Your Thanksgiving ‘Food Print’ Represent Your Love of God’s Creation?

    This week, millions of Americans will come together with family and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving, a time for love, sharing and, of course, food. The holiday season, however, should also be a time to recommitment ourselves to creation care. This year, our partners, Interfaith Power and Light, is asking everyone to stand for God's creation.…

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  • Indigenous Peoples Are Counting On UNFCCC

    Indigenous Peoples Are Counting On UNFCCC

    It has been just over a week since the attacks on Paris, and the world has changed. While my heart goes out to all those impacted by terrorism from Beirut to Baghdad, it is imperative to steady our course toward climate solutions. Parisian officials have unfortunately cancelled all rallies scheduled to take place during the…

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  • Is Science Enough to Garner Climate Support?

    Is Science Enough to Garner Climate Support?

    Scientists have been warning people for decades that climate change is a serious and pervasive threat to the prosperity of humankind. And while climate efforts of the past few decades are not to be forgotten, they simply have not been enough in garnering the necessary public support needed to curb the impacts of climate change. …

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  • Jamaica Bay Hindus Transform Religious Ceremonies for the Climate

    Jamaica Bay Hindus Transform Religious Ceremonies for the Climate

    As people of faith, our rites and rituals are sacred aspects of connecting to the divine. From Russian Orthodox bells carrying prayers to the heavens to Buddhist burning incense, these forms of praxis act as a conduit between us and the 'unseen order of the universe.' For Hindus in New York, the sacred practice of…

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  • Why Are These Christians Hiking to Paris?

    Why Are These Christians Hiking to Paris?

    The cold winds of November aren't enough to stop Christians from marching to Paris for climate change awareness. Then again religious theorists would argue that a pilgrimage is intended to be just that, arduous for the sake of transformation. It is these exhaustions of mind and body that enable us to see what really matters.…

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  • God’s Glory Rediscovered Through The Eyes Of Appalachian Bishops

    God’s Glory Rediscovered Through The Eyes Of Appalachian Bishops

    The Appalachian mountains have been revered by Americans for centuries. They are, without equivocation, a national treasure, which is why Kentucky and West Virgina Catholic Bishops have been speaking out on the degradation of these sacred hills for decades. As the breathtaking landscape succumbs to environmental depravity, Bishops of this once mineral-rich region are reminding…

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