
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Apply for the Adamah Climate Action Fund!

    So much feels out of our control, like rising temperatures. According to NASA, the summer of 2023 was the hottest on record for our planet and just recently (July 22, 2024) the globe reached the hottest daily temperature ever measured (and may even have been surpassed by the time this is published)…

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  • Dan Misled Joins Ohio State Interfaith Panel on Climate Change

    Dan Misled Joins Ohio State Interfaith Panel on Climate Change

    Blessed Tomorrow leader, Dan Misleh, director of the Catholic Climate Covenant, joined an interfaith panel at Ohio State University last week to discuss the role of Pope Francis' Encyclical, Laudato Si, in interfaith climate solutions. Encouraging the crowd of Catholic, Islamic, Jewish, Protestant, monastic, atheist and agnostic attendees to explore the papal document, Misleh explained…

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  • Yorktown Church Joins Greenfaith Certification Program for Climate Leadership

    Yorktown Church Joins Greenfaith Certification Program for Climate Leadership

    There is a growing movement among houses of worship. One that insights the essence of reverence for creation, heightening our duty as stewards of God's gift. Through our partner, Greenfaith, congregations across the nation are revamping their facilities to reduce dependency on fossil fuels and move forward in a sustainable manner.  While the two-year program…

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  • Green Climate Fund is About More Than Reducing Carbon Emissions, Its About Orphans

    Green Climate Fund is About More Than Reducing Carbon Emissions, Its About Orphans

    Malawi, a landlocked country in Southeastern region of Africa with vibrant highlands situated next to an abundant water source, is suffering. Floods caused by climate change have devastated the land, forcing Christian missionaries to take action. The thing about climate change is that it no longer remains an abstraction locked in the future. Climate change…

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  • United Methodists Strengthen Voice in Climate Solutions

    United Methodists Strengthen Voice in Climate Solutions

    Since COP20 in Lima, Peru last year, religious leaders have been looking forward to COP21 in Paris, France, where world leaders will gather to discuss and commit to climate initiatives in various countries around the world. One of the major contributors to the empowerment of faith leaders in global climate discussions have been United Methodists,…

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  • From Faithful Cycling to Climate Leadership, Everyone Plays a Part in the Solution

    From Faithful Cycling to Climate Leadership, Everyone Plays a Part in the Solution

    At Blessed Tomorrow, we are all about leadership! Through empowering climate leaders, we better enact solutions that will bring about a drastic change in the way we view our role in the climate. As COP21 nears closer, we are relying on faith leaders to create a dialogue with political leaders, encouraging them to commit to climate…

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  • Religious or Not, ‘Nones’ are Listening to Faith-Based Climate Outreach

    Religious or Not, ‘Nones’ are Listening to Faith-Based Climate Outreach

    Three out of four Americans ascribe to a religious tradition, but they aren't the only ones who believe in a creator. While the number of religious practitioners has experienced a decline in American society, most citizens maintain that a 'creator' (though less defined) is responsible for the manifestation of the universe, according to a new…

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  • Faith Leaders Making Their Love Visible Through Climate Solutions

    Faith Leaders Making Their Love Visible Through Climate Solutions

    The week before last, I was blessed to join hundreds of faith leaders who gathered in Washington D.C. for Coming Together in Faith on Climate. Co-sponsoring the event with Convergence, Washington National Cathedral, Auburn Theological Seminary, Interfaith Power and Light (Md. DC. No.VA), Divest/Invest and Faith in Public Life – Blessed Tomorrow amplified Pope Francis’…

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  • How Are Faithful Millennials Responding to Pope Francis’ Ecological Ministry?

    How Are Faithful Millennials Responding to Pope Francis’ Ecological Ministry?

    Millennials have quickly become a central focus for faith leaders, due in large part to quantifying reports that highlight their exodus from organized religion. Worrisome as these statistics may be, they are not entirely accurate, or at the very least, over-simplifications of an incredibly nuanced cultural shift. Regardless, the numbers are real, and faith leaders…

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  • Did Climate Collaboration Bring Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholicism Back Together?

    Did Climate Collaboration Bring Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholicism Back Together?

    When Pope Francis' Encyclical (Laudato Si) released in June, it carried the impact of moral leadership in climate talks beyond the Roman Catholic Church, a quality that likely stemmed from its interfaith origins. Laudato Si does more than foster interfaith connection, speaking intently on the shared human condition. And still, it maintains its Catholic nature.…

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  • For Rev. Nancy Wilson, Talking About Climate Change Isn’t Enough

    For Rev. Nancy Wilson, Talking About Climate Change Isn’t Enough

    As the Moderator of Metropolitan Community Churches, Rev. Dr. Nancy Wilson is attuned to the issues that face her congregation. While the longtime Reverend recognizes the impact Pope Francis' Laudato Si and U.S. visit had on the creation care movement, it simply is not enough. As Katharine Hayhoe shared in a recent interview with Global Thinkers…

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  • Is Your Faith Facility an Energy Star? Learn How to Make it One!

    Is Your Faith Facility an Energy Star? Learn How to Make it One!

    Energy efficiency is the fastest, cheapest, and most resourceful solution for simultaneously saving your congregation  money and preventing greenhouse gas emissions. Recognizing the importance of progressing American faith facilities to reduce carbon emissions, the EPA has made facilitating this transition a priority for government agencies. Gina McCarthy, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator, explained, "that we (EPA) share…

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