
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Apply for the Adamah Climate Action Fund!

    So much feels out of our control, like rising temperatures. According to NASA, the summer of 2023 was the hottest on record for our planet and just recently (July 22, 2024) the globe reached the hottest daily temperature ever measured (and may even have been surpassed by the time this is published)…

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  • World Day of Prayer Kicks Off ‘Season of Creation’

    World Day of Prayer Kicks Off ‘Season of Creation’

    We are entering what many have deemed, 'the season of creation' (Septemeber 1 – October 4), as faith leaders around the world host events to show support for the climate talks in Paris. And, American faith leaders aren't wasting any time, as events are already in the works to welcome Pope Francis during his scheduled…

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  • Clean Energy Companies Call on Faith Leaders to Save Them

    Clean Energy Companies Call on Faith Leaders to Save Them

    North Carolina became a hotbed of climate leadership as The Conference of Major Superiors of Men, representing 17,0000 Catholic Preist passed a resolution earlier this month to take fervent action on climate change. The resolution couldn't have come at a better time as North Carolina solar power companies called on religious leaders to help them overcome…

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  • Blessed Tomorrow Hosts Coming Together in Faith and Climate Summit to Welcome Pope Francis

    Blessed Tomorrow Hosts Coming Together in Faith and Climate Summit to Welcome Pope Francis

    On September 24th and 25th, Blessed Tomorrow, Faith in Public Life, National Cathedral, Convergence and Auburn will host Coming Together in Faith on Climate, bringing together Christian, Jewish, Muslim and other national religious leaders in Washington D.C.'s National Cathedral.  Expressing inter-denominational support for the Pope’s call to action on climate change and creation care, we…

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  • How to Make Climate a Priority at this year’s ISNA Conference

    How to Make Climate a Priority at this year’s ISNA Conference

    Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) will be hosting its 52nd annual conference in Chicago, September 4-7. The annual gathering is a time for American Muslims to pray, inspire and discuss issues impacting their community (and beyond). Among this year's speakers will be Blessed Tomorrow leader and ISNA president, Imam Mohamed Magid, a thoughtful thinker…

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  • Creation Care Gets Boost in Catholic Curriculum

    Creation Care Gets Boost in Catholic Curriculum

    “I’m not perfect, but I try to live sustainably as much as possible,” shared Brent Fernandez, a teacher of theology and science at Father Ryan High School, one of many Catholic schools incorporating Laudato Si into their academic curriculum. For Brent Fernandez, creation care means more than simply talking about the environment, an ideology he…

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  • 5 Facts About Methane Gas Offer 5 More Reasons to Support EPA’s Clean Energy Plan

    5 Facts About Methane Gas Offer 5 More Reasons to Support EPA’s Clean Energy Plan

    We hear about it all the time, methane gas and the harm it can cause to our health and climate. But, how much do we actually know about this common fossil fuel emission? Our partner's, Interfaith Power and Light uncover 5 things you never knew about this toxic gas, giving us but another reason to…

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  • Archbishop Desmond Tutu Muses On ‘Ubuntu’ to Curb Climate Change

    Archbishop Desmond Tutu Muses On ‘Ubuntu’ to Curb Climate Change

    "The destruction of the earth's environment is the human rights challenge of our time," Archbishop Desmund Tutu began his insistence for religious leaders to take a stand for God's creation. Equating inactivity on climate change to apartheid, Tutu is part of a collaborative effort with Anglican Bishops from around the world who have produced individual…

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  • When science doesn’t work, give ’em faith

    When science doesn’t work, give ’em faith

    For decades, climate scientists have remained puzzled by their inability to sway climate opinions. Was the data too confusing? Could they simplify it? Projected sea levels and global temperatures simply were not doing the trick. Atmospheric climate scientists, Katharine Hayhoe reflects, “Scientists used to operate under the assumption that if people don’t agree with you,…

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  • Islamic Declaration on Global Climate Change Leads 1.6 Billion Muslims to Climate Action

    Islamic Declaration on Global Climate Change Leads 1.6 Billion Muslims to Climate Action

    Insisting on an immediate move to 100% renewable energy, yesterday's release of The Islamic Declaration on Global Climate Change urged the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to take a stand for the environment by reimagining the way we approach global climate discussions. Among the contributing scholars and religious leaders was Nana Firman,…

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  • $5.9 Million Divested and The United Church of Canada is Just Getting Started

    $5.9 Million Divested and The United Church of Canada is Just Getting Started

    The United Church of Canada has moved to divest almost $6 million in holdings from fossil fuels, a resource they plan to reinvest in sustainable energy. The second largest Christian denomination of Canada made the historic move on the heels of Laudato Si, Pope Francis Encyclical which encourages churches to act for God's creation. Christine…

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  • Masha’Allah! Muslim Scholars Release Call to Climate Action!

    Masha’Allah! Muslim Scholars Release Call to Climate Action!

    In 2009, over 200 Muslim leaders developed a seven-year plan for climate action, an initiative that inspired 1.4 billion Muslims around the world to care for creation. It has been just over six years, and the number of global Muslims has risen to 1.6 billion, but the message remains the same. Muslims are called by…

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