
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Apply for the Adamah Climate Action Fund!

    So much feels out of our control, like rising temperatures. According to NASA, the summer of 2023 was the hottest on record for our planet and just recently (July 22, 2024) the globe reached the hottest daily temperature ever measured (and may even have been surpassed by the time this is published)…

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  • Rev. Joel Hunter is Protecting the Great Sustainer of Body and Spirit

    Rev. Joel Hunter is Protecting the Great Sustainer of Body and Spirit

    Blessed Tomorrow leader, Dr. Joel Hunter and co-author, Susan Barnett, illuminated an interesting theme found in Pope Francis' Encyclical, Laudato Si. Turning his focus toward water, Pope Francis demonstrates the imperative to care for the vital source that fuels the human body, and as Pastor Hunter points out, the human spirit.  Whether it's to perform Wudu…

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  • Rosh Hashanah Welcomes Jewish-Catholic Resolve for Climate Leaders

    Rosh Hashanah Welcomes Jewish-Catholic Resolve for Climate Leaders

    Shanah Tovah (שָׁנָה טוֹבָה) to those celebrating Rosh Hashanah, whether it be with family or in quiet contemplation, either reflecting on the past or looking toward the future. The Jewish New Year is the beginning of the High Holy Days, lasting until Yom Kippur on September 23. The holiday season couldn't (in my opinion) come…

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  • Interfaith Climate Leadership is Dependent On Your Humility

    Interfaith Climate Leadership is Dependent On Your Humility

    Successful climate solutions and leadership share a common ground of humility. In the climate edicts released by religious groups in the past year – Christain, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish and Buddhist – there is a universal underpinning of reinvention, changing the way we interact with our ecosystem. Moreover, they collectively call for a correction to the…

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  • Removing the Political Climate from the Actual Climate

    Removing the Political Climate from the Actual Climate

    Proceeding the 1997 climate talks in Kyoto, Japan (COP 3), the world began moving in the right direction on climate change. Alas, suffering a setback in Copenhagen (COP15), global leaders appeared to take a step in the wrong direction. The incident left a lingering impact, resonating in future talks, leaving many to wonder if the…

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  • Join Us By Adding Your ‘Amen’ To Pope Francis’ Call to Climate Action

    Join Us By Adding Your ‘Amen’ To Pope Francis’ Call to Climate Action

    A faith leader colleague recently asked me why, with so much already going on in the faith community, we need to take advantage of this time when Pope Francis is in the US to amplify faith voices speaking out on climate change. She has been a faithful climate leader for many years, one of many…

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  • Methodist Church Planters Take Aim On Climate Change

    Methodist Church Planters Take Aim On Climate Change

    After a global search to discover his spiritual calling, Tyler Sit returned to his Methodist roots to find the social justice he was looking to address. Beginning under the title, 'Eco-Church' (a name dropped after realizing its exclusiveness), Sit began planting environmentally minded Methodist churches in Minnesota and connecting with other initiatives around the world. The…

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  • U.S. Government Puts Faith in Faith Communities for Social Justice

    U.S. Government Puts Faith in Faith Communities for Social Justice

      A recent report found that US-UK governments could benefit from enhanced religious engagement on issues of social justice. The report, which details the proposed engagement, clarifies that "in a world where religious ideas and institutions are increasingly salient factors in politics–for good and ill–all diplomats must 'do God' whether or not they believe in…

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  • Can the Book of Ezekiel Inspire New Leadership to Address Climate Migration?

    Can the Book of Ezekiel Inspire New Leadership to Address Climate Migration?

    U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry warned that climate migration is already underway, rendering immediate climate action imperative. As migration takes center stage in the news, it further demonstrates why faith leaders are charged to speak on the issue of climate change. Moreover, how it will impact the 'least of these' in our 'common home.' …

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  • World Day of Prayer for God’s Creation Turned Into Interfaith Success

    World Day of Prayer for God’s Creation Turned Into Interfaith Success

    Following the leadership of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, Pope Francis called for a World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation on September 1, and the turnout was astounding. Addressing an interfaith crowd at St. Peters Basilica, Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa encouraged everyone to take action for a better tomorrow, insisting that stewardship is our sacred…

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  • Catholic Bishops Lead California to Lower Carbon Emissions

    Catholic Bishops Lead California to Lower Carbon Emissions

    The Golden State is getting a little help from Catholic Bishops as state lawmakers attempt to pass SB 350, a bill that would impose fuel regulations in California. Following President Obama's Clean Energy Plan, which instituted a 32% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030, states are looking for ways to contribute to that collective effort.…

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  • Parliament of the World’s Religions is Connecting Hearts on Climate Change

    Parliament of the World’s Religions is Connecting Hearts on Climate Change

    The Parliament of the World's Religions released a video this week, encouraging people of faith to 'reclaim the heart of our humanity' at this year's proceeding. Parliament Chairman, Imam Malik Mujahid, shared "Human beings have tremendous potential for change, and Parliament is about bringing that message of hope at a difficult time," and that time…

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