
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Apply for the Adamah Climate Action Fund!

    So much feels out of our control, like rising temperatures. According to NASA, the summer of 2023 was the hottest on record for our planet and just recently (July 22, 2024) the globe reached the hottest daily temperature ever measured (and may even have been surpassed by the time this is published)…

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  • If Genesis is Not Static, Why Are Some of Our Creation Care Initiatives?

    If Genesis is Not Static, Why Are Some of Our Creation Care Initiatives?

    The beginning of every new year is subtle reminder of the various origin stories in scriptures through religious traditions. In the Book of Genesis, Christians are shown the manifestation of God's creation, one in which form is conceived, light and dark, the sea and land, of which humans are made to inhabit. More importantly, Christians…

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  • ecoAmerica’s 11 Biggest Milestones of 2015

    ecoAmerica’s 11 Biggest Milestones of 2015

      2015 was an incredible year for the climate movement, with leaders in every sector speaking out and demanding climate action. ecoAmerica (Blessed Tomorrow's parent company) continued to empower those leaders through summits, programs, and research designed to reinforce effective climate messaging and strategies. It was a busy, inspiring year filled with events and achievements.…

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  • Does Your Climate Strategy Have a Human Element?

    Does Your Climate Strategy Have a Human Element?

    The earth will survive climate change. Our planet has spun through various degrees of ecological transition, with cold and warm periods altering its landscape. The current (human induced) change, however, is happening faster than ever before, and while the planet will sustain itself, human civilization is less resilient.  Apart from this reality offering an accurate…

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  • A Climate Quiz for Your Congregation

    A Climate Quiz for Your Congregation

    The Pew Research Center created a climate change quiz and unlike test from our childhood; this questionnaire required an unusual prerequisite – one for which little studying is required. The three question exam does not test an individual's knowledge of climate science as one might expect; rather it inquired as to the test taker's overall…

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  • 4 Climate Achievements of 2015 and 4 Climate Initiatives for 2016!

    4 Climate Achievements of 2015 and 4 Climate Initiatives for 2016!

    Allah, who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and is firmly established on the throne. He covers the night as a veil over the day, each seeking the other in swift succession. He created the sun, the moon, and the stars, (all) governed by laws under His command. Is it not His…

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  • Hosea’s Prophetic Poetry of the Hebrew Bible in an Age of Climate Change

    Hosea’s Prophetic Poetry of the Hebrew Bible in an Age of Climate Change

    In 8th century BCE, Hosea, a minor Prophet of the Hebrew Bible, offered poetic insights on the nature of human existence and its role in God's creation. Walter Brueggemann, a Sojourners contributing editor and professor emeritus at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia, examines the Book of Hosea and how it lends itself to the…

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  • African American Communities Need Faith Leaders to ‘Do the Right Thing’ in Climate Action

    African American Communities Need Faith Leaders to ‘Do the Right Thing’ in Climate Action

    Climate change has altered the way we work, play and thrive in God's creation. Still, no other community in America has been impacted by the harmful effects of climate change more than the African American population. Accounting for only 13 percent of the U.S. population, the majority of people negatively affected by climate change are…

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  • Why People of Faith Must Say, ‘NO’ to Nuclear Power as a Climate ‘Solution’

    Why People of Faith Must Say, ‘NO’ to Nuclear Power as a Climate ‘Solution’

    Houston, we've got a problem. And if the former chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is calling the bluff of the nuclear industry, we know it's a big one. The recent climate talks in Paris have heightened discussions about how to replace America's addiction to coal, oil and gas. The solutions, as we know, are…

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  • What Do the Experts Think About the Paris Agreement? Katharine Hayhoe Offers Insight

    What Do the Experts Think About the Paris Agreement? Katharine Hayhoe Offers Insight

    The COP21 Paris agreement has garnered plenty of praise (and a little doubt) from the global community. Was it ambitious enough? Will it redirect the course of climate change? With a deal of this magnitude, designed to carry us through five years of climate initiatives, it's difficult to determine what the agreement means without relying…

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  • Saving Christmas With The Gospel of Luke On A Hot December Day

    Saving Christmas With The Gospel of Luke On A Hot December Day

      December has proven to be a hot one, and while this warming is largely attributed to El Nino, climate change is heightening the severity of its impact. This Christmas may not offer the usual snowfall and sweater weather we are accustomed to, with future Decembers only getting worse as a result of climate change.…

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  • Is Climate Action a Leap of Faith for Americans?

    Is Climate Action a Leap of Faith for Americans?

    A fire swept across the Jemez Mountains range four years ago, a blaze viewable from the home of Lutheran lay theologian and climate advocate, Larry Rasmussen. Destroying just over 150,000 acres of land, the climate-induced rampage was, perhaps, the most convincing evidence of climate change to reach the Santa Fe area in some time. Is…

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