
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Apply for the Adamah Climate Action Fund!

    So much feels out of our control, like rising temperatures. According to NASA, the summer of 2023 was the hottest on record for our planet and just recently (July 22, 2024) the globe reached the hottest daily temperature ever measured (and may even have been surpassed by the time this is published)…

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  • Framing Climate Values in the Six Americas

    Framing Climate Values in the Six Americas

    In recent years, the discourse surrounding climate change has transitioned away from a political issue, and into a moral concern that faith leaders are taking head on. In Yale's new report, Faith, Morality and the Environment: Portraits of Global Warming’s Six Americas, researchers explore this transition, uncovering the strategies implemented through successful leadership in faith…

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  • Why Polar Bears and Protests Don’t Work in Climate Communications

    Why Polar Bears and Protests Don’t Work in Climate Communications

    You probably didn't realize that you clicked on this blog largely because of the image, but it's true, you did. Imagery has come to define our era of online interactions. Social media and blogs almost always have an accompanying visual to help ground abstractions in something tangible, as is evident by the estimated 70-80% increase…

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  • Will Faith Guide Conservative Republicans to Climate Action?

    Will Faith Guide Conservative Republicans to Climate Action?

    Major media outlets propagate a polarized narrative when it comes to climate leaders and conservatives, and while the GOP has been slow to join climate solutions, a growing number are starting to see the light. Republicans, the House majority leaders, are experiencing a change in the way they think and, more importantly, vote on climate…

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  • Nulling Climate Denial in President Obama’s State of the Union Address

    Nulling Climate Denial in President Obama’s State of the Union Address

    President Obama shared in his State of Union Address that acting on climate change is not only the consensus of most world leaders but that ignoring the inevitable shift in technology and business would weaken the American economy. The President's point is clear, we must act on climate change regardless of our respective vantage point.…

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  • Will Evangelical Christians Be the New Climate Leaders of 2016?

    Will Evangelical Christians Be the New Climate Leaders of 2016?

    When Pope Francis released his groundbreaking Encyclical, Laudato Si, the impact it would have on the Catholic community was to be expected. As it turns out, Catholics aren't the only people of faith gleaning climate motivation from the papal edict. American Protestants, who have historically experienced low climate engagement are undergoing an uptick in the…

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  • Faith Leaders Account for One-Half of Sierra Club Event Attendance

    Faith Leaders Account for One-Half of Sierra Club Event Attendance

    The Sierra Club is welcoming a new group to their fold. The list of faith leaders, including Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Buddhists Hindus, and many more, now account for nearly one-half of Sierra Club's event attendance. The number of faith leaders joining climate movements has grown drastically in the past two years; increasing involvement sparked after…

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  • 5 Faith Traditions Speak on Climate

    5 Faith Traditions Speak on Climate

    You've studied the scriptures of your faith tradition, and you understand quite well the moral imperative to care for creation. What about your fellow climate caretakers in faith traditions not your own? What are they taught about creation and how are they making a change for the better? Biohabitats asked faith leaders and scholars of…

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  • The Climate is Changing and So Are Opinions About What To Do

    The Climate is Changing and So Are Opinions About What To Do

    The Monmouth University Poll released a report on climate opinions this week, findings that uncovered a shift in climate concern among Americans. Seventy percent of Americans agree that the climate is changing, a drastic uptick in concern for the climate that has experienced steady growth in recent years. Sixty-four percent of respondents agree that climate…

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  • Richard Cizik Finds Climate Faith in Leadership

    Richard Cizik Finds Climate Faith in Leadership

    Richard Cizik, President of the New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good, has worked for decades on issues of climate and broader creation care initiatives. It comes at no surprise that he made his way to Paris this past month for #COP21, speaking at various conferences other people of faith and leaders from around the…

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  • How Are Social Media ‘Echo Chambers’ Influencing Climate Views in Faith Communities?

    How Are Social Media ‘Echo Chambers’ Influencing Climate Views in Faith Communities?

    Social media is a powerful tool. There is a good chance that you found this blog through one of the many platforms that host the instantaneous sharing of information. Platforms such as Twitter and Facebook have become part of our daily discussions, particularly when it comes to faith. As a Pew Research report found that,…

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  • How Did the ‘Francis Effect’ You? Papal Climate Action Goes Multi-annual

    How Did the ‘Francis Effect’ You? Papal Climate Action Goes Multi-annual

    2015 was a big year for religion but then again, what year isn't huge for faith. Many leaders stuck out as climate advocates, but none had quite the reach or trajectory as Pope Francis. As is apparent by the Papacy landing on, not one, but two lists of important happenings in 2015 according to Religion…

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