
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Apply for the Adamah Climate Action Fund!

    So much feels out of our control, like rising temperatures. According to NASA, the summer of 2023 was the hottest on record for our planet and just recently (July 22, 2024) the globe reached the hottest daily temperature ever measured (and may even have been surpassed by the time this is published)…

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  • Why Republicans Should Listen to Evangelicals on Climate Change

    Why Republicans Should Listen to Evangelicals on Climate Change

    Ted Cruz just won the Iowa Caucus, and while his appeal to Evangelical Christian communities may have been a contributing factor to his success, it could be the very thing that loses him votes in the general election. Evangelicals across America are beginning to accept the reality of climate change and our need to act…

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  • Lenten Carbon Fast Fosters Interfaith Solidarity

    Lenten Carbon Fast Fosters Interfaith Solidarity

    Christian Lent begins next week on February 10th and will last until Easter Sunday, March 27th, 2016. Through Biblical exegesis, Christians find guidance for the Lenten holiday in the Synoptic Gospels, motivating them to abandon particular behaviors for 40 days. Matthew 4:1-2  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted…

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  • Coming Together in Faith on Climate Videos: Sustenance for Our 2016 Climate Journey

    Coming Together in Faith on Climate Videos: Sustenance for Our 2016 Climate Journey

    On September 24-25, 2015, Blessed Tomorrow, with our partners Convergence, Washington National Cathedral, Auburn Seminary, Faith in Public Life, and Interfaith Power and Light DC,  brought together Christian, Jewish, Muslim and other national leaders to an extraordinary event called Coming Together in Faith on Climate. Together, we amplified Pope Francis’ call for climate action for…

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  • Chicago’s Archdiocese Announces New Energy Reduction Plan

    Chicago’s Archdiocese Announces New Energy Reduction Plan

    Chicago is home to towering Cathedrals, visible from miles away when unobstructed, and while the city is known for these majestic testaments to God, they use a tremendous amount of energy to maintain functionality. Luckily that's about to change as Archbishop Blase J. Cupich announced that the 2,700 building which falls under the auspices of…

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  • Pope Francis and Leonard DiCaprio Just Became Climate Buddies

    Pope Francis and Leonard DiCaprio Just Became Climate Buddies

    Two outspoken voices on climate change in the past year have been Pope Francis and Revenant actor, Leonardo DiCaprio, and this week, the two finally met. Traveling to the Vatican, the actor turned climate leader who has garnered audiences from the World Economic Forum to the UNFCCC, came bearing a gift. While not the painting…

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  • Why Climate Change is a Race Issue

    Why Climate Change is a Race Issue

    The drastic changes happening to our planet are not a direct result of race issues in America, but the impact of those changes on particular segments of society is related to our construction of race. Speaking on Michigan's recent water poisoning, Blessed Tomorrow Leader and founder of Sojourners Magazine, Rev. Jim Wallis, demonstrates how a…

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  • Post-Paris: The Real Work Begins for Faith Leaders

    Post-Paris: The Real Work Begins for Faith Leaders

    A less reported aspect of the Paris Agreement was the involvement of faith leaders from around the world, which added a moral backdrop to the lively discussions. Now, a few months after the historic agreement was reached. Faith leaders pay a continued role in achieving climate solutions. As Justin Catanoso shared in his article for…

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  • Climate High Ground: How Religious Leaders Are Shifting the Discussion

    Climate High Ground: How Religious Leaders Are Shifting the Discussion

    Just over a year ago, the discourse surrounding climate change was political. Appropriated by pundits, climate change has been used to create divisiveness between Americans, but according to a series of recent reports, religious leaders are restructuring the climate discussion. Roser-Renouf, a lead author of the Faith, Morality and the Environment report, conducted by Yale…

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  • Climate Change is a Civil Rights Issue for This Faith Leader

    Climate Change is a Civil Rights Issue for This Faith Leader

    When Rev. Dr. Gerald Durley first marched for civil rights in America with Dr. King, he probably never imagined he'd be doing something similar for the climate in 2016. Rev. Durley and along with many other Blessed Tomorrow leaders view climate change as a civil rights issue, often a continuation of the work bravely undertaken…

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  • This Year, Tu BiSh’vat is About More Than Planting a Tree

    This Year, Tu BiSh’vat is About More Than Planting a Tree

    This weekend, we celebrate Tu BiSh'vat, the Jewish New Year of the tree, an agricultural tradition held for millennia to honor the sacredness of G-d's creation. Jewish communities across America will gather to celebrate the holiday with community members and family, and many will plant a tree in honor of the new year.  Last year,…

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  • Faith Leaders Curb Food Waste Across America

    Faith Leaders Curb Food Waste Across America

    The EPA reports that the average American throws away just over 1200 calories in food per day, contributing to issues of hunger and climate change. EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy has developed many strategies to combat this unnecessary waste, turning recently to faith communities for help. By encouraging religious communities to address this issue, she says,…

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