
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Apply for the Adamah Climate Action Fund!

    So much feels out of our control, like rising temperatures. According to NASA, the summer of 2023 was the hottest on record for our planet and just recently (July 22, 2024) the globe reached the hottest daily temperature ever measured (and may even have been surpassed by the time this is published)…

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  • Blessed Tomorrow’s Kara Ball Scheduled To Speak At Ecumenical Advocacy Days

    Blessed Tomorrow’s Kara Ball Scheduled To Speak At Ecumenical Advocacy Days

    Ecumenical Advocacy Days describes itself as 'a movement of the ecumenical Christian community, and its recognized partners and allies, grounded in biblical witness and our shared traditions of justice, peace and the integrity of creation.' April 15th-18th, Christian leaders from various denominations will convene to discuss current social issues that impact people of faith, through…

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  • Join the Nationwide Climate Prayer for Faith Climate Action Week

    Join the Nationwide Climate Prayer for Faith Climate Action Week

    On April 5th, a Global Day of Prayer for Climate Action occurred, with people of faith connecting on their shared value to care for God's creation. Similarly, Interfaith Power and Light is asking all people of faith to join a joint blessing on April 22, at noon your time, during Faith Climate Action Week.  You…

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  • Catholic Climate Covenant Files Amicus Brief for God’s Creation

    Catholic Climate Covenant Files Amicus Brief for God’s Creation

    "We face a moral imperative to protect the earth and all its inhabitants from a climate crisis of our own making," read an amicus brief filed by 30 Catholic and faith-based institutions with the federal appeals court in support of the Clean Power Plan. Citing health risks as a primary concern, the largely Catholic coalition…

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  • Faith Leaders Encourage All To ‘Keep It In The Ground’

    Faith Leaders Encourage All To ‘Keep It In The Ground’

    You've probably heard the phrase, 'keep it in the ground', but you've probably never heard it amplified in such a resounding chorus as you will on April 24th, 2016. Just two days after Earth Day (April 22), faith leaders, activists, scholars, and congregations across America will expand the call to keep fossil fuels in the…

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  • 5 Steps to Complete UCC’s Creation Care Challenge

    5 Steps to Complete UCC’s Creation Care Challenge

    The United Church of Christ is asking people of faith to take the Creation Care Challenge this Earth Day. Rev. Brooks Berndt explains in a short video that, "Jesus said the number one commandment is to love God with our heart, soul, mind and strength," and no better way to fulfil this precept than to…

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  • Faith Leaders ‘Put Their Oars in the Water’ to Pull Hard on Climate Change

    Faith Leaders ‘Put Their Oars in the Water’ to Pull Hard on Climate Change

    “Participation in religion seems to make people more likely to suppress self-interest in favor of group norms,” according to a new study by British Columbia social psychologist and author Ara Norenzayan. As Sojourners reports, Norenzayan's findings indicate that faith is often the strongest motivator in developing concern for the climate 'by encouraging cooperation and preventing the…

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  • How Do I Write a Sermon for Faith Climate Action Week?

    How Do I Write a Sermon for Faith Climate Action Week?

    Every week, you plan your sermon, khutbah, homily, or derasha, designed to guide your congregation on the moral issues that matter most. Ranging in form, your powerful message helps navigate the nuances of living piously through God's divine love and mercy.  With Faith Climate Action Week fast approaching, you may, however, find yourself wondering how…

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  • 3 Steps to Engage At-Risk Communities on Climate Change

    3 Steps to Engage At-Risk Communities on Climate Change

    Why aren't the latest climate reports being read? For the most part, people don't understand what they and secondly, they do not go far enough in explaining what to do about climate change. While many officials may explain the science, citizens of cities such as New Orleans and Seattle need someone to tell them specifically…

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  • 40 Days of Lent and 40 Climate Initiatives You May Lead On

    40 Days of Lent and 40 Climate Initiatives You May Lead On

    Lent is over but the impact of climate initiatives during this time will live on. In honor of the carbon fast taken on by thousands of people of faith, has highlighted 40 congregations and faith leaders that have recently managed significant steps toward climate solutions within their faith facilities.  From the blessing of solar…

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  • Why Christian and Jewish Creation Care Needs More Than the Book of Genesis

    Why Christian and Jewish Creation Care Needs More Than the Book of Genesis

    For Christians and Jews, the Book of Genesis remains a salient portrayal of creation, in turn, providing a rubric for humankind's interaction with the natural world. Citing Genesis 1:28, some Abrahamic traditions find a designation of the role we are to play in God's creation, but the following four books detail HOW we should navigate…

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  • Good Friday, Easter Sunday, and the End of Lent

    Good Friday, Easter Sunday, and the End of Lent

    Today is good Friday, commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ in Christian traditions around the world. In two days, Christians will honor Easter Sunday, honoring the resurrection of Jesus Christ, marking the end of Lent. The two holidays cap the end of Lent, a time in the faith and climate community that has been used…

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