
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Apply for the Adamah Climate Action Fund!

    So much feels out of our control, like rising temperatures. According to NASA, the summer of 2023 was the hottest on record for our planet and just recently (July 22, 2024) the globe reached the hottest daily temperature ever measured (and may even have been surpassed by the time this is published)…

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  • Will the Solar “Contagion” Effect Get Youth Back in Church?

    Will the Solar “Contagion” Effect Get Youth Back in Church?

    Last week, the U.S. climate movement reached an unprecedented milestone, marking its one millionth solar installation — an accomplishment that took forty years to achieve but will take only 2 years to surpass. In the wake of a unified global climate agreement, Americans are opening up to the idea of solar energy as a way forward for…

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  • The Opportunity of Climate Change: How Faith Leaders Can Tell Its Story

    The Opportunity of Climate Change: How Faith Leaders Can Tell Its Story

    A good story can transform the world. Since the beginning of civilization, stories have shaped the human experience, highlighting deeper meaning in the world around us through expressions of faith and tradition. Scriptural narrative acts as a conduit for moral guidance that resonates and reforms over time, finding new application with every retelling. Prolific writer…

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  • Why Faith Leaders Are Divesting From Fossil Fuels (and You Should, Too)

    Why Faith Leaders Are Divesting From Fossil Fuels (and You Should, Too)

    Six months ago, at our Coming Together in Faith on Climate event, Blessed Tomorrow leaders Rev. Otis Moss and Brian Mclaren stood on the stage of Washington's National Cathedral to encourage a crowd of climate leaders to adopt five key climate solutions. Their inspiring words rang through the hallowed halls, now illuminated by energy efficient…

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  • Is Your Congregation’s Divestment Movement Using Collaborative Language?

    Is Your Congregation’s Divestment Movement Using Collaborative Language?

    "What happens when the whole church works toward justice?" asked Rev. Dr. Amy Butler, Senior Minister of Riverside Church in New York City, in her recent Patheos article. Dissecting the various components of church operations, Rev. Butler investigates how different areas of a church community may collaborate on environmental and financial justice. During her public…

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  • To Give Life to the Paris Climate Agreement, Connect on Personal Values

    To Give Life to the Paris Climate Agreement, Connect on Personal Values

    As 150 governments including 40 heads of state are expected to join together in a signing ceremony at the United Nations this Friday for the Paris climate accord, I was privileged to spend time this weekend with a number of the faith leaders who helped generate the momentum that brought this agreement to reality. Ecumenical…

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  • Find Out How To Engage On Climate For Passover Haggadah

    Find Out How To Engage On Climate For Passover Haggadah

    Passover begins this Friday and Jewish communities around the world will host a Sedar to start the week long holiday. Interfaith Power & Light, Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA), and Religious Action Center (RAC) have created a Haggadah (Sedar derivative text) accompaniment piece to frame this year's Passover around 'climate change and the celebration…

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  • Sign for Climate Change Campaign Encourages World Leaders To Follow Through

    Sign for Climate Change Campaign Encourages World Leaders To Follow Through

    Called the 'peace sign of our time,' the now familiar 'C' is being brandished around the world, encouraging leaders to sign the UNFCCC Paris Agreement this Earth Day. I know  what you're thinking: 'Didn't they already sign it?' Not really. Check out my blog from last week to learn what's going on.  Essentially, COP21 delegates…

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  • A Catechism of Creation Breaks Binary View Of Religion and Science

    A Catechism of Creation Breaks Binary View Of Religion and Science

    [originally published 4/15/16] When asked, most Christians are capable of recounting at least some aspects of the Book of Genesis. While these descriptions will vary in detail depending on the person asked, positioning the sacred text and its two creation stories as the true essences of Christian theology, is common place. But how do these…

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  • Faith Leaders Follow Through On Paris Agreement

    Faith Leaders Follow Through On Paris Agreement

    As COP21 Paris closed this past December with a historic agreement between nations, its non-legally-binding measures conjuring feelings of uncertainty. Who would be accountable for 195 countries to hold rising global temperatures below 2 degrees Celsius? How would they achieve these standards, and to what end? Many countries, including the United States, proposed plans to…

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  • Can Faith Leaders Help Obama Secure Green Climate Fund?

    Can Faith Leaders Help Obama Secure Green Climate Fund?

    Last year, President Obama sought to make good on his promise to allocate U.S. capital toward the Green Climate Fund. Congress rejected the initial proposition of $500 million, but President Obama eventually secured some funding for the international resources charged to mitigate the impact of climate change on the world's poorest nations. This year, President…

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  • Climate Leadership Training In The Wake Of Hurricane Katrina

    Climate Leadership Training In The Wake Of Hurricane Katrina

    Longlasting climate leadership is dependent on fostering new energy, a point our partners at Greenfaith are taking seriously. They understand the impactful role leaders play in forging new climate solutions and work tirelessly to develop new burgeoning talent. They also realize that great leadership is only successful with solid training.  Greenfaith will host North American…

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