
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Apply for the Adamah Climate Action Fund!

    So much feels out of our control, like rising temperatures. According to NASA, the summer of 2023 was the hottest on record for our planet and just recently (July 22, 2024) the globe reached the hottest daily temperature ever measured (and may even have been surpassed by the time this is published)…

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  • Climate Change and Food Security

    Climate Change and Food Security

    By 2030, over one hundred million people could be pushed into extreme hunger due to climate change according to the World Bank. When climate change is discussed, conversation is often around rising sea levels and changes in weather patterns. However, the conversation does not typically include the impact climate change will have on our global…

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  • Now Available: April Talking Points

    Now Available: April Talking Points

    A clean energy future is within our grasp. We can have locally-made energy from the wind and the sun that ensures our air is clean and our water is healthy. Communities across America are learning that smart investments in clean energy protect our health, attract new business, create jobs, and build stronger communities for our…

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  • Climate Change is a Rising Policy Priority, Particularly for Millennials

    Climate Change is a Rising Policy Priority, Particularly for Millennials

    Over the past decade, Americans have placed climate change at the bottom of the list of public policy priorities. But, according to Pew’s January 2018 Public Policy Priorities survey, climate change is on the rise. Pew found that close to half, 46% of Americans, believe that dealing with climate change should be a top policy…

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  • Now Available: February Talking Points

    Now Available: February Talking Points

    Throughout American history, people of faith have been at the forefront in addressing injustice. They have transformed hearts, minds, and the course of our country. Today, religious communities are called to a new moral challenge — climate change. If we can inspire and empower people of faith to lead on climate, we can reach every…

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  • The Green Strands of Our Spiritual DNA

    The Green Strands of Our Spiritual DNA

    As anyone who has ever watched a genealogy television show such as Finding Your Roots knows, our ancestry may not always be what we initially assume it to be. We grew up hearing that we possess this or that ethnic heritage, but until we have done a DNA test or done some earnest research, our…

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  • A Path to Positive on Climate in 2018

    A Path to Positive on Climate in 2018

    “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope….“ –…

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  • Climate Talking Points: A New Monthly Series from ecoAmerica

    Climate Talking Points: A New Monthly Series from ecoAmerica

    As a country, we’ve been approaching climate from different angles and with different goals. But all of us do it for the same reasons; to protect our families, friends, colleagues, and communities. So, it’s time to talk about climate in way that keeps everyone informed and inspires climate action. At ecoAmerica, we work with America’s…

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  • MLK: An Inspiration for Faith Leaders to Stand for Environmental Justice

    MLK: An Inspiration for Faith Leaders to Stand for Environmental Justice

    Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) was ahead of curve in the late 60s when he protested the unhealthy living conditions people of color experienced in inner cities like Chicago. Now, Americans of all backgrounds are faced with climate change; a threat to health and environmental justice. It is time to finally make America…

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  • Changing Congregational Behavior to Help Our Planet

    Changing Congregational Behavior to Help Our Planet

    Human behavior affects the world in many ways. We cultivate the land, build communities, and consume resources to sustain our needs and lifestyles. There is new evidence that all people will be required to change the way they live, work, play, and worship; for the greater good of our planet. People of faith have an…

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  • Climate Stewardship: Rounding Up Blessed Tomorrow Tips from 2017

    Climate Stewardship: Rounding Up Blessed Tomorrow Tips from 2017

    After Paris, faith groups throughout the United States pledged to reduce carbon emissions and announced support of organizations and initiatives that shared their goal for a carbon-free America. Blessed Tomorrow encourages faith leaders to advocate for the progression of climate action. For people of faith, stewardship is the most important form of advocacy. Climate stewardship…

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  • Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of Dec 23 – 29

    Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of Dec 23 – 29

    Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. This roundup highlights achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from and for people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you to implement in your faith community and stories to inspire everyone. We’ll also let you…

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