
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Apply for the Adamah Climate Action Fund!

    So much feels out of our control, like rising temperatures. According to NASA, the summer of 2023 was the hottest on record for our planet and just recently (July 22, 2024) the globe reached the hottest daily temperature ever measured (and may even have been surpassed by the time this is published)…

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  • Toward a Blessed 2020 and Beyond

    Toward a Blessed 2020 and Beyond

    We must be ambitious and determined on the path forward in 2020 and beyond. We must encourage one another. In the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr., “We’ve got some difficult days ahead.” But, “I’ve been to the mountaintop…I’ve seen the Promised Land” and I know that together we can get there. 

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  • Faith, Health, and Climate: Finding Connections and Building Bridges

    Faith, Health, and Climate: Finding Connections and Building Bridges

    Climate for Health and Blessed Tomorrow invited two leaders to share their thoughts on the intersections of faith and health in addressing climate change.

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  • American Psychiatric Association Engages Religious Leaders to Address the Climate Crisis

    American Psychiatric Association Engages Religious Leaders to Address the Climate Crisis

    Not only do psychiatrists and pastors care about their clients and parishioners, they both care about the mental health of their communities. These concerns were in full force when I joined three psychiatrists to lead a workshop at the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association in NYC in October 2019.

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  • The Moral Imperative to Improve Planetary Health Through Climate Solutions

    The Moral Imperative to Improve Planetary Health Through Climate Solutions

    While there may be different motivations and pathways, studies and scripture have led us to the same conclusion: faith and health leaders alike recognize the urgent moral imperative to act on climate change. People — our friends, families, and neighbors — feel the impacts of climate change right now. And in response, we need to…

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  • Meet Youth Leaders Of The Climate Movement

    Meet Youth Leaders Of The Climate Movement

    Nearly a year ago, we published a blog about the Juliana v. U.S. case, in which Juliana plaintiffs list the climate change impacts that will directly affect the life and health of current and future generations. Today, September 20, 2019, youth and adults supporting their cause across 150 countries will go on strike, march to…

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  • Inspiration for this Season of Creation

    Inspiration for this Season of Creation

    As we experience this 2019 Season of Creation, we take time to reflect on the world we inhabit and our God-given responsibility to steward it. For your contemplation and inspiration, Blessed Tomorrow has gathered together a collection of brief, creation-centric statements from a variety of faith traditions. Grab a cup of coffee and get inspired.…

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  • When Politics, Science, and Faith Come Together

    When Politics, Science, and Faith Come Together

    This blog is a collaboration between the National League of Cities and Path to Positive: For many world religions, a respect for nature and a desire to care for our planet lies at the heart of their practices and rituals. In 2015, Pope Francis surprised the world with Laudato Si, a papal encyclical on “care for…

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  • Making the Connection: Climate Change Intensifies Every Issue We Already Prioritize

    Making the Connection: Climate Change Intensifies Every Issue We Already Prioritize

    Where and how does your faith community live out its values? And, what does this have to do with climate change? Here is the answer – the insidious, unjust nature of climate change intensifies and proliferates each one of our existing priorities.

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  • PCUSA Climate Care Challenge

    PCUSA Climate Care Challenge

    Our daily experience, confirms that these extreme climate events keep taking place with greater frequency and intensity each year. This is threatening our food and energy security…. Climate change represents an imminent threat to balanced and well-adjusted development in our country… ultimately, we are seeking to motivate the search for new paths, both of theory…

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  • Following the Lamp at Our Feet: Combating Climate Change One Step at a Time

    Following the Lamp at Our Feet: Combating Climate Change One Step at a Time

    The first Bible verse I ever memorized- aside from the Lord’s Prayer- was Psalm 119:105, “Your word is a lamp to my feet, a light to my path.” I meditate on this passage quite often. My understanding of this verse came to be that God is not like a floodlight showing us the entirety of…

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  • Experts say UCC Matters in Fight Against Climate Change

    Experts say UCC Matters in Fight Against Climate Change

    This partner blog was originally published by United Church News, here. The United Church of Christ General Synod took definitive action on climate justice with three resolutions in late June. It endorsed two proposals currently before Congress – the Green New Deal and the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act – and encouraged churches to avoid cups, plates and other items…

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