
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Apply for the Adamah Climate Action Fund!

    So much feels out of our control, like rising temperatures. According to NASA, the summer of 2023 was the hottest on record for our planet and just recently (July 22, 2024) the globe reached the hottest daily temperature ever measured (and may even have been surpassed by the time this is published)…

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  • Local Action, National Purpose:  Five Ways To Take Action Now on Climate

    Local Action, National Purpose: Five Ways To Take Action Now on Climate

    Faith communities around the world are becoming more vocal and visible on climate change, elevating it as a moral issue. We can see this in the faith leaders and faith institutions who signed on to our coalitions’ MomentUs statement, calling for ambitious climate solutions that halve carbon emissions each decade going forward. But the rubber…

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  • Tikkun Olam: Called to Restore a Broken World

    Tikkun Olam: Called to Restore a Broken World

    Blessed Tomorrow Leadership Circle Executive Committee Chair, the Rev. Dr. Jim Antal, gave a powerful post-inauguration sermon recently that we are sharing for your reflection and encouragement. Rooted in his own Christian tradition, Rev. Antal ties biblical stories to the events of today and calls us into faith-rooted action by embracing truth, repenting, and restoring…

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  • Recording Available: Make Me An Instrument of Peace, Bring People Together to Care For Creation

    Recording Available: Make Me An Instrument of Peace, Bring People Together to Care For Creation

    Solving climate change requires us to work together in order to succeed in healing our communities and our planet. But in such a polarized environment, we often don’t know how to bridge the divide. Civil discourse shows us a path forward. In this latest episode of our Let’s Talk Climate webcast, Make Me An Instrument…

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  • Blessed Tomorrow Launches Unety Program for Houses of Worship

    Blessed Tomorrow Launches Unety Program for Houses of Worship

    Providing Access to Financing and Vetted Contractors to Achieve Environmental Commitments Is your house of worship looking to finance critical repairs, upgrades, energy efficiency, or clean energy projects?  Blessed Tomorrow knows it’s not always easy to come by advantageous capital or find vetted contractors. We partnered with Unety to offer a web-based platform that makes…

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  • Recording Available: Faith (and Climate) in the Voting Booth

    Recording Available: Faith (and Climate) in the Voting Booth

    Should we keep our faith and our politics separate? Is climate change a faith issue? There’s no doubt that faith communities in America will play a critical role in the 2020 elections. Our ability to care for Creation, as well as how we address systemic inequities and racism, will be decided by those elected to…

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  • Introducing ecoAmerica’s Webcast Series: LET’S TALK CLIMATE

    Introducing ecoAmerica’s Webcast Series: LET’S TALK CLIMATE

    The must-attend, go-to webcast discussion for the most current and best thinking on climate change ecoAmerica is introducing Let’s Talk Climate to provide guidance and support to climate activists as they seek to expand public support and political resolve for equitable and effective climate solutions. Let’s Talk Climate features seven topics: nature/science, health, communities, faith, politics, people,…

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  • Inescapable Lessons Offer Invaluable Opportunities – Earth Day 50th & COVID19

    Inescapable Lessons Offer Invaluable Opportunities – Earth Day 50th & COVID19

    This is not a dress rehearsal. The entire world is immersed in unrelenting, multidimensional crises. These crises are not ideological. They are rooted in reality: nature, science, medicine, and mathematics. Suddenly, we are all living with the same mortal fear – anxiety that no ideological anger or assurance can reduce. Each of us must decide…

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  • People of Faith Activate for Earth Day’s 50th Anniversary

    People of Faith Activate for Earth Day’s 50th Anniversary

    For many of us, Earth Day is a pleasant memory from elementary school where our class went to pick up garbage from a park or plant trees near the playground. But beginning in 1970, in response to significant environmental challenges of smog, automobile emissions and significant oil spills, a bi-partisan effort began to educate Americans…

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  • 6 Lessons Coronavirus Can Teach Us About Climate Change

    6 Lessons Coronavirus Can Teach Us About Climate Change

    Earth Day 2020 comes at a tumultuous time. COVID-19 has upended our lives. The number of infections keeps soaring world-wide and entire countries are sheltering in place. Out of caution, many are keeping physical distance from each other. But out of compassion, many are helping any way they can — staying connected by phone or…

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  • Congratulations to the American Climate Leadership Awards Winners!

    Congratulations to the American Climate Leadership Awards Winners!

    Thank you to all who joined us at the American Climate Leadership Awards Virtual Ceremony on March 25! Congratulations to the winner, CALPIRG Students, who worked on eight University of California campuses to win a UC-wide commitment to 100% renewable energy by 2025. Congratulations too, to the runner up, Regeneración, a Pajaro Valley, CA based…

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  • American Climate Leadership Summit 2020 Rescheduled

    American Climate Leadership Summit 2020 Rescheduled

    We must be ambitious and determined on the path forward in 2020 and beyond. We must encourage one another. In the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr., “We’ve got some difficult days ahead.” But, “I’ve been to the mountaintop…I’ve seen the Promised Land” and I know that together we can get there. 

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