
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Apply for the Adamah Climate Action Fund!

    So much feels out of our control, like rising temperatures. According to NASA, the summer of 2023 was the hottest on record for our planet and just recently (July 22, 2024) the globe reached the hottest daily temperature ever measured (and may even have been surpassed by the time this is published)…

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  • Why Are Jewish Leaders Joining Pope Francis in Climate Action?

    Why Are Jewish Leaders Joining Pope Francis in Climate Action?

    Brooklyn, Los Angeles, Jersey City, Long Island and Tel Aviv – These are just a few of the cities projected to be submerged under water by 2070 if we maintain our current path. While these future threats are perhaps what motivate some, a few Jewish thinkers and Rabbis are motivated by the effect that climate change is…

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  • White House Welcomes Buddhist Leaders to Discuss Climate Change

    White House Welcomes Buddhist Leaders to Discuss Climate Change

    The White House U.S. Buddhist Leaders Conference convened last month with an emphasis placed on the pan-Buddhist movement and climate change. Using 2009’s publication on Buddhist Response to the Climate Emergency,  Buddhist leaders discussed ways in which their shared concern for fellow humans influences their approach to climate action.  Highlighting key components, the congregation of…

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  • Can Southern Baptist Millennials Bring the Convention to Climate Action?

    Can Southern Baptist Millennials Bring the Convention to Climate Action?

    When Blessed Tomorrow Leader, Jonathan Merritt wrote Green Like God, he intended to bridge the schism between the eschatologically grounded climate denial of older generations, and the new face of the Southern Baptist Convention, millennials. His approach represented a shift in the national coalition’s willingness to embrace Bible based climate initiatives, a stark contrast to…

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  • Disciples of Christ General Assembly is ‘Going Green’ for God’s Creation

    Disciples of Christ General Assembly is ‘Going Green’ for God’s Creation

    In 1977, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) General Assembly began their first eco-justice initiative, a Task Force on Ecology that evolved into a series of sustainability projects such as Green Chalice. Creating a certification program under the leadership of Rev. Carol Devine, Green Chalice has hosted green retreats, provided educational workshops, supplied resources to churches, and lowered…

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  • 6 Millennial Faith Leaders Making an Impact on Climate Change

    6 Millennial Faith Leaders Making an Impact on Climate Change

    Representing six various religious practices, the recent list of millennial faith leaders taking action for the climate speaks to the powerful initiative of morally guided religious communities to care for God's creation. While their theological route may differ, they collectively arrive at a shared conclusion. It is our moral duty to care for our fellow human beings, as well…

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  • Remembering AME Victim Rev. Clementa Pinckney: A Creation Care Advocate

    Remembering AME Victim Rev. Clementa Pinckney: A Creation Care Advocate

    The shooting at African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina coincided with last week's unveil of Pope Francis' climate encyclical. Our hearts go out to those affected by the shooting, and we would like to take a moment to recognize the tremendous impact victim Rev. Clementa Pinckney had on the creation care movement. Finding a connection with nature…

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  • Are Evangelical Christians Coming Around On Climate Change?

    Are Evangelical Christians Coming Around On Climate Change?

    In Mark Stoll's investigation on the role of environmentalism in the Baptists tradition (or lack thereof), he focused on the cohort's wavered anti-environmental past. While his examples are compelling they remain oriented in the direction Stoll is facing; toward the past. However, when Katharine Hayhoe, Texas Tech Climate Scientists and Evangelical Christian, was asked what role the Pope's Climate Encyclical…

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  • I’m Dreaming of a Green Ramadan – Climate Action for Muslims

    I’m Dreaming of a Green Ramadan – Climate Action for Muslims

    Assalaamu alaykum – It's that time of year again when Muslims around the world will begin their 30-day fast to ‘scorch' away the previous year's habits; practice patience; and realign themselves with the teachings of the Holy Qur'an, Insha'Allah. It is also a time for many Muslims to reflect on the world around them both near and far, and develop ways…

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  • 13 Resources to Help You Understand Pope Francis’ Climate Encyclical

    13 Resources to Help You Understand Pope Francis’ Climate Encyclical

    Pope Francis’ aptly titled encyclical, Laudato Si (Praise Be) is finally here! The day we have all been waiting for is upon us and the document is in our hands. While many will spend the remainder of the day sifting through the edict, highlighting the key aspects of its content as they have with previous…

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  • The People Get Their Pilgrim in Move Toward Climate Solution

    The People Get Their Pilgrim in Move Toward Climate Solution

    Former Philippine climate change commissioner Naderev "Yeb" Saño began his 6 month pilgrimage to COP21 on Monday, with his first stop in Vanuatu, a region still recovering from climate change related disaster. After resigning from his government position, Saño joined Our Voices, an international coalition of interfaith works that are invigorating the climate talks in Paris with a moral message. Saño shared, ”We feel the missing element…

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  • Mad Max, Christian Theology and the Long History of American Creation Care

    Mad Max, Christian Theology and the Long History of American Creation Care

    Dystopic tales of the earth's destruction are perhaps what fill the seats at theaters these days, but art did not always reflect such a pessimistic view of nature. As Mark Stoll details in his new book, Inherit the Holy Mountain: Religion and the Rise of American Environmentalism, American conservation has largely been led by the optomistic religious front of American…

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