
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Apply for the Adamah Climate Action Fund!

    So much feels out of our control, like rising temperatures. According to NASA, the summer of 2023 was the hottest on record for our planet and just recently (July 22, 2024) the globe reached the hottest daily temperature ever measured (and may even have been surpassed by the time this is published)…

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  • Lausanne Creation Care Movement Addresses Evangelical Outreach

    Lausanne Creation Care Movement Addresses Evangelical Outreach

    Focusing on three areas of discussion, Lausanne Creation Care Network is hosting Creation Care and the Gospel Conference: Canada/US, July 27 – July 31, 2015.  God’s Word (theology) God’s World (science) God’s Work (our response)  In collectively addressing these issues of climate concern, the conference is hoping to extend their creation care ministry to the…

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  • Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish Leaders Come Together for Our Common Home

    Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish Leaders Come Together for Our Common Home

    Pope Francis’ Encyclical, Laudato Si is a Catholic document but is it exclusively for Catholics? While its rhetoric urging people to care for creation employs traditional Catholic verbiage, it’s resonating catch phrase calling everyone to ‘care for our common home,’ brings forth a sense of inclusiveness to the discussion.  Within days of its release people…

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  • Interfaith Power and Light Supports Pope’s Call to ‘Care for Our Common Home’

    Interfaith Power and Light Supports Pope’s Call to ‘Care for Our Common Home’

    David Malone of Interfaith Power and Light (a Blessed Tomorrow partner) penned a thank you to Pope Francis for inspiring millions with his Encyclical, Laudato Si. I would like to echo that appreciation, speaking to the deep nature at which this call to care for ‘our common home’ resonates. Musing on Saint Bonaventure, Pope Francis…

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  • Tackling Climate Change is ‘Kids Play’ According to Mothers

    Tackling Climate Change is ‘Kids Play’ According to Mothers

    Climate change holds a dramatic impact on the well-being of our children, causing an estimated 150,000 asthma attacks annually. Which is why faith leaders joined Moms Clean Air Force this past week as they held a ‘play-in,’ where over 400 mothers gathered their children to play and learn about climate change in a Washington DC…

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  • Multi-Faith Survey Reveals 5 Keys to Communicating on Climate Change

    Multi-Faith Survey Reveals 5 Keys to Communicating on Climate Change

    This past May, Blessed Tomorrow encouraged you to participate in a joint effort between COIN (Climate Outreach and Information Network) and Our Voice, to survey what climate messaging strategies work best in the 5 largest faith traditions: Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish and Muslim. While tradition specific findings are displayed, the survey provides 5 overall takeaways for…

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  • Savoring Pope Francis’ Encyclical: Refreshment for the Journey

    Savoring Pope Francis’ Encyclical: Refreshment for the Journey

    Recently my friend Lisa Restrom, co-founder of Divest-Invest Individual, a movement of individual investors divesting from oil, gas, and coal and investing in the emerging new energy economy, inspired me with her urging on Facebook, to read Pope Francis’ recent encyclical Laudato Si on creation care and climate change. While I’d been reading the extensive coverage…

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  • Episcopal Church Divest $380 Million from Fossil Fuels

    Episcopal Church Divest $380 Million from Fossil Fuels

    The 78th General Convention of The Episcopal Church ended last week with a groundbreaking new commitment to climate action. The proceeding held in Salt Lake City, Utah spent a great deal of time focusing on the moral issue of climate change, with an overwhelming number of Episcopal leaders calling for divestment from fossil fuels, culminating…

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  • America Quietly Takes Lead on Climate Change, and Public Opinion Follows

    America Quietly Takes Lead on Climate Change, and Public Opinion Follows

    America is quietly becoming a global climate leader. With China following our lead last week, America has gone from minor climate action to one of the most proactive members joining COP21 this December. And, the nearly 30% reduction in emissions isn’t the only thing changing these days. As Christian Science Monitor staff writer, Henry Gass…

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  • North Carolina Church Harnesses the Power of the Sun for Climate Action

    North Carolina Church Harnesses the Power of the Sun for Climate Action

    In February, we reported the ambiguous regulations of solar power in Indiana, and how it was affecting small churches. Similarly, North Carolina’s Faith Community Church is facing a dilemma after state legislation banning third party resell of solar power was passed. The move came after significant pressure from Duke Energy, the state's primary source for…

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  • Cosmos Host, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Supports Pope’s Climate Encyclical

    Cosmos Host, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Supports Pope’s Climate Encyclical

    Popular astrophysicist, Neil deGrasse Tyson has displayed public support for both the Pope and the Vatican in a series of tweets from his personal account: “Yes, it’s possible to be a supreme holy figure yet still know what you are talking about regarding the Climate.” Citing the 4-century old cohort of astrophysics that have remained a…

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  • Faith Leaders’ March on Rome Turned Into More Than a Celebration of Laudato Si

    Faith Leaders’ March on Rome Turned Into More Than a Celebration of Laudato Si

    If a sign reading, “SOLAR POWER IS FROM THE HEAVENS,’ doesn’t bring a smile to your face, I don't know what will. And, smiles were in abundance as thousands of people from various faith backgrounds marched on Rome to express their support for Pope Francis’ climate Encyclical, Laudato Si. Luckily the celebration at hand did…

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