
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Apply for the Adamah Climate Action Fund!

    So much feels out of our control, like rising temperatures. According to NASA, the summer of 2023 was the hottest on record for our planet and just recently (July 22, 2024) the globe reached the hottest daily temperature ever measured (and may even have been surpassed by the time this is published)…

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  • Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of June 9 – 16

    Faith and Climate News: Top Stories for the Week of June 9 – 16

    Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. This roundup highlights achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from and for people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you to implement in your faith community and stories to inspire everyone. We’ll also let you…

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  • God’s Earth Impacted by Climate Change

    God’s Earth Impacted by Climate Change

    Our Earth is a wondrous place, but it has been deeply affected by our actions as humans. Now, it is our responsibility to restore its beauty and strength. But to really help the Earth recover, we must all understand how our climate is being damaged, and what we can do about it. Many different issues…

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  • Faith and Climate News: June 2-June 9

    Faith and Climate News: June 2-June 9

    Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. This roundup highlights achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from and for people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you to implement in your faith community and stories to inspire everyone. We’ll also let you…

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  • Paris Accord: These Churches Want the U.S. Back on Track with Climate Solutions

    Paris Accord: These Churches Want the U.S. Back on Track with Climate Solutions

    The long-awaited decision from President Donald Trump on the Climate Change Paris Accord was one that many climate leaders do not approve of. In the faith community, a similar response arose, but rather than simply opposing Trump’s choice, these organizations are urging him to reconsider. African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church Social Action Commission Director Jackie…

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  • Faith and Climate News: May 26-June 2

    Faith and Climate News: May 26-June 2

    Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. This roundup highlights achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from and for people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you to implement in your faith community and stories to inspire everyone. We’ll also let you…

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  • Evangelical Millennials Are Leading in Climate Change Advocacy

    Evangelical Millennials Are Leading in Climate Change Advocacy

    Historically, evangelicals in America tended to land on the conservative side of social issues. Millennials are taking a different view. Recognizing that something is happening to the plant life and other living creatures that share the Earth with humans, millennials, specifically evangelical millennials, are aiming for a society where the needs of both the people…

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  • Paris Climate Change Agreement: Caring for the Divine Creation by Encouraging Government Accountability

    Paris Climate Change Agreement: Caring for the Divine Creation by Encouraging Government Accountability

    Faith leaders can be key influencers in the climate change debate. While the fate of America’s stance on climate change still hangs in the balance, leaders from over 20 interfaith organizations have united to motivate President Trump to preserve American support for the Paris Agreement.   In a sincere and precise letter, dated Tuesday, May…

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  • Current ‘State of the Air’ Calls for Urgent Action from Faith Communities, and Government

    Current ‘State of the Air’ Calls for Urgent Action from Faith Communities, and Government

    Air is believed to be the “fertilizing wind,” and the “ruah” of human life in monotheistic faiths. The Holy Quran 015:022 states that these winds are created by the higher power, not the power of man, therefore, it can be said that man has not the right to damage it. Ruah, or “breath” in Hebrew,…

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  • Stories for the Week of April 28 – May 5

    Stories for the Week of April 28 – May 5

    Every Friday, Blessed Tomorrow releases the top faith and climate stories from the previous week. We highlight achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communications from to people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you to implement in your faith community and stories to inspire everyone. We’ll also let you know about…

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  • “Lazarus, Come Out!” A Christian Response to the Climate Crisis

    “Lazarus, Come Out!” A Christian Response to the Climate Crisis

    Rev. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas serves as Missioner for Creation Care for both the Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts and Mass. Conference, United Church of Christ. In this recent Lenten sermon, she offers a timeless and timely message about moving beyond interia and towards action.  What a blessing it is to be here this morning and to join your…

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  • How Climate Change is Impacting Your Congregation’s Mental Health

    How Climate Change is Impacting Your Congregation’s Mental Health

    When Americans consider the health impacts of climate change, they often cite physical consequences. As ecoAmerica’s new report shows, however, Americans are suffering the psychological consequences of climate change at an increasing rate. As a faith leader, you are greatly concerned about your congregation's health and that includes their mental health, particularly as it relates…

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