
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Faith Leaders Answer the Call on Climate Change Through Blessed Tomorrow

    Faith Leaders Answer the Call on Climate Change Through Blessed Tomorrow

    The Blessed Tomorrow Leadership Circle, comprised of more than 20 faith leaders from around the country, is pleased to announce the official launch of a new national program, Blessed Tomorrow. Blessed Tomorrow empowers faith leaders from across religious traditions to both steward God’s creation and inspire their congregations, communities, and other leaders to do the…

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  • Tying Climate Into Customs: A Carbon Fast for Lent

    Tying Climate Into Customs: A Carbon Fast for Lent

    Many people give up things like chocolate or coffee for Lent. But carbon? That’s what the Rev. Dr. Jim Antal, the conference minister and president of the Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ, and 6,000 other participants across the country have agreed to as part of the Ecumenical Lenten Carbon Fast. According to…

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  • Evangelical Christians Taking Lead on Climate Solutions

    Evangelical Christians Taking Lead on Climate Solutions

    While some evangelicals perceive a conflict between faith and science, a growing number are starting to rally for climate solutions, according to a recent article in The Huffington Post. Many evangelical Christians are especially motivated by the fact that climate change will disproportionately affect the world’s most poor and vulnerable, or “the least of these,”…

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  • How Faith Communities Are Changing the Climate Conversation

    How Faith Communities Are Changing the Climate Conversation

    Climate change isn’t just about melting ice caps and stranded polar bears – it’s also an issue that will profoundly affect people. But climate change won’t impact all people equally – research indicates that it will likely hit the world’s most vulnerable communities the hardest. Moreover, those who will be hardest hit are often the…

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  • Climate Change as a Natural Extension of the Civil Rights Movement

    Climate Change as a Natural Extension of the Civil Rights Movement

    In this Huffington Post article, Reverend Dr. Gerald Durley of Providence Missionary Baptist Church and the Blessed Tomorrow Leadership Circle reflects on the 50th anniversary of MLK’s "I Have a Dream" speech, and draws connections between the American civil rights movement and climate change. Durley links his first-hand experience within the civil rights movement, and…

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  • Sin and Climate Change Denial – A Theological Exploration

    Sin and Climate Change Denial – A Theological Exploration

    In this Washington Post article, Dr. Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite, the former president of the Chicago Theological Seminary, discusses climate change in theological terms: specifically, whether humans bear moral responsibility for extreme weather.   Dr. Thistlethwaite explores the many aspects of sin in context of human responsibility, focusing on carbon pollution and climate change denial. Thistlethwaite also…

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  • Climate’s Newest Leaders: African-American Clergy

    Climate’s Newest Leaders: African-American Clergy

    Three African-American clergy, including Blessed Tomorrow Leadership Circle members Bishop Vashti McKenzie and Rev. Dr. Gerald Durley, recently spoke at a White House panel on climate change and climate impacts. But these leaders’ presence at the panel was not an isolated event. Rather, it’s emblematic of a small but growing trend of African-American religious leaders taking…

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  • New Poll: Americans Will Act on Climate, If Their Peers and Leaders Ask Them To

    New Poll: Americans Will Act on Climate, If Their Peers and Leaders Ask Them To

    A new polling report released this month, "American Actions to Limit Global Warming in November 2013" reveals that Americans are willing to take steps in their lives to take action on climate with just a little bit of nudging from those around them. The poll, jointly conducted by the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication and the Yale…

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  • Church of England Cites Morality in Climate Announcement

    Church of England Cites Morality in Climate Announcement

    The Church of England announced last week that it would reconsider its financial investments in light of the impact they are having on global climate change, according to an official Church statement that was reported in a Climate Progress article. The Church manages around £5.2 billion, or $8.5 billion in investments, including investments in fossil fuel companies…

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  • The Pope Is Going Green (and Telling People, Too)

    The Pope Is Going Green (and Telling People, Too)

    Pope Francis, who named himself after the patron saint of the environment and animals, already made something of a statement about his opinions on environmental issues when he held up an anti-fracking t-shirt last fall. But now, sources in a Huffington Post article say the Pope is taking things one step further and writing an encyclical on humankind’s…

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