
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Apply for the Adamah Climate Action Fund!

    So much feels out of our control, like rising temperatures. According to NASA, the summer of 2023 was the hottest on record for our planet and just recently (July 22, 2024) the globe reached the hottest daily temperature ever measured (and may even have been surpassed by the time this is published)…

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  • I’m Dreaming of a ‘Green’ Christmas: How to Have an Eco-Friendly Holiday

    I’m Dreaming of a ‘Green’ Christmas: How to Have an Eco-Friendly Holiday

    Christmas is just two days away and soon, millions around the world will gather to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It’s a beautiful time when families come together to hang stockings above the fireplace, string lights around the house and decorate the tree. As much as we love Christmas celebrations here at Blessed Tomorrow,…

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  • Little Stewards: Teaching Children the Importance of Creation Care

    Little Stewards: Teaching Children the Importance of Creation Care

    Children are the lifeblood of any congregation, but when it comes to ecclesiastic climate education, the youth are often overlooked. A perceived inability for them to have a real impact on the environment has led us to neglect our creation care ministry in youth groups. Alas, there are ways to instill stewardship amongst the adolescent…

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  • The Top 5 Traits That Make A Great Leader

    The Top 5 Traits That Make A Great Leader

    At ecoAmerica, one of our main priorities is empowering leaders to build support for climate action. There’s a reason leaders are such an important part of our strategy. Whether they’re the head of a corporation, a church, or a community group, strong leaders share certain traits.  They are able to effectively communicate what needs to…

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  • Menorah Illuminates Path to Climate Action for Hanukkah

    Menorah Illuminates Path to Climate Action for Hanukkah

    Over two thousand years have passed since the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem; and still, the Maccabee triumph over the Seleucid Empire serves as a motivational tool for Jews around the world. While the menorah oil miraculously lasted the Maccabees eight nights instead of one, our current fossil fuel reserve isn't so lucky; which is why…

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  • Church Elders: An Untapped Resource for Climate Action

    Church Elders: An Untapped Resource for Climate Action

    For mainline Protestant churches in America, 23% of the worship community is over the age of 65; most of whom are retired. And, while many rely on this demographic of baby boomers for sage wisdom and an encyclopedic recall of Bible verses, they remain an untapped circle for climate action. In a recent Washington Times…

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  • Road to Jericho Reaches Bolivia: How to Be a Climate Samaritan in 2015

    Road to Jericho Reaches Bolivia: How to Be a Climate Samaritan in 2015

    Jesus, compelled to make his case for helping those in need, recounted the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37); a parable that in today's Christian world gets a lot of use. For the Good Samaritan, those in need were right in front of him, visible and apparent; but as our global community expands, so…

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  • U.S. Churches Answer UNFCCC’s Call to Climate Action

    U.S. Churches Answer UNFCCC’s Call to Climate Action

    As the United Nation's climate conference in Lima came to a close, Christina Figueres voiced one final plea to religious leaders around the world. Once again the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Executive Secretary has urged faith leaders to ‘find their voice' in the climate talks by advising their congregations to make changes…

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  • Are Religious Conferences Contributing to Climate Change?

    Are Religious Conferences Contributing to Climate Change?

    “We could create an A.A.R. Sabbatical Year,” suggested Dr. Laurie Zoloth, president of the American Academy of Religion, during her opening remarks at the organization's recent gathering in San Diego, California. Falling in line with this year's theme, ‘fighting climate change,' Dr. Zoloth's plea recounted the various ways in which the annual meeting has contributed to…

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  • How to Connect With Americans on Climate Change: New ecoAmerica/CRED Guide Tells All

    How to Connect With Americans on Climate Change: New ecoAmerica/CRED Guide Tells All

      ecoAmerica and the Center for Research on Environmental Decisions (CRED) at Columbia University and are proud to announce the release of their new communications guide, Connecting on Climate: A Guide to Effective Climate Change Communication. The guide explains how anyone, from religious leaders, to healthcare professionals, businesspeople, community leaders, journalists, scientists, educators, policymakers, and…

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  • 3 Ways to Get 3 Million People Back in Church

    3 Ways to Get 3 Million People Back in Church

    With 3 million young people leaving the church each year, faith leaders are resorting to highly unusual tactics in an effort to regain their divorced congregates. Instead of building a McDonald’s church, as one group has suggested, perhaps we should explore less gimmicky avenues of engaging these dissociated assemblages by speaking on more relevant social…

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  • 4 Ways Religion Lends Itself to Climate Awareness?

    4 Ways Religion Lends Itself to Climate Awareness?

    97% of climate scientists agree that climate change is real and that it is man-made. With all this scientific data floating around, why does religion play such a crucial role in convincing people of these findings? Some suggest that it has to do with climate change being outside the scope of the everyday person's comprehension. Humans…

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