
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Apply for the Adamah Climate Action Fund!

    So much feels out of our control, like rising temperatures. According to NASA, the summer of 2023 was the hottest on record for our planet and just recently (July 22, 2024) the globe reached the hottest daily temperature ever measured (and may even have been surpassed by the time this is published)…

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  • Faith Leaders and Academics Join Forces to Act for the Climate

    Faith Leaders and Academics Join Forces to Act for the Climate

    Pope Francis may have sought his initial influence from Saint Francis for his relationship with nature, but his renewed action is fueled by Catholics around the world acting for the climate today. With the scientific conclusion that humans are causing climate change and that we must act now, Catholic organizations are pressing the issue for…

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  • Why Are Oil Executives Meeting With Pope Francis?

    Why Are Oil Executives Meeting With Pope Francis?

    “We have to stop being defensive,” Total CEO Patrick Pouyanné said in regard to past climate irresponsibilities. His words mark what many are viewing as a necessary change in climate attitudes by those that arguably matter most in these discussions: energy companies. While these statements may seem like empty gestures, ExxonMobil top executives have recently sent representatives…

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  • Climate Leaders Adorn List of 50 Most Influential Jewish Figures

    Climate Leaders Adorn List of 50 Most Influential Jewish Figures

    The Jerusalem Post released a list of the 50 most influential Jews around the world, two of which are making major changes for the climate. While Efi Stenzler, ‘Israel’s Green Minister’ as he is affectionately called, is busy saving vast tracts of the Holy Land from industrial and urban development, Todd Stern is getting ready…

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  • How One Conservative Evangelical, Climate Change Denier Came to Care for Creation

    How One Conservative Evangelical, Climate Change Denier Came to Care for Creation

    Swaddled in a blanket of misconception, one Evangelical theologian spent years of his life publicly denying climate change. Working with the understanding that climate change was a hoax, propagated by left-wing conspiracy theorists, Dr. Scott Rodin dissuaded a great many from accepting a cause that he saw as being tied politically to fringe liberals.  In his…

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  • The Surprising Truth of Faith-Based Climate Denial is Actually Political

    The Surprising Truth of Faith-Based Climate Denial is Actually Political

    Religious traditions have long been (unfairly) pigeonholed as the antithesis of scientific discovery, and while particular branches of faith tend to deny climate change more than others, new studies indicate that this trend is more so political than it is faith-based. Josh Rosenau, an evolutionary biologist who works for the National Center for Science Education…

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  • Is Christian Ecological Hope the Path to a Renewed Church?

    Is Christian Ecological Hope the Path to a Renewed Church?

    Methodists, Presbyterians, Catholics and so many more Christian denominations are joining a global effort to tread ‘more lightly' on God's creation. The Biblical mandate is clear, for Christians to act as ‘custodians of creation,' just as Adam was told to do in the Book of Genesis. But, what does this actually mean? While various faith…

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  • Is Your Climate Voice Being Heard? Join the Global Movement in Just 10 Minutes!

    Is Your Climate Voice Being Heard? Join the Global Movement in Just 10 Minutes!

    Our friends at COIN (Climate Outreach and Information Network) have joined with Our Voice to develop new ways to engage people of faith, and they need your help. Our Voice, who has instituted successful campaigns such as Light for Lima is asking people of all faiths to help them complete a massive undertaking that sets to develop new…

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  • California Faith Leaders Are Drying Up Lawns for Climate Action

    California Faith Leaders Are Drying Up Lawns for Climate Action

    “Since we had such a large lawn, we thought that we want to set an example, not only for ourselves, but also for the community,” shared Brian Sheffield,  general manager of Los Angeles' Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. After California Governor Brown asked for water use reductions, Sheffield determined that the 98,000 square foot…

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  • Who’s Helping Pope Francis Write His Climate Encyclical?

    Who’s Helping Pope Francis Write His Climate Encyclical?

    News stories are in abundance regarding Pope Francis' Climate Encyclical, but what about the people helping him write it? Cardinal Peter Turkson, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace has been a primary consultant for Pope Francis' development of climate issues in the past year, giving a sneak-peak last month in Ireland. Cardinal…

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  • Affiliated Christians Drop 8% – Can Climate Change Get Them Back?

    Affiliated Christians Drop 8% – Can Climate Change Get Them Back?

    The number of Americans identifying as Christian has dropped 8% since 2007, according to Pew Research. The largest proportion of these ‘nones' are found in the droves of Millennials leaving the church, forcing many faith leaders to reevaluate their approach. In this sink-or-swim moment, MTV news suggested that the steady incline in unaffiliated Americans is a…

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  • Failure to Act on Climate Change Declared Sin by Pope Francis

    Failure to Act on Climate Change Declared Sin by Pope Francis

    "God will call them to judgment one day, and it will be seen if they truly tried to provide food for him in every person, and if they worked so that the environment would not be destroyed, but could produce this food," Pope Francis told the Caritas Internationalis crowd during his mass homily. His tough love rhetoric…

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