
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Apply for the Adamah Climate Action Fund!

    So much feels out of our control, like rising temperatures. According to NASA, the summer of 2023 was the hottest on record for our planet and just recently (July 22, 2024) the globe reached the hottest daily temperature ever measured (and may even have been surpassed by the time this is published)…

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  • Climate Change Report Lays Out Consequences

    Climate Change Report Lays Out Consequences

    At the Presbyterian Hunger Program, this time of the year usually finds our attentions turned towards World Food Day and Food Week of Action. This year however, we also find ourselves focused on the report from the United Nations’ scientific panel on climate change which was released on October 7, 2018 in South Korea. A Dire Reality The…

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  • Voting and Climate Change: Talking Points

    Voting and Climate Change: Talking Points

    The midterm elections are just around the corner, and many Americans are beginning to have political discussions with their friends and families, colleagues, and communities. Amongst a myriad of voting concerns is climate change. And, even though it might not be many Americans’ top concern, it is high concern nonetheless. A majority of Americans are concerned about…

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  • World Communion Sunday and the Eco-Challenge

    World Communion Sunday and the Eco-Challenge

    Bonjour! Salaam! Habari, bwana! Habari, bibi! Annyong! Buenos días! Malo e tau ma’u ‘a e ‘aho’ ni! Those are words of greeting and invitation. That is how you say “Hello” in French, Arabic, Swahili, Korean, Spanish, and Tongan. For years I have used those words to invite folks to the Lord’s Table on World Communion Sunday.…

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  • Climate as a Voting Issue, Part 1: September American Climate Perspectives Survey

    Climate as a Voting Issue, Part 1: September American Climate Perspectives Survey

    This election season has been filled with reports showing the widening partisan divide in America. Opinion gaps are growing on topics such as poor and disadvantaged communities, the size of government, corporations, military, immigration or other key social issues. Climate change has been no stranger to partisanship. So, how does the topic of climate change…

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  • Green Chalice Invites You to Take the Eco-Challenge!

    Green Chalice Invites You to Take the Eco-Challenge!

    Are you looking for a way to continue the work you start in the Season of Creation? Join the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in their Green Chalice 21-Day Eco-Challenge 2018 – Register now! In his book Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard, Chip Heath suggests that people who are seeking change…

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  • Closing the ‘Ambition Gap’

    Closing the ‘Ambition Gap’

    Last month, United Methodists from across our church gathered in St. Paul, Minnesota to strategize about how we might close our own “ambition gap” between what we say (our official United Methodist Church positions) and what we do in response to the crisis facing God’s creation. We were asked to reflect on the following question:…

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  • Children under Environmental Threat from Administration

    Children under Environmental Threat from Administration

    As my daughters begin school this week, I find myself in a state of agonized worry. It is not about how both will fare as a result of switching schools. It is not about whether they will make friends or have nice teachers. It is about the health of their lungs and the quality of…

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  • Faith, Climate Action, and the Season of Creation: September 1 – October 4

    Faith, Climate Action, and the Season of Creation: September 1 – October 4

    If you are a faith leader, please talk to your congregation about the link between your faith and climate change. If you are a Christian leader please participate in the upcoming Season of Creation. If you’re wondering why, read on. Recently, sitting on the steps in front of my church, I told a friend that…

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  • Are Americans Connecting Severe Weather to Climate Change?

    Are Americans Connecting Severe Weather to Climate Change?

    Download full report Throughout the country, Americans are noticing something different about the weather. The seasons feel warmer, wildfires seem worse, and floods and hurricanes are more severe. But when they turn on the news or pick up their newspapers, there is little mention of climate change. There is talk of more intense wildfires coupled…

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  • The Earth is our Mosque

    The Earth is our Mosque

    A few weeks ago, award-winning filmmaker Mawish Raza and I made the unlikely journey to Houston in the middle of July to make a film about climate change and the Muslim community. Everyone knows that Houston is hot and humid, but our time there included temperatures rising to 105 degrees. Some of our camera equipment…

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  • Serve. Guard. Protect.

    Serve. Guard. Protect.

    The very first command addressed to humanity in the entire Bible is to “be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion . . .” (Gen 1:28). This always felt very authoritarian. No room for compassion, dignity, or respect. We see humankind displaying this type of dominion when it comes…

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