
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Apply for the Adamah Climate Action Fund!

    So much feels out of our control, like rising temperatures. According to NASA, the summer of 2023 was the hottest on record for our planet and just recently (July 22, 2024) the globe reached the hottest daily temperature ever measured (and may even have been surpassed by the time this is published)…

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  • Climate, Water, and Justice

    Climate, Water, and Justice

    In the Gospel reading for the second Sunday of Advent, Christians are confronted by the figure of Zechariah, who became mute when he was informed that his elderly wife was to give birth to a son. When Zechariah gets his voice back after 9 long months of being unable to speak, he delivers a powerful…

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  • Climate Change is Making Headlines: How to Talk About it

    Climate Change is Making Headlines: How to Talk About it

    Starting meaningful conversations about climate change with our friends, neighbors, colleagues, and policymakers has been a challenge in the past. How do you bring up the topic? How do you have a productive discussion? Recent headlines about reports from the IPCC, NCA4, WHO, the Lancet reports, and other precursors to COP24, give us an opening…

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  • Serving Up Climate Conversations for Thanksgiving

    Serving Up Climate Conversations for Thanksgiving

    It’s that time of year again. Pumpkins are being carved, meals are being prepared, and most importantly, families are gathering. Thanksgiving is a time to catch up with loved ones, feast, and be thankful.

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  • Climate change is a Jewish emergency you should be talking about

    Climate change is a Jewish emergency you should be talking about

    This post originally appeared on October 26 in The Times of Israel. At a conference last week, a Jewish leader asked my spouse, “Is your wife still working on climate change?” My spouse answered, “Of course.” The Jewish leader responded, “But isn’t it too late?” Let’s get right to the point: No, it’s not too…

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  • 72% of Americans Say Climate Solutions Should be a Higher Priority

    72% of Americans Say Climate Solutions Should be a Higher Priority

    Last month, the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released their special report outlining the consequence of a changing climate, and the measures necessary to avert the most dangerous scenarios. The report is a collaborative effort of 91 authors, more than 150 contributors, and includes over 42,000 expert and government comments. It represents the most…

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  • Announcing The Blessed Tomorrow Carbon Offset Program

    Announcing The Blessed Tomorrow Carbon Offset Program

    America’s faith communities want to care for God’s creation and are ready to act on climate solutions. They are increasingly having conversations about climate within their congregations, and there is a robust trust in faith leaders as a source for information about a warming world. But faith leaders recognize that talking about climate solutions alone…

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    October is traditionally celebrated as children’s health month. This is a time to bring attention to health issues unique to children as they grow, and work to improve the environments they’re growing in, to make them safer and healthier. It takes a village: family, neighbors, teachers, clinicians, and policymakers are all responsible for ensuring a bright…

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  • Climate Change: The Evidence and Consequence for the African American Community

    Climate Change: The Evidence and Consequence for the African American Community

    “The era of procrastination, of half measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays is coming to its close.”  Winston Churchill, 1936 The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, (IPCC), projects a possible global temperature rise of up to six degrees by 2100, with its best estimate, a 4.5 degree Celsius rise during this century. Long-term changes…

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  • Climate Report Depression and Effective Climate Therapy

    Climate Report Depression and Effective Climate Therapy

    For many, the release of a new report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change may have been cause to seek what I call climate therapy—anything that might brace one’s spirits in the face of climate realities that are known to induce an array of responses ranging from despair and anger to denial and fear.…

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  • Urgency of Action

    Urgency of Action

    The earth is the LORD’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it; (Psalm 24:1) “The world in which we live is a rich tapestry of intersecting, linking elements. The ecosystems, the flora and the fauna, the people and creatures of the earth are all woven together to create…

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  • Climate as a Voting Issue, Part 2: October American Climate Perspectives Survey

    Climate as a Voting Issue, Part 2: October American Climate Perspectives Survey

    A Majority of Americans Would Vote For A Climate Candidate. With elections just around the corner, and recent news coverage about politicians talking about climate change, Americans are beginning to think about the candidates and issues they will have the opportunity to vote on this November. Part of the mix of concerns will be the impacts of…

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