Moving Forward Guide

As people of faith, we desire to serve God and our neighbors, to pursue peace in our communities, and to work toward a just society. Now our callings have an added urgency. Changes to our climate reach into communities across the United States and around the world. These changes touch us all, especially impacting the most vulnerable among us. That is why climate change is often called the greatest moral imperative of our time.

If we are called to support the most vulnerable, to work for justice, and to care for creation, then we are called to respond to climate change. The solutions are within reach, and Blessed Tomorrow is here to help.

Our Moving Forward: A Guide to Climate Action For Your Congregation and Community provides you with information and resources to reduce energy use, to build resilient houses of worship as refuges from a changing climate, and to encourage support for policies that better care for creation. También disponible en español. 

Join millions of faithful people across the Earth who are already leading on climate change. Become a part of the movement to heal the world and protect future generations.

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