
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Voting as an Act of Faith

    Voting as an Act of Faith

    Climate is on the ballot for every election, including the November 8, 2022 election. These 2022 midterms can make or break our future to live in a safe and healthy world. One of the most important things that we can do to solve the climate crisis is to vote for candidates who want to protect,…

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  • Sometimes “Buongiorno!” in the forest supports mental health

    Sometimes “Buongiorno!” in the forest supports mental health

    I often try to regularly face climate suffering with honesty and truth, but only in sips between generous helpings of gratitude and curiosity. I guess I was out of practice dancing with the shadows and light- with grief and gratitude. The forest helped and so do resources from Blessed Tomorrow.

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  • Season of Creation

    Season of Creation

    As a pastor, I very much enjoyed honoring and celebrating creation for a month each fall. Besides being a lot of fun, focusing on creation for more than one Sunday helped me learn to see Scripture through a creation lens and weave it in worship all the time. In the month of September, the Season of…

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  • Major Jewish Organizations Form Coalition To Act On Climate Crisis

    Major Jewish Organizations Form Coalition To Act On Climate Crisis

    n a first-of-its-kind mobilization, 20 major Jewish organizations have recently announced the formation of the Jewish Climate Leadership Coalition, which brings together Jewish community leaders and organizations who recognize the existential threat and moral urgency of climate change and commit to taking action. Hallelujah!

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  • Environmental Justice: Youth Taking Action

    Environmental Justice: Youth Taking Action

    Environmental injustice looks different in different locations. Injustice impacts community members’ mental, physical, and spiritual health. In this episode of Let’s Talk Climate, Cesar, Will and Zavia share what injustice looks like in their communities. We learn what it is like to attend a school that has practice drills in order to be ready in…

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  • Kentucky Flooding and Climate Change

    Kentucky Flooding and Climate Change

    There is no issue more important than climate change and I want to do all I can to be part of the solutions. I bring to this position a lifelong passion for creation care, 14 years of experience as a pastor, a commitment and history of interfaith work, founding and leading a climate and faith…

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  • Environmental Justice: Science and Theology

    Environmental Justice: Science and Theology

    There is no issue more important than climate change and I want to do all I can to be part of the solutions. I bring to this position a lifelong passion for creation care, 14 years of experience as a pastor, a commitment and history of interfaith work, founding and leading a climate and faith…

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  • Clergy Bridging the Gap

    Clergy Bridging the Gap

    There is no issue more important than climate change and I want to do all I can to be part of the solutions. I bring to this position a lifelong passion for creation care, 14 years of experience as a pastor, a commitment and history of interfaith work, founding and leading a climate and faith…

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  • Environmental Justice: An Advocate’s Triumph

    Environmental Justice: An Advocate’s Triumph

    There is no issue more important than climate change and I want to do all I can to be part of the solutions. I bring to this position a lifelong passion for creation care, 14 years of experience as a pastor, a commitment and history of interfaith work, founding and leading a climate and faith…

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  • Juneteenth and Climate Justice

    Juneteenth and Climate Justice

    There is no issue more important than climate change and I want to do all I can to be part of the solutions. I bring to this position a lifelong passion for creation care, 14 years of experience as a pastor, a commitment and history of interfaith work, founding and leading a climate and faith…

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  • Uniquely Equipped

    Uniquely Equipped

    There is no issue more important than climate change and I want to do all I can to be part of the solutions. I bring to this position a lifelong passion for creation care, 14 years of experience as a pastor, a commitment and history of interfaith work, founding and leading a climate and faith…

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