
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Apply for the Adamah Climate Action Fund!

    So much feels out of our control, like rising temperatures. According to NASA, the summer of 2023 was the hottest on record for our planet and just recently (July 22, 2024) the globe reached the hottest daily temperature ever measured (and may even have been surpassed by the time this is published)…

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  • How Are Faith Leaders Turning COP21 Promises Into Action?

    How Are Faith Leaders Turning COP21 Promises Into Action?

    There were mixed emotions after the Paris agreement with many people of faith trying to determine what exactly an 'agreement' meant for the climate. It was, however, the largest showing of world leaders ever with delegates working day and night to find solutions to the world's biggest issue. EcoAmerica's Vice President of Development, Peggy Knudson,…

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  • What’s Carbon Pricing and Why Should Faith Leaders Care About It?

    What’s Carbon Pricing and Why Should Faith Leaders Care About It?

    Carbon emissions resulting from the burning of fossil fuels is still the largest contributor to climate change around the world. Implementing fair carbon pricing will ensure that fossil fuel companies are held responsible for the impact they have on the climate, counter to the current situation in which fossil fuel companies are permitted to emit…

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  • Catholic Climate Ambassadors Discuss Laudato Si in New York

    Catholic Climate Ambassadors Discuss Laudato Si in New York

    Over the weekend (March 5th), Blessed Tomorrow's partner, Catholic Climate Covenant, joined six Catholic climate ambassadors at Paul Smith's College to discuss the "Climate Change as a Moral Issue," and other teaching gleaned from the Pope Francis' Encyclical Laudato Si. Blessed Tomorrow Leader and executive director of the Catholic Climate Covenant, Daniel Misleh, led the…

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  • North Carolina IPL Hosts Katharine Hayhoe to Discuss the Future of Energy in Charlotte

    North Carolina IPL Hosts Katharine Hayhoe to Discuss the Future of Energy in Charlotte

    Katharine Hayhoe remains a prominent voice in the climate and creation care conversation. Her prolific work as a climate scientist enables her to not only lead on solutions but to educate people about climate change in a way that is digestible and comprehensible for the everyday person. Any given week, you may find her speaking…

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  • Global Day of Prayer for Climate Action

    Global Day of Prayer for Climate Action

    April 5, 2016, will be a Day of Prayer for Climate Action designed to bring Christian communities together in their collective effort to find climate solutions around the world. Many of Blessed Tomorrow's partners and leadership circle will be participating the event with four key goals in mind. To facilitate a truly global prayer effort…

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  • Why Faith Leaders Are Not ‘Joining the Environmental Movement’

    Why Faith Leaders Are Not ‘Joining the Environmental Movement’

    Pope Inspires Clergy to Join Environmental Movement came to my inbox recently as one in a list of articles on faith leadership on climate and environmental issues. I agree with the article that Pope Francis’ leadership on climate, creation care, and justice has raised important awareness of these issues, especially how they are integrated. With…

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  • New York Ignores Supreme Court Stall, Moves Forward on Climate Leadership

    New York Ignores Supreme Court Stall, Moves Forward on Climate Leadership

    New York has increased its use of renewables faster than many states in the U.S., efforts which have launched the eastern region to the top of climate contributions following COP21. Cutting dependency on fossil fuels and adopting renewable energy practices such as wind and solar, New York is becoming a beacon of climate leadership. These…

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  • Jewish and Catholic Leaders Meet to Discuss Shared Climate Values

    Jewish and Catholic Leaders Meet to Discuss Shared Climate Values

    Jewish and Catholic leaders convened last week to highlight their shared values on caring for creation. While the meeting was to discuss the various ways the two religious bodies were similar, it maintained a celebration of their uniqueness.  In some instances, interfaith works are misunderstood as a compromise of views to accommodate others involved. This…

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  • Faith Leaders Initiate Gorundbreaking Ecumencial Creation Care Collaboration

    Faith Leaders Initiate Gorundbreaking Ecumencial Creation Care Collaboration

    In many ways, climate change has become the great unifier of faiths. Bridging gaps and rekindling old friendships, this paramount moral issue has fostered ecumenical collaborations enabling faith leaders to guide America toward long-lasting climate resolutions.  Breaking new ground, Rev. Dr. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas will begin serving both the Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts and the…

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  • Mary Evelyn Tucker is a Continual Source of Inspiring Climate Leadership

    Mary Evelyn Tucker is a Continual Source of Inspiring Climate Leadership

    Mary Evelyn Tucker directs the Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale University and has been a valued leader at Blessed Tomorrow for many years. Her prolific work as a climate leader, author, and educator has offered groundbreaking initiatives in aligning people of faith with their call to care for creation.  Along with her husband,…

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  • Theologians, Ethicists, Economists and Scientists Convene to Discuss Laudato Si

    Theologians, Ethicists, Economists and Scientists Convene to Discuss Laudato Si

    2015 was a big year for climate solutions but have you ever wondered how the various successes of climate action are connected. Look no further because The University of Dayton is hosting, Everything is Connected: Teaching Pope Francis' "Integral Ecology" conference on March 3-5, to bring together theologians, ethicists, economists and scientists. The convening will…

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