
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Apply for the Adamah Climate Action Fund!

    So much feels out of our control, like rising temperatures. According to NASA, the summer of 2023 was the hottest on record for our planet and just recently (July 22, 2024) the globe reached the hottest daily temperature ever measured (and may even have been surpassed by the time this is published)…

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  • We Need To Talk About America’s Moral Diversity

    We Need To Talk About America’s Moral Diversity

    If the 2016 elections taught us anything, it's that America is more morally diverse than we had initially imagined (and that's putting it lightly). Despite 64 percent of Americans claiming to be worried about climate change, we elected a President who called climate change a "hoax," promised to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Agreement,…

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  • We Gathered America’s Most Influential Climate Leaders: Here’s What We Found

    We Gathered America’s Most Influential Climate Leaders: Here’s What We Found

    For almost 20 years, the Milken Institute School of Public Health has provided a platform for cutting edge solutions to the world's most pressing health issues. With climate change impacting the welfare of all Americans, it seemed only suiting to host ecoAmerica's American Climate Leadership Summit at their beautiful Georgetown University location. On September 14th…

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  • What A Deadly Chicago Heatwave Taught Us About Community-Building Climate Resilience

    What A Deadly Chicago Heatwave Taught Us About Community-Building Climate Resilience

    Chicago is a vibrant city, electrified by its beautifully diverse population of almost three million residents. Its rich history is palpable with institutions and families spanning generations in this lakeside metropolis – one you've probably visited on vacation, for work, or to catch a Cubs game at historic Wrigley Field. But for those that call…

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  • Innovative Climate Media Makes Room For Faith

    Innovative Climate Media Makes Room For Faith

    Climate communications are an ever evolving myriad of mediums and expressions. From major productions like the new film Before the Flood to distribution tools on social media, the way we talk about climate is changing not only in language but also the methods with which we deliver it. These methods have increasingly welcomed people of faith,…

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  • Climate Progress: Why Moving Faster Than Nature Can Be a Good Thing

    Climate Progress: Why Moving Faster Than Nature Can Be a Good Thing

    While at the beach last August, I read Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring. While my husband wasn’t sure that this qualified as vacation reading, I enjoyed a number of her other works there (especially The Sea Around Us), and hadn’t yet read her seminal work, so it seemed like a good time.  Some credit Silent Spring…

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  • Loving Our Neighbors, Loving God’s Creation

    Loving Our Neighbors, Loving God’s Creation

    In today’s highly polarized world, and especially in this emotionally charged political season, it’s easy to break into separate camps, to lump people as “us” and “them.”  As a Christian, I believe that all people are created in God’s image. Likewise, I believe the Earth, and all that is in it, belongs to God. For…

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  • The Historical Value(s) Of A Faith Facility’s Solar Panels

    The Historical Value(s) Of A Faith Facility’s Solar Panels

    A faith facility is more than a place for congregational worship. Whether it’s a single room in Virginia or a megachurch in California, religious sanctuaries are an outward expression of a community’s faith, values, and purpose. But how that’s been accomplished throughout history hasn’t always been the same. When Roman Emperor Constantine I legalized Christianity…

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  • Can Renewable Energy Break America’s Silence On Climate Change?

    Can Renewable Energy Break America’s Silence On Climate Change?

    You might not recall the last time a presidential candidate was asked about climate change during a general election debate. That’s because in eight years of political sparring matches the issue has only received 82 seconds of debate time, prior to the second Clinton/Trump Debate. In sixteen years (five election cycles), climate change has received…

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  • 10 Takeaways From ecoAmerica’s 2016 American Climate Leadership Summit

    10 Takeaways From ecoAmerica’s 2016 American Climate Leadership Summit

    America is at a crossroads in forging climate solutions. The rise of evidence through impacts, our push toward renewable energies, and multi-national agreements have propelled the fight for climate to new heights. Coalesced leadership across sectors is proof that the issue of climate change transcends boundaries, both in its impact and the solutions we create…

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  • Of Climatology: Climate Communicating In A Post-Truth America

    Of Climatology: Climate Communicating In A Post-Truth America

    We know that climate change is happening; we know that humans are causing it, and we know that we must find solutions quickly. These indisputable facts have somehow become disputable in a post-truth America as climate skepticism rises faster than the sea level that threatens us. Unfounded “opinions” have become normative, and statements that lack…

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  • Remembering Zusha On Yom Kippur: Climate Leadership In The Jewish High Holidays

    Remembering Zusha On Yom Kippur: Climate Leadership In The Jewish High Holidays

    September 25th, 2016 marks the one-year anniversary of Blessed Tomorrow’s Coming Together in Faith on Climate. Aligned with Pope Francis’ historic visit to the U.S., faith leaders from across the United States convened at Washington National Cathedral to coalesce their moral call to climate action. The event was a proverbial who's who of American faith and…

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