Mosques Encouraged to Go Green

Members posing for a picture outside a food drive.
Members of Milwaukee Islamic Dawah Center, a finalist of the ISNA 2024 Green Masjid Award. Photo by Milwaukee Islamic Dawah Center.

God has appointed humanity as trustees of Earth. Unfortunately, humanity’s increasing footprint is causing unprecedented resource depletion and environmental degradation. Our fossil fuel consumption is rising, while the planet’s forests, pastures, farmland, fisheries and water systems are dwindling. Sea levels and global temperatures are also rising, and climate change has become one of the largest threats to our existence.

This year, seven US mosques/Islamic centers submitted their efforts for the Islamic Society of North America’s (ISNA) 2024 Green Masjid Award. Each of them has a Green Committee, delivers khutbas on environmental issues, and has initiated similar measures over the years.

The seven finalists of the ISNA 2024 Green Masjid Award:

  • Masjid At-Thohir (Los Angeles)
  • The Milwaukee Islamic Dawah Center
  • Masjid Al-Qur’an (Milwaukee)
  • The Islamic Community Center of Potomac (Maryland)
  • The Roswell Community Masjid (Georgia)
  • The Islamic Center of Evansville (Indiana)
  • The Muslim Community Center of Chicago

The ISNA Green Initiative Team goal is for mosques and Islamic centers to educate the community about our impact and responsibility so that it might become eco-friendly, an oasis of sustainability safeguarding the natural balance.

These seven congregations are role models of committed and concerned individuals working hard to reduce their respective carbon and ecological footprints via upholding the trust given to humanity by God. The ISNA Green Initiative Team thanks all of them for participating and hopes they can strengthen their efforts in this regard. We encourage all others to follow suit by accessing and getting involved.

Read the complete article in Islamic Horizons.

All Faith Communities and Individuals are invited to join Muslims around the US in One Home One Future for the resources and support to lead on climate and care for the environment in local communities. Join Today.

About the Author:
Islamic Horizons, Magazine of the Islamic Society of North America, Partner of Blessed Tomorrow and One Home One Future.

Additional Resources:

Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024

Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students

Join the Campaign: One Home One Future

Mental Health and Our Changing Climate: Children and Youth Report 2023

Blessed Tomorrow Resources

Blessed Tomorrow – Ambassador Training

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